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Math Education

  1. A must site for teachers
  2. MegaMathematics K-12 fun room
  3. Links to math education
  4. Links to great math topics
  5. Ineractive mathematics
  6. Math world interactive
  7. Math education resources
  8. Math tutor K-12
  9. Links to math education
  10. Cool math for kids
  11. Interactive geometry with planes
  12. Virtual Polyhedra
  13. Education math software
  14. Parents and mathematics
  15. Math competitions
  16. Math help
  17. Making math fun in your school
  18. Math lessons database
  19. National council of math teachers
  20. Links for math teachers
  21. MegaMathematics K-12 fun room
  22. Digital education on the net
Computers and Mathematics

  1. Waterloo Maple software
  2. Symbolic computation
  3. Math software
  4. Math online
  5. AMS electronic sources
  6. Links to math and computers
  7. Interactive mathematics
  8. Digital education on the net
  9. Technology in math education
  10. Math typesetting on the internet
  11. AMS electronic resources
  12. Fractals and mathematics
  13. Space filling curve online
  14. Interactive calculus text
  15. Education math software
  16. Knot expedition
  17. Free mathematics software
  18. Special functions with Mathematica
  19. Mathematics on the internet
Problem Solving

  1. Famous problems
  2. Alphametrics
  3. Word problems for kids
  4. Online math problems
  5. Irina's problems
  6. An archive of math problems
  7. Unsolved problems
  8. Meeroh's math problems
  9. Interactive problems
  10. Math Oracle
  11. Math contests
  12. Unsolved math problems
  13. Math olympiad
  14. Ask Dr. Math
  15. Math problems
  16. Interesting math problems
  17. Solving word problems

History, Foundations, Logic

  1. History of mathematics
  2. Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms
  3. Goedel's theorem (hyper-textbook)
  4. Liar's paradox
  5. Biographies of mathematicians
  6. Greek mathematics
  7. Women in mathematics
  8. History of the computer
  9. History of math archives
  10. History and foundations of math
  11. Field's medal winners
  12. Mathematicians born today
  13. Posters of mathematicians
  14. Women in mathematics
  15. Biographies of mathematicians
  16. Medals in mathematics
  17. Notable women in mathematics
Applied Mathematics

  1. Math in technology?
  2. Minnesota Research Associates
  3. Dynamics and complex variables
  4. Mathematics/Genome Project
  5. Forensic mathematics
  6. Bell Laboratories
  7. Argonne National Laboratory
  8. Field's Institute of Math Research
  9. Russian Academy of Sciences
  10. Russian Academy of Sciences
  11. Mathematical modeling
  12. Applied math made easy
  13. Applied chaos
  14. Mathematics in industry
  15. Mathematics and music
  16. The music of pi
  17. Online math applications
  18. Mathematics of blackjack
  19. Mathematics and artificial intelligence
General Math Links

  1. Math Net
  2. Math search
  3. Math organizations
  4. Cornell math gateway
  5. More math applications
  6. FSU virtual library
  7. Math archives
  8. Millions of math links
  9. Math database (search it)
  10. Catalogue of math resources
  11. Caltech guide to math resources
  12. Newspaper search for mathematics
  13. National clearinghouse for mathematics
  14. Student math news
  15. Math forum
  16. A store for math books
  17. Math education resources
Associations & Universities

  1. List of math organizations
  2. Math depts in the world
  3. Math research centers
  4. Math departments in the U.S.
  5. American Mathematical Society
  6. Math Association of America
  7. Industrial Mathematics (SIAM)
  8. American Statistical Association
  9. Center for Applied Math
  10. Puzzle University
  11. University of Maine
  12. Canadian mathematical society

  1. Jobs in mathematics
  2. The abacus
  3. Careers in mathematics
  4. Works of great mathematicians
  5. Mathematical images
  6. Math textbook publishers
  7. Fibonacci numbers
  8. Math and the humanities
  9. Virtual polyhedra
  10. Magic squares
  11. Mathematical wallpaper
  12. The sound of mathematics
  13. Equate: a math game
  14. Math quotes
  15. Einstein online
Probability & Statistics

  1. Virtual statistics laboratory
  2. What is statistics ?
  3. Statistics puzzles
  4. Statistics and basketball
  5. Statistics on the web
  6. Online Statistics Programs
  7. Interactive statistics
  8. Interactive probability
  9. Statistical database
  10. Statistical links
  11. Interactive Monte Hall problem
  12. Descriptive statistics online
  13. Brother! statistical jokes!
  14. Statistics for everyone
  15. Schools in statistics
  16. Student data analysis contest
  17. Interactive statistics
Algebra, Number Theory

  1. Abstract algebra
  2. Continued fractions
  3. Prime number research
  4. Fun with numbers
  5. Galois theory
  6. Free computer algebra system
  7. Fermat's last theorem
  8. The Erdos number project
  9. The Riemann hypothesis
  10. History of group theory
  11. Numbers and recreation
  12. Multiprecision calculator
  13. Constants in number theory
  14. Unsolved problems
  15. Information on number theory
  16. Listening to prime numbers
  17. History of prime numbers
  18. Abstract algebra with Mathematica
  19. Algebraic number theory
Geometry, Topology

  1. Geometry and topology examples
  2. Applications of Geometry
  3. Oswald Veblen
  4. Euler's formula
  5. Four color problem
  6. Non Euclidean geometry
  7. Online geometry
  8. Interactive geometry
  9. Minnesota geometry center
  10. Fractal geometry
  11. Visualizing knots
  12. Topology atlas
  13. Sacred geometry discovery
  14. Isohedral tilings
  15. Geometry and geneology
Univ of Maine Math Courses

  1. General Service Courses
  2. Analysis
  3. Statistics
  4. Logic, Foundations, History
  5. Applied Math, Operations Research
  6. Algebra, Number Theory
  7. Geometry, Topology
  8. Mathematics Education
  9. Technical Mathematics for Engineering
Finite Math

  1. Linear Programming/Software
  2. Nice Shareware LP Program
Differential Equations

  1. Simulation of Duffing's Equation
  2. Differential Equation Links
  3. Differential Equation Chat Room
  4. Differential Equations with Maple
  5. Chaos

Dippy and the boys

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Last modified on Wednesday, April 21, 1999