New 1999-2000 Maine Math Talent Search!
There is a NEW MMSETS webpage at New MMSETS page
We still have this old 1999-2000 webpage up since it has many good problems.
Welcome to the new 1999-2000 Maine Math and Science Talent Search (MMSETS). In case you did not take part in the program last year, it is a program run by members of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Maine at Orono. Its purpose is to stimulate problem solving among Maine high school students as well as to identify mathematical talent within the state of Maine. The program is very simple. Every month ten challenging problems (typical problem) are posted at this web site and any Maine high school student can attempt to solve as many problems as he or she wishes. Answers are then send to the Math department by the end of the month. Correct and ingenious solutions are identified and outstanding students are singled out. Each student's accumulative score is posted at this web site every month and winners announced at the end of the school year.
If you are not from Maine, feel free to solve as many problems as you wish or just relax in our home room, listen to the music, or go to our math chat room and talk about mathematics and science. If you wish, you can look at last year's problems and solutions to get an idea of the types of problems you will be asked to solve. Last year we had 800 students involved in the program.
MMSETS is a copyrighted trademark of Professor Eva Szillery who started and cultivated the program for the betterment of Maine students. For more information, contact Professor Eva Szillery at the following address.
- Professor Eva Szillery
- Department of Mathematics
- University of Maine
- Orono, ME 04469
To see the top 30 students for 1999-2000 click on

The Maine, Science and Engineering Talent Search would like to thank the following sponsors.
- University Credit Union
Orono, ME 04469-5779
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