Welcome to my page.  My name is Karla and I am 26 years old.  I recently graduated from the University of Idaho with a B.S. in Anthropology and Sociology.  I just returned to Idaho from Maine where I was working on my M.A. in History with an emphsis in Historical Archaeology at the University of Maine.  I am currently working for the Forest Service as seasonal Archaeologist.  Ain't it nice to get paid to do what you love.  :)
These are a bunch of pictures of friends and family!!
Some pics of my family (1980 - Present)
Some pics of me and my friends (1996 -1998)
Some pics of the plays I have been in (1997 -1998)
Some pics of my college years (1998 - 2003)
Write to me @:
Some cool links
This is the University of Idaho homepage
This is my hometown.  The U of I is also located here.
Hey everyone I hate to be a downer, but this is really important and serious.  This is my friend Wil Hendrick and he was missing from Saturday January 9, 1999 to November, 2002; they found Wil's body outside of Moscow.  However, they are still no closer to finding his murderer.  If you know anything call Detective Womack at the Moscow Police Department at (208) 882-5551.