My husband's and my latest pictures scanned by Lotus. He still owes me those pictures back. Damn him.
Holy crap is this out of date. Like, another addition to the family out of date. I should update more often. Like....once a year. HAHAHAHAH! Right. Ok. This is the update for the year. Let's hope I do it again next year. :D(4/30/04)
"Wise men learn from fools sooner than fools learn from wise men." © 1997,, any of these will do, but I mostly look in Hotmail :)
Some stuff about me:
Lalala, there's no real point to updating this part, since it'll be way out of date before i get around to re-updating it, So i'm not gonna do it! But, in short, I had the baby, she's adorable, and her pics can be seen on her daddy's page. Other stuff happened too, but it'd take too long to get into it, if you really really care, drop me an email, and i'll get back to you, before this new millenium is out.
Heh, I lied! I update again, to post this button. Clicky to donate to help me get my cat to the vet. I think she has some urinary infection, or something. Nothing dangerous yet, but meh. She's been peeing on everything. Click if you care and have money, email if you care and are broke. Don't feel bad if you can't.
Here, have a link or 6, just GO!
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