My Native is Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. My schooling was done in Ootly, at St. Georges Homes, Ketti. From there went to Chennai to do my higher secondary at Vana Vani, IIT, Chennai. Then got a seat in BITS, Pilani, for MVS (Footwear Technology). Stayed at Chennai, and done my graduation there.
After completeing the basic 17 years of education, I was determined to make my career in Computers. I joined SRM, systems and Software, as a trainee, and came out as an executive-systems on April 2000. I then shifted to Hyderabad, to join SeraNova, as a programmer. Now, presently residing at Erragada with my mom.
Detailed Profile:
Education Qualifications. | Experience and Skills. | Projects Details. | Personal Details. |
Mr.Nutan Prakash has more than five years of experience in developing Internet & Client/Server Applications using Web Technologies basically, Java Related Technologies, including 2 years of experience in leading a team. With sound knowledge in OOPs concept and Java programming fundamentals. Exposed to server side technologies in Java like Servlets, JSP, Vignette and ASP. Being constantly exposed to Client Side programming, using JavaScript, HTML, DHTML and CSS. And has knowledge on distributed object computing like RMI and CORBA.
Virtusa (INDIA). Pvt. Ltd., (Dec 2000 - till Date)
Working as Technical Lead.
Intelligroup Asia. Pvt. Ltd., (SeraNova DIV) Hyderabad
(April 2000 - Dec 2000)Worked as a programmer.
SRM Systems and Software, Chennai (May '99 - April 2000)
Worked as an Executive Systems for developing web-based applications and client Server based technologies.
![]() ![]() |
Passed the "Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer Exam" with 83%. |
RDBMS: MS-SQL Server 6.5 and MS-ACCESS
Languages: C, C++.
Client Side Scripting: JavaScript, VBScript
Markup languages: HTML, DHTML, XML, and CSS.
DBMS: FoxPro 5.0
Front Ends / Tools: Visual Studio 6.0 (Visual C++, Interdev)
Multi User O/S: Solaris, Linux, Windows-NT and Windows 9x
Single User O/S: Windows-95, Dos 6.22
Web Servers: JavaWebServer 2.0, IIS, PWS, Vignette StoryServer 5.0
PROJECT-1: | (Organization: eRunway India Pvt. Ltd.) |
PROJECT NAME: | Storage Networks Inc. (Virtual Storage Portal - VSP) |
PROJECT DURATION: | January 2001 - Till Date |
TEAM SIZE: | 11 |
ROLE: | Developer (Team Member) |
S/W: |
(RMI & JNI), C++, Oracle, ASP, HTML, JavaScript, DHTML. |
PLATFORM: | Solaris, Windows NT |
Networks Inc. is the first company to focus solely on providing data storage as
a Storage Services Provider (SSP). Storage Networks, Inc., is creating the first
Global Data Storage Network (GDSN) allowing its customers to connect their
computer systems, or simply "plug in", to store and access their data.
StorageNetworks delivers a family of data storage services known as PACS:
Protection, Availability, Continuity, Scalability and Security. These services
let customers remotely store and access critical information more easily,
reliably and efficiently than ever before, with the highest levels of security
and availability. StorageNetworks helps fast-growing organizations quickly and
easily access virtually unlimited data storage capacity and capabilities,
Software enables a customer to monitor their managed storage services from a web
browser through the Internet. VSP software combines storage, networking and
storage management within a single application.
Please visit
for more details on VSP. The front end is done using ASP. Third party tools like
ChartFX, ASPCalendar, ASPDb and JIntegra are used to produce high quality
graphics and charts. An Oracle Database is used as the backend. This database
has to be updated with the latest information from various centers or devices
situated elsewhere. RMI is used to communicate between Java Agents (near the
devices) and Java Managers (on the VSP Server). Java Agents use JNI to call
C/C++ modules to get low-level device information from the devices. This
information is passed on to the Java Manager through RMI, which then stores this
into the Oracle Database. Third party tools like JIRO and Voyager are used here.
PROJECT-2: | (Organization: eRunway India Pvt. Ltd.) |
PROJECT NAME: | Resource Management System (RMS). |
PROJECT DURATION: | December 2000 – January 2001 |
TEAM SIZE: | 7 |
ROLE: | Developer (Team Member) |
S/W: |
5.0, JRun 3.0, JSP, MS Access, JavaScript, DHTML. |
PLATFORM: | Windows 2000 |
The Resource Management System is a information portal used by the various departments in the organization to keep track of resources’ information, thus helping them in activities like resource allocation, weekly reports, etc. The Resource Management System is for Internal use only. The target client browser is IE 5.0 and above. The system follows a 3-tier architecture. The representation is taken care by the JSP and the business logic is embedded either into a servlet/bean or an EJB. The system makes use of client side components like, tree structure navigation and popup date selector.
PROJECT-3: | (Organization: Seranova India) |
PROJECT NAME: | Standard Implementation FrameWork – Security (SIF Rel 6.0) |
PROJECT DURATION: | November 2000 – December 2000 (Rel 6.0) |
TEAM SIZE: | 11 |
ROLE: | Developer (Team Member) |
S/W: | Vignette Story Server (5.0), Sybase 11.5., Java, TCL, XML, Cryptix 3.0, JavaScript, DHTML. |
PLATFORM: | Windows 95 & Windows NT 4.0 |
Standard Implementation Framework (SIF) is a content management Tool developed for one of the top 10 fortune 500 companies. This is the 5th release, which provides the designer, to create his own Page Design/Layout. This, results in more number of templates, which will be added to the list of available Page and Component Layouts, from which the user can use, while creating his Web Page. This release, consists of creating a Page and Component Layout Generation System, in Java, where the user can create Layouts visually. The Applet creates the appropriate XML, which will be used on the CDA and CMA side.
PROJECT-4: | (Organization: Seranova India) |
PROJECT NAME: | Layout Generator System (SIF Rel 5.0) |
PROJECT DURATION: | June 2000 November 2000 (Rel 5.0) |
TEAM SIZE: | 17 |
ROLE: | Coding and Unit Testing |
S/W: | Vignette Story Server (5.0), Sybase 11.5., Java, TCL, XML, JavaScript, DHTML. |
PLATFORM: | Windows 95 & Windows NT 4.0 |
Standard Implementation Framework (SIF) is a content management Tool developed for one of the top 10 fortune 500 companies. This is the 5th release, which provides the designer, to create his own Page Design/Layout. This, results in more number of templates, which will be added to the list of available Page and Component Layouts, from which the user can use, while creating his Web Page. This release, consists of creating a Page and Component Layout Generation System, in Java, where the user can create Layouts visually. The Applet creates the appropriate XML, which will be used on the CDA and CMA side.
PROJECT-5: | (Organization: Seranova India) |
PROJECT DURATION: | April 2000 June 2000 (Rel 4.0) |
TEAM SIZE: | 10 |
ROLE: | Coding and Unit Testing |
S/W: | IIS 4.0,sybase 11.5. STORY SERVER (5.0), TCL, XML. |
PLATFORM: | Windows 95 & Windows NT 4.0 |
Standard Implementation Framework (SIF) is a content management Tool developed for one of the top 10 fortune 500 companies. The tool provides the option of creating different users. These users in turn will create Web Pages, with some set of privileges by which they are allowed to. Pages are readymade templates which contain Components like "Global Nav Bar", " Right Cross Cell" etc. Each Component will contain items like textbox, list items, etc. The user is provided with an option of entering data into the corresponding items. The Page goes through some users for review and approval, called the workflow. The page is launched or made live by the Site-Wide Admin. This tool, does not require the end-user to have ANY knowledge in html, and is very user friendly. This, tool, makes use of the Vignette utilities, to provide uniform look and feel, Personalization and ease of use.
PROJECT-6: | (Organization: SRM Systems and Software, Chennai.) |
PROJECT NAME: | PROJECT NAME: Online Examination. |
PROJECT DURATION: | Sep 99 Dec 99 |
TEAM SIZE: | 6 |
ROLE: | Coding, Testing, Deploying. |
S/W: | Java Web Server 2.0, JDK 2.0, MS-ACCESS |
PLATFORM: | Windows NT 4.0 |
PROJECT-7: | (Organization: CLRI, Chennai.) |
PROJECT NAME: | Skin Graph for Leather Consumption of Goods. |
TEAM SIZE: | 4 |
ROLE: | Design, Coding and Implementation. |
S/W: | VC++, MFC |
PLATFORM: | Windows 95 |
PROJECT-8: | (Organization: CLRI, Chennai and UNIDO.) |
PROJECT NAME: | Foot Measurement Survey & Parametric Last Modelling. |
PROJECT DURATION: | Aug 98 April 99 |
TEAM SIZE: | 2 |
ROLE: | Design, Coding and Implementation. |
S/W: | JDK 1.2, MS-ACCESS |
PLATFORM: | Windows 95 |
Age: | 23 Years [ Born on 1st June 1977 ] |
Passport No.: | B 036734 99 |
Fathers Name: | Late Pagadala Hanumantha Rao |
Present residing Address: | House.No: 9-93, Pandu Ranga Nagar Colony, Erragada, Hyderabad. (A.P.) India. PIN : 500 018. |
Permanent Address: | Door.No: 26-2-9, Desebhaktha Road, Ist Line, Nagarempalem, Guntur. (A.P.) India. PIN : 522 004. |
Languages Known: | English, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil |
Interests: | Computers, Reading, Chess and Surfing the Internet! |
Note: This site needs a lot of improvement and development. This is possible only through your valuable suggestions and comments. Please e-mail me regarding the same.