My life has undergone some changes since the latest update of this site. So, stick around for the updated version of this site which will (hopefully) be available soon. By the way, thanks for your visit :)
To check some of my fresh USA photos go to MY USA PHOTOS PAGE .

This site is intended to provide information about me and the things that are of concern to me, and is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer at a screen resolution of 1024*768.

Links to other sections of my site are located on the contents frame (left).

About Me page includes personal information.

As for the photo album, I've got good news:
My updated Photo Album is finally ready! I know that many friends of mine, whom I got to know abroad (in Egypt and Germany), have been waiting for these images for a long time. So, here you are! Check out my Photo Album and please don't forget me!

Using my ICQ pager, you can send me short messages. Just follow the link and you'll find instructions there.

As a student proud of his university, it would be impossible not to dedicate a page to METU.
My University  page includes pictures from various parts of the campus, and general information about the university. However, this page, surely, is not enough to describe METU completely. To get more information visit METU-CWIS (the official site).

To have a  closer look on my department click here.

Barkin (my 26-year-old brother residing in Hamburg) has a web site, too. He hasn't been dealing with it for a long time, but it still worths paying a visit. Interested visitors can get there by clicking here.

Unfortunately,  our "Geology Society"  has not built up its own web site yet. However, anyone interested in geology is welcome to visit our room, which is located on the 
entrance floor of GEOE building. COME JOIN US!

Achtung! Mein Deutsch ist nicht super! :-)

Hallo! In diesem Web Site von mir koennen Sie Information ueber mir und den Sachen die mir gehoeren finden. Ich empfaehle, dass Sie mein Web Site mit Microsoft Internet Explorer um 1024*768 anzusehen.

About Me Seite ist einfach ueber persoenlichen lnformation. (Zur Zeit nur auf Englisch)

Das Sommer 99 Foto Album ist endlich fertig. Es ist erreichbar von der Photo Album Seite.

Sie koennen mir kleine Botschaften senden mit meinem ICQ pager.

Wenn Sie meine Universitaet oder meinen Fach besser kennen wollen, besuchen Sie die My University und My Department Seiten.

Mein 26 jaehrige Bruder Barkin (er studiert in Hamburg) hat auch ein Web Site. Besuchen Sie Barkin's Web Site auch.

My Summer '99 Album is now ready. Check out the images at my Summer Tour '99 section.

Click to start your journey in one of the world's most beatiful campus. (probably the best one in Turkey!)

Click to visit my page dedicated to my department.


Please do not hesitate to send any opinion regarding this site / Bitte Senden Sie mir deine Meinungen ueber diesem Web Site.
Send me an e-mail / Senden Sie mir ein E-mail