il Circolo italiano
Faculty sponsor: Antonella Olson
These pages are not part of the web site of the University of Texas at Austin.

These pages are not hosted on UT-Austin servers.

The Circolo italiano website on GeoCities is maintained and administered as a courtesy to members and friends of the Circolo italiano at the University of Texas at Austin.

The site receives no funds from the University of Texas at Austin, the College of Liberal Arts or the Department of French and Italian. No monies originating from the University of Texas at Austin, the College of Liberal Arts or the Department of French and Italian are used to maintain the site.

The University of Texas at Austin, the College of Liberal Arts and the Department of French and Italian do not fund this site nor do they support, condone, endorse, assist, approve, control, or review the site or associate themselves in any way with it.

All opinions expressed on the site are those of the the site administrator and individual contributors to the site. All information posted thereupon is supplied by the site administrator or individual contributors. None of these opinions and none of this information should be construed in any way as representing the opinions or policies of the University of Texas at Austin, the College of Liberal Arts, or the Department of French & Italian.

These entities maintain their own websites:

....The University of Texas at Austin at

....The College of Liberal Arts at

....The Department of French & Italian at

We make every effort to post accurate information on these pages; however, readers are advised that any information posted here is subject to change without notice. In no event does anyone connected with the site assume any liability resulting from any of this information, true or fanciful.

Eric Edwards
e-mail <>

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