Hi I'm Bekunostaki aka DragonEye aka GlimmerBeam!!! This Page is definately under construction!!! Whoa!!! Might take awhile too... have other pages and I'm gettin' tired of repairin' and makin' pages all the time!!! I have a page at Angelfire and linked a whole bunch of pix to it from a home page offerer by the name of Xoom...Xoom likes to crash alot...grrr...
I signed up on 10/30/97 10:09:18, I'm still movin' in as they say...Okay, I guess I have moved in and I am just constanlty renovating...Maybe by December sometime I'll change to JavaScript...I refuse to use Frames right now...they're such a pain in the butt! My other page may still be alive!!!
I like Motorbikes, Dragons, Chicks and Photography!!! Oooh!!! And makin' new languages!!! Ya might wanna watch out...I have a Kender too... *L*
Oh!!! CANADA!!! My page is about the Yukon and Canada too!!!
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! *L* All who live by "", enter the promised land...Bow down before the master...
Slacker's...HTML...A page'o'stuff about...yup!!! HTML...Vote their page as page of the whatever time-period...I'm slackin'...can't even go to the page myself to find out what they want ya to vote them for...Hehe...Soon...*EG*...I will be a master too...
So far...
blessed my page with their prescense since October 30th, 1997,(I had to reset my counter which was at 10342!!! Really!!!*EG* Honest...I ain't joshin' ya...I think?)
How many of these people are me? I do not know...*S*
Email me at bwigen@yukoncollege.yk.ca in the meantime.
Or leave a message on my other Please come back soon and visit me.
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