See this, this or this Bother! Not much here either. It's all happening below.
Meanwhile, some other people's TransFormers Fan Resource Pages are here.

Well, at some time in the not too distant future, there should be access to The TransFormers Technical Manual,

Well, to explain:
The TransFormers Technical Manual, will NOT be a transcription of their tech specs. Well, not just that anyway; no, it will be a detailed and indepth report on each TransFormer that I get around to writing an article on. I will include the tech specs, but I think I really disagree with some things so I'll be changing them. I'll put footnotes of my reasons for doing so and also links to the originals so you can compare and judge if you like. Contrary to what I think is popular belief, there were dumb things in TransFormers right from the very beginning. For example: I have noted that people refer to the decay of TransFormers with one of the newer ones having a motto of "Want to race?". While this is even dumber than Bluestreak's motto of "I never met a Decepticon I didn't dislike." his one isn't too flash either now, is it?
101 reasons the uncut TransFormers the Movie is ten minutes longer than the televised version that we know off by heart.
  1. Narrator: "There's an evil new force in the universe, a monster planet that - whoa there, hang on, I dropped my script. Just a minute while I pick it up. It's right under my desk somewhere. Hey! When did I leave this tepid coffee here? There's the script! I - OH NO!! I spilt coffee on the script!"
    FOOTSTEPS AWAY, DOOR OPENS, CLOSES Narrator: distant Hey! Get me a new script, will ya!"
  2. Optimus Prime: "Ironhide! Report to me at once!"
    Ironhide: "Hang on Prime! I've just about finished it. Give me another ten minutes ..."
  3. Megatron: "Soundwave! Play back Laserbeak's findings!"
    Laserbeak: "Oops, let me fast forward to the right spot ..."
  4. Optimus Prime: "Out of the way, Hot Rod!"
    Megatron picks up a generic TransFormer weapon (laser gun) and fires at Optimus, who staggers back.
    Megatron fires again and Optimus staggers back a bit more.
    Megatron fires again and Optimus staggers back a bit more.
    Megatron: "Fat!"--sorry typographical error,"Fall!" Megatron fires weapon.
    Optimus staggers back but doesn't fall.
    Megatron: "Fall! Fall!" Megatron fires
    ... Ten minutes later, Megatron: "FALL!"
    Optimus teeters.
    Megatron: "Timber!" Optimus falls
to be continued ...

Embarassing mistakes made by the Beast Wars's

These will/may be illustrated in time (when I HAVE time, that is)

  1. Optimus Primal: "OPTIMUS OXIDIZE!" - rusts and falls to pieces
  2. Rattrap: "RATTRAP MYXOMATOZE!" - coughs, staggers, falls over, curls up and dies (of myxomatosis)

Here are some pictures I drew just using ordinary lead (clutch) pencil (0.5mm) on ordinary cheap photocopy paper. By my humble standards these pictures are AWESOME - they really represent the most I can do at the moment. Unfortunately, as you will see, I can never finish any of them off, for some reason. Well take a look, tell me what you think, send me your suggestions, requests (don't hold your breath), and your own finished versions if you like - here
First Aid Breakdown

Some more pictures: