Past Quotes
"Smile and have a great day!" - Linda
--something about not a day passing in which, some, to misery are not born-- - William Blake
"It'll do." - Dr. McGuiness
--something I've totally forgotten-- - Janez Caesar (I think)
"Remember that STRESSED spelt backwards is DESSERTS" - Linda
"The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up" - Linda
"Everything is fodder" - Megatron
"Remember the good, don't forget the bad ... learn from the bad" - Pandora
"Unyielding resolve has no conqueror" - Omega Supreme
"Sometimes, I cannot take this place" - Korn
"Yeah, Bazza, just go trim this up and check it for me," - ?
hmmm ... I wonder who would have the audacity ...
"Oh, Dr. Phatouros, what are the copolymers in polyacrylic acid again?" - JC
"Well, I'm just off to do some beading and bodging," - P. Brooke
"Happy Birthday, Lani!" ( March, 1999)
"Happy Birthday, Ryan!" ( March, 1999)
"Happy Birthday, Mazirah!" ( March, 1999) - the class of 2000
- a.k.a. the graduates of 2001 , dentists of the 3rd millenium
Well these are more messages than quotes, but I'll leave them in
"The more **** you lick..." - ?
I had to censor it, but look on the bright side: this way you can use your imagination!!
The aim is to get to dental school & not to let dental school get to you," - Linda
--no matter how bad it is, it can't last for ever-- - Zarni
"If at first you fail, destroy all evidence that you've tried." - Linda
"There will be a perio lecture this week." - Dr. Gareth Davies
Yes, and I'm going to win Lotto as well!!
"We intentionally make our patients bleed ... we want them to bleed." - Lucy
"Recession ... it's beautiful." - Mel
"This tooth is rooted." - Dr. McGuinness
"Okay?" - Mike Razza, Ben Hedley
"If you know what I mean," - Fabio
"...some adjustments..." - DIPSY the prosthodontist, homeboy, ninja, ...
"Perhaps I misjudged you. Very well; proceed ... on your way to oblivion!" - Unicron, the orthodontist, to a difficult patient
"The Baztro has gone home!" - the Messenger
um ... no comment!
"PERIO SUX" - ...
if you don't know who, you'll not find the answer here!!
There's no such thing as an Indian sausage[!!!]" - the Chandyman
What is a second year quote doing on our board?!!
"Happiness is a big biopsy," - Dr. G. Howard MOODY
"But, that's quite a good defect!" - Dr. Daryl ANDREWS
"Most people are morons," - Dr. Mithran Suresh GOONEWARDENE
"Don't heckle us, don't lecture us!" - Ali Alatas meets Batchelor Girl
Okay, this isn't exactly dentally related, but I thought it was too good to skip
Victoria's Secret !! - a.k.a. playboy
Don't ask me?!! I just transcribe the quotes that are on the whiteboard
Driving + Dentisty tip #3: leave your wipers off in heavy rain to get used to the image in your mouth mirror when using the high speed handpiece (wipers are for wimps)
Driving tip #2: peripheral vision is useful - for keeping an eye on the road as you read
"...dentists earn enough, down the track," - Fran KELLY (ABC Radio National)
BDSc: $200 000 + ~9%p.a. courtesy David KEMP
"...and we're prayin' it's not too late: Amalgam," - Robbie WILLIAMS
Oh yes, the sticker competition may produce some memorable lyrics!!