Past Quotes

Okay, here are the quotes that have been on so far ... of course, I can't remember them all, so if there are any mistakes or ommissions, just let me know ...
... by the way, the colour scheme is "periphery wax on greenstone"

"Smile and have a great day!" - Linda

--something about not a day passing in which, some, to misery are not born-- - William Blake

"It'll do." - Dr. McGuiness

--something I've totally forgotten-- - Janez Caesar (I think)

"Remember that STRESSED spelt backwards is DESSERTS" - Linda

"The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up" - Linda

"Everything is fodder" - Megatron

"Remember the good, don't forget the bad ... learn from the bad" - Pandora

"Unyielding resolve has no conqueror" - Omega Supreme

"Sometimes, I cannot take this place" - Korn

Week 7

"Yeah, Bazza, just go trim this up and check it for me," - ?
hmmm ... I wonder who would have the audacity ...

"Oh, Dr. Phatouros, what are the copolymers in polyacrylic acid again?" - JC

"Well, I'm just off to do some beading and bodging," - P. Brooke

"Happy Birthday, Lani!" ( March, 1999)
"Happy Birthday, Ryan!" ( March, 1999)
"Happy Birthday, Mazirah!" ( March, 1999) - the class of 2000
- a.k.a. the graduates of 2001 , dentists of the 3rd millenium
Well these are more messages than quotes, but I'll leave them in

"The more **** you lick..." - ?
I had to censor it, but look on the bright side: this way you can use your imagination!!

The aim is to get to dental school & not to let dental school get to you," - Linda

Weeks 8-9

--no matter how bad it is, it can't last for ever-- - Zarni

"If at first you fail, destroy all evidence that you've tried." - Linda

"There will be a perio lecture this week." - Dr. Gareth Davies
Yes, and I'm going to win Lotto as well!!

"We intentionally make our patients bleed ... we want them to bleed." - Lucy

"Recession ... it's beautiful." - Mel

"This tooth is rooted." - Dr. McGuinness

"Okay?" - Mike Razza, Ben Hedley

"If you know what I mean," - Fabio

Weeks 10-24

"...some adjustments..." - DIPSY the prosthodontist, homeboy, ninja, ...

"Perhaps I misjudged you. Very well; proceed ... on your way to oblivion!" - Unicron, the orthodontist, to a difficult patient

"The Baztro has gone home!" - the Messenger
um ... no comment!

"PERIO SUX" - ...
if you don't know who, you'll not find the answer here!!

There's no such thing as an Indian sausage[!!!]" - the Chandyman
What is a second year quote doing on our board?!!

"Happiness is a big biopsy," - Dr. G. Howard MOODY

"But, that's quite a good defect!" - Dr. Daryl ANDREWS

Weeks 25-29

"Most people are morons," - Dr. Mithran Suresh GOONEWARDENE

"Don't heckle us, don't lecture us!" - Ali Alatas meets Batchelor Girl
Okay, this isn't exactly dentally related, but I thought it was too good to skip

Weeks 30-32

Victoria's Secret !! - a.k.a. playboy
Don't ask me?!! I just transcribe the quotes that are on the whiteboard

Driving + Dentisty tip #3: leave your wipers off in heavy rain to get used to the image in your mouth mirror when using the high speed handpiece (wipers are for wimps)

Driving tip #2: peripheral vision is useful - for keeping an eye on the road as you read

"...dentists earn enough, down the track," - Fran KELLY (ABC Radio National)
BDSc: $200 000 + ~9%p.a. courtesy David KEMP

"...and we're prayin' it's not too late: Amalgam," - Robbie WILLIAMS

Oh yes, the sticker competition may produce some memorable lyrics!!