Welcome to my home page! MySpace is for lamers! Here are a few details about myself:
- Real Name: Just kall me Kryojenix -- "story" behind adopted name below
- Occupation: Health Care Worker
- Other miscellaneous guff: I'll get back to you when I think of some
Links to my other pages were hidden, since those pages were embryonic, but now here they are (they're still embryonic):
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Incidentally, my current e-mail address is: not listed here
I can't imagine what you'd want to say about the page as it is now, though!...
The Story Behind the Name!!
Well, it's not such a big drama, really:
Long ago, when I used to play 'Commander Keen' [a computer game], I used to enter my name on the highscore board as "Keen Kish", this habit soon expanded into other games where I managed to make the highscore board. (Including several Windows games) As it progressed, the name evolved into Cool Kish, Kool Keen Kish (KKK), Krazy Kool Keen Kish and eventually: Kryojenikally Krazy Kool Keen Kish (or Kslam). Thus, I've adopted the Kool title of Kryojenix.
Exciting, huh?
oTHeR miSceLlaNeoUs gUfF:
Some of my favourite TV shows are:...
- NeonGenesis Evangelion
- Daria
- The TransFormers
- Doctor Who
- Danger Mouse
- Count Duckula
- The Goon Show
- Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister
- A multitude of 5 minute shows: (Danger Mouse), The Trapdoor, Henry's Cat, Bananaman, Bangers and Mash; and 10-15 minute shows: Alias the Jester, Truckers, Brum, etc.
- (vaguely): other stuff like Voltron, MASK, Bump in the Night, etc.
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