Apocryphal Writings

Apocryphal Writings
Rejection of the Old Testament Apocrypha


MCU Virtual Apologetics Library

The Bible

The Bible Gateway
The Blue Letter Bible


The Concept and Importance of Canonicity -- Greg Bahnsen
The Formation of the Canon of the New Testament -- B.B. Warfield

Christian History

Early Church Documents
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Writings of the Early Church Fathers


East 91st Street Christian Church
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Lafayette
Refomed Presbyterian Church of North America


The Bible Commentary Page
Calvin's Commentaries
Matthew Henry
The Treasury of David -- Charles Spurgeon


The Bridge
The Central Message of the Bible -- Andy McCracken
The Four Spiritual Laws -- Dr. Bill Bright
Religion vs. Relationship -- Hank Hanegraaff

Great Theologians

Jonathan Edwards
Martin Luther

Literature and Resources

Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
The Biblical Studies Foundation
Books for Biblical Expositors
Center for Refomed Theology and Apologetics
Christian Classics
Historic Church Documents
Internet Christian Library
Lambert's Library
The Ligonier Study Center
McCoy Theological Library
Reformed and Puritan Literature
Sovereign Grace Theology Resource Center

Ministry Organizations

The Christian Research Institute
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L'Abri Fellowship
The Navigators
Operation Mobilization
Shatter the Silence
The Voice of the Martyrs
Wheeler Mission Ministries


Knox Theological Seminary
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Reformed Theological Seminary
Reformed Theological Seminary -- Orlando


Spurgeon's Sermons -- Charles Spurgeon

Theological Writings

Confessions -- Augustine
Institutes of the Christian Religion -- John Calvin
Summa Theologica -- Thomas Aquinas
The Westminster Confession of Faith -- Westminster Divines

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Last Updated: 24 April 2000