INTRODUCTION What? Sponsoring a student event in this kind of situation? What for? The question will certainly arise from anyone who reads this proposal. The answer is one crucial word: the future. The future will not sit back and wait for this country to pull through the monetary, political and social crisis. We have to be prepared for it. What we are going to encounter is the globalized world, in which tighter competition will exist nationally and internationally. It is a future that will not allow Indonesia to depend on its inhumanely cheap labor in competing with other countries. What Indonesia needs to do is to prepare for highly critical, intelligent, and qualified human resources. That is the only way to be prepared for the future that awaits us. Indonesian Varsities English Debate aims to be of assistance to achieve that. As the perpetuity of last years event, Indonesian Varsities English Debate 1999 will continue the task of laying the groundwork to build a culture of opinionated public speakers with critical thought and proficiency in English. All those characters have not been well developed in the present educational system in Indonesia, whereas their presence is very critical in human resources who are qualified to face the coming millenium era. It is also the committees intention to utilize this event as a show of the competence of Indonesian students intelligence. It is the public opinion nowadays that university students are no more than people who express their ideas on the streets without any indication of intellectuality. This event is aiming to show to the public the capacity of university students as intellectual members of the society in exercising their critical minds through debating in a language that is not their mother tongue. The event will also have one important message to share others: that Indonesian students are able to unite and participate peacefully in one event. It is an event that will bring together students from all over Indonesia not only to debate, but also to build a productive friendship among students from different varsities and provinces. What we are asking might sound outrageous for some, especially in a time of crisis like now. However, we trust that people with clear vision of the future will realize that it is a small price to pay and a sound investment for the development of the mind of the students, to whom the survival of Indonesia depends on.
PROSPECTUS The Indonesian Varsities English Debate 1999 will invite participants from universities from all over Indonesia. As a national event which will be covered the national mass media, this event is a great promotional opportunity for your organization. Apart from the media coverage, the event will also give promotional table. Below are the list of theconditions of sponsorship offered bythe committee:
Main Sponsor The main sponsor will cover 75% of the expenses of the event. As compensation, the main sponsor will receive the following facilities:
Co- Sponsor The co-sponsor will cover 25% of the expenses of the event. As compensation, the co-sponsor will receive the following promotional facilities:
Partial sponsor Partial sponsors may pick the promotional facilities from sponsorship table and will cover part of the expenses of the event accordingly.
Other forms of payment are negotiable with the committee.
DESIGNS OF PROMOTIONAL FACILITIES Event Banner Program Booklet Poster / Leaflet
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