My hobbies
WAZ 14 - ITU 37 - IN62BI
As you can see in the index page, Iīm a Ham Radio Operator. After passing my exams, I became EC1AOD , my first callsign as a radio operator on the HF bands. By now, my callsign is EA1AUN
I like the radio very much, so I spent a huge part of my free time listening to the radio amateur bands and also broadcast bands. I really enjoy it. This is my little equipment:
- HF TRANSCEIVER - RX: KENWOOD TS-50, running 100 watts (when possible!)
- VERTICAL MULTIBAND ANTENNA (I wish I had something better, maybe I will have a dipolo in a moth's time)
- PENTIUM 450 Mhz
- AN OLD AMIGA 500 (it still works, itīs amazing!)
- No important awards, maybe in a 20 or 30 yearsī time I could reach WAZ award :-)
- Lots and lots of Ham Radio Magazines, like Short Wave Magacine, CQ HF, Popular Communications and so on...
- A huge dx world map ( I wonder when Iīll be able to say: " I have worked all these countries in five bands! ) and stuff like that. I know my radio shack is not a excellent one, but it is working nicely.
Iīm a member of Spanish Radio Amateur Union since 1996. Have a look at our page, there you will find a lot of information about DX Expeditions, dx activities, activations, QSL managers ...

I also higly recommend you to visit my friendīs EC1AME page or my friendīs EA4AZU page. They are both nice pages. Another huge page about hamming is N3TLJ page, in there you can find almost ... everything!
My favourites books about radio are,obviously, the ARRL Radio Handbook; another one is "Newnes Radio Amateur and Listenerīs Data Handbook", by Steve Money, and finally the marvellous "Antennaīs book" by the well-know spanish ham EA2CL, Leandro Novales.
Thatīs all about that. Iīm usually QRV in 21.200 USB at night (spanish "night", of course :) so you can try to give me a call. If you want something easier, please e-mail me! Iīm sure you will be 599 here! (ha ha)
Click here if you want to know more anout the music I like.
I really enjoy sport, it doesnīt matter wich: swimming, ski, horse riding, football, basketball... Iīm not an excellent skier, but I enjoy very much the sky, itīs very amazing and relaxating at the same time.
These are my father, my sister and I at Cabeza de Manzanedaīs Invernal Station, where we usually go and ski. This photo was taken December 96
My favourite links
You should try these links, they are really cool:
- "THE REFLECTATION PAGE". I strongly recommend it to you, this is such an amazing page that you wonīt be the same after you have visited it. Please, please, visit it.
- VIC HUMORīS ARCHIVE . If you are upset, you may visit this page and youīll be laughing out loud inmediately!
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