Super Nova - 04/14/99 18:35:53
heheh nice page but mine better hehhe
10/13/98 09:16:30
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Maurice Ling - 02/13/98 11:53:17 My URL: My Age: 20-something Place of residence: HK Occupation: student If a student, which uni are you studying at?: HKUST Course: IS | Comments: Cool.. glad to know that you're still alive. Say hi to Mike for me pls.. :-) |
Sunny Liu - 11/07/97 16:00:49 My URL: My Age: 20 Place of residence: Hong Kong Occupation: Student If a student, which uni are you studying at?: The University of Hong Kong Course: Computer Science (Information Systems) | Comments: Very glad to see your homepage! You have a good start anyway. Try to include some snapshots. It would make your page more interesting, believe me! By the way, what's your life going on? Email me when you're free. |
Chan Siu Kim Jason - 09/25/97 04:54:28 My Age: 20 Place of residence: Hong Kong Occupation: Student If a student, which uni are you studying at?: Hong Kong University Course: Medicine | Comments: Give the details of your live in Hong Kong. |
Matthew Leung - 09/19/97 09:20:26 My URL:/Broadway/Stage/3963 My Age: 19 Place of residence: Australia Occupation: Student If a student, which uni are you studying at?: Melbourne Course: Science/Law | Comments: Great start to your homepage, Brandon!! Though, perhaps black on blue is a little hard to read. Anyway, hope you can put some pics/graphics on to spice it up! |
Pius Fung - 09/18/97 18:05:58 My URL: My Age: 20 Place of residence: CA,USA Occupation: Student If a student, which uni are you studying at?: Cornell University Course: economics | Comments: Just writing to say hi. You can check out my home page too. How's everything? Do you still swim a lot? (i really need some exercise) Talk to you later. Have a productive semester. |
Anil DONKEY Harjani - 09/18/97 13:24:16 My URL: My Age: 17 Place of residence: HK Occupation: Student If a student, which uni are you studying at?: DBS Course: ARTS | Comments: hey brandon, not bad... although ur homepage could use some.. excitement, pictures or something... which would really stand out.. use netscape communicator to make ur page more colorful... say hi to michael for me, and tell him I'm playing TOO MUCH cricket.. sheesh.. |
Chia Lin LIEW - 09/18/97 10:53:14 My Age: 19 Place of residence: Melbourne Occupation: Student If a student, which uni are you studying at?: University of Melbourne Course: Mechanical Eng/Computer Science | Comments: My tip would be to grab scripts from other people's homepage :) Also, you might want to download netscape 4.03 profesional from the Uni :) it's at: browse through there and download it. The editor which comes along might help you :) |
Grand High Mystic Ruler of Homepages - 09/18/97 03:21:44 My URL: My Age: 20 Place of residence: HK lah Occupation: student lah If a student, which uni are you studying at?: aie ... UST loh ... Course: comp sci ar. | Comments: well, all sites started like yours ... no need to be ashamed ... :) |