About Me

Well, a little about my origins, then. I was born on a Monday. May 29, 1978. It was Memorial Day. I was born at St. Joseph's Regional Hospital in Ponca City, Oklahoma, where I was raised. I have two box turtles named 1994 Dodge Neon and Fortress Maximus.
I have a lot of blood. That sounds kind of weird. Let me explain. I am a descendent of the Black Douglas clan of Scotland. I'm 1/32 Cherokee, by the Dawes Roll, but my dad suspects that I am actually nearer to 1/16. I'm also British, Welch, Irish, French, Black Dutch, Spanish, and German. Probably some other stuff too. I don't know. My grandmother could tell you.
I lived for a year overseas. I lived in Singapore from February 1990 until July of that same year. Then, I lived in Dubai, a part of The United Arab Emirates, from July 1990 until February of 1991. (I lived about 200 miles away from Kuwait during Desert Shield.) I have been in 16 foreign countries (Belgium, England, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Oman, Singapore, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and Wales.) In all fairness, I only set foot in an airport in South Korea. Also, I must admit that Wales is technically a part of Great Britain. But I've probably been to more countries than you.
I am a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University, with a Bachelor of Music in Church Music and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. I did all 187 hours of that in four years (August 96 through May 2000) and kept a 4.0 GPA.
I sing tenor and I play the piano and the guitar. In case you are interested, I do own a 12-string guitar. I also have a Squier Bass and six 6-string guitars: A Fender, An Alvarez skinny acoustic electric, A Jasmine, A Squier Strat, A Lindell, and A New Star (cheap import guitar). I also have a Fender bass and Mandolin. If you are trying to sell a bagpipe or know someone who is, let me know. I need one. I also need a banjo and a wood recorder.
I am a tester in the Control Lab in the ConocoPhillips refinery in Ponca City. The biggest part of my job is sitting at a computer, followed by a distant second which is distilling gasoline samples to see that they are on spec.

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