I sat for hours upon hours trying to find a way to welcome you to my latest creation, PLANET MATT. Nothing came to mind, so I asked an innocent passerby if he could help me
He suggested that perhaps I should try pretending I was writing to someone
tha I HATE!! Then it HIT ME!! (an Idea...not the man)
I'd pretend I was writing to someone I HATE!!
SO, you STUPID yet BRAINY INSECTS!!! I'd welcome you
all to my page, but I don't welcome POND SCUM!! You'r head..uh...is a bag of puke and your feet are ugly!! I'd tell you all to go to Hell, but you'd
need directions!!! You're so...uh....um....
I could tell this wasn't going to work. I'm no good at being mad. Then the man sugggested that perhaps I should try pretending I was writing to someone I LOVE!! Then it HIT ME!! (another Idea...not the man) I'd pretend I was
writing to someone I LOVE!!
So...my little carpet fiber of lust, I'd welcome you to my page, but I'd MUCH rather take you home with me and give you a close look at my beautiful brass bed. You're so...uh....um....
I could tell this wasn't going to work either. I don't even HAVE a brass bed! Then the man said I should just be myself, and then he HIT ME!! (the man....not an idea..)
So welcome to my page! I'm Matt.. SO don't just stand there...
HEY...HOLD ON A SECOND, While you're here,you might as well autograph THE BOOK. Besides inflating my enormous ego, it'll make may day, it really will!!! Besides, you should be PROUD to have your name on the same site as ME.....it's a status symbol. Leave your mark and gain the respect and admiration of the world......
This site has been a work in progress since, like, 1995.
(Last Updated July 23rd, 2001,
(Cut/Chopped revised, Dec 2, 2002)
Updated again with this update Feb.7.2004 because Geocities said
that I had to update the site or have it erased, and ya know what?
I'm keeping this up for shiats and giggles...so there ya go..