A note about updates: This page will record only the major updates to this site. The exceptions will be the "regular" additions to the Tazy Tattler journal pages, and the KalCam - since these are self-dating, it isn't necessary to record the modifications.

1 January 2001

I have done more updating than appears, honestly I have! As well as adding some beginnings of recent(!) travels to Thailand and an Around the world trip (see my travel page), I have also completely revamped the whole journal concept. Tazy Tattler is no more (but the pages still exist), but rather it us replaced by a "write-as-I-feel-like-it" type journal - name yet to be decided. Happy New Year!

16 October 1999

New main index page! I think its about time I updated the look of this site, so I have done a new main index page. Tried my hand at a bit of Javascripting too! Enjoy. Further updates to various pages as time permits, and the start of a restructure of the files.

18 December 1998

Been a while since anything new (apart from the regular stuff) has been added. Well, its that time of year again - and I'm off again for holidays. This time its only for a couple of weeks - so no need for a temp email addy.

Have a great Christmas everyone - here's my Christmas Card to you all 8^)

13 August 1998

New addition to the Friends and Other Links page. Sarah Grove. I have known Sarah for a while - we share similar tastes in Aussie music. Her site is called Schismatic.com - you'll find out why when you get there!

I've also been remiss with much of the upkeep on this site lately - no real excuse apart from "Where did all my time go?".

Finally, for this up date, I want to tell you about the Web ring I have recently created -

Ring O' JenniFans

14 June 1998

One more page added to the Bali trip sequence. As a wedding present for ourselves, Leonie and I had the painting we purchased in Ubud framed. It now hangs in our hallway, and, to finish off the Bali story, I tried to photograph it, along with a few other ojects d'art we collected. Have a look on the Bali Art page.

Also wanted to welcome Cindy to my Friends and Other Links page. For some strange reason 8^) she thought my daily routine was interesting enough to feature on her "A Day In The Life Of..." page!

24 May 1998

Split the photo ablum page into three, adding appropriate navigation buttons - should assist download times. Also added a new photo of me in my cadet uniform. This one was a formal portrait done last January while I was at RAAF Pearce.

30 April 1998

Added the pictures and a bit of a write up from our *working* trip to the Mid West of this great (and I do mean GREAT - its three times bigger than Texas!) State of Western Australia.
Since I now have at least two holiday writeups, I guess you could call that a travellogue section, so I have set it up as such. Ta da! Introducing the all new:

11 April 1998

Final page of the Bali holday writeup! Hoorah! Finished at last! Check it out here

30 March 1998

Added more of the Bali holiday writeup - page 5. Enjoy!

24 March 1998

Another page of my stamp collection has been added. The "Sideface" issues.

15 March 1998

KalCam back up for 1998. There, I think that's just about everything back up and running!

11 March 1998

A sudden burst of enthusiasim for an old friend of mine has resulted in the inaugeration of the JenniCam Caption Contest. Check it out and send me in your entry.

25 February 1998

I've been updating the instalments on the Bali holiday in the last few weeks. I'm now up to instalment 4. You can go directly to the rest of the story from this page.

9 February 1998

The first instalment of the Bali holiday is now up! Click here to read it. I'll get the rest done when I get some more time.

18 December 1997

As of early tomorrow morning (19th) I will be away from Kalgoorlie (and thus easy access to my server), and so may not be able to update this site as regularly as I have up until now. With a bit of luck, I may be able to find a cyber cafe or two in Perth, to keep you up to date through the Tazy Tattler. Expect me back at the end of January/ early February with a few stories to tell (and maybe some pictures too). To contact me, please use the Hotmail address (andrewawilson@hotmail.com) - thanks.

For those that are regular visitors to KalCam - I've put all the pictures so far into a little archive - enjoy! [2 Apr98 - Now taken down]

12 December 1997

New Christmas Greeting page (this will be up for a while, although I may be a bit slow taking it down as I'll be away on holiday!). [4 Feb 98 - Now taken down].
Additions to the Friends and Other Links page: Lowell Wilson added - Lowell is Amelia's brother. A student at Pace University, he has some really cool graphics to look at - go check them out.

6 December 1997

Another new alternative email address: andrewawilson@hotmail.com.
This one will let me send and receive attachments. Hopefully I will be able to check both regularly while I am away from Kalgoorlie. It was so frustrating trying to get that one - none of the usual hopefuls for email names were available (you wouldn't believe how many Tazy's there are with accounts at Hotmail! - Even a few Andrew Wilsons were taken - I tried wilsona, andreww and several other combinations before that one was accepted - sorry for the length of the name). And I've tested it with attachments, so I know it works.

3 December 1997

A new email address to use as an alternative: tazy@cornerpub.com.
Use this one while I am away from Kalgoorlie later this month until the end of January, please. That way I only need access to the web to get my mail.

27 November 1997

Additions to the Friends and Other Links page: Karl's Dementia! added - Karl has another interesting journal, and some great graphics. Checkout what makes Karl tick as he records the ups and downs in his life.

19 November 1997

Additions to the Friends and Other Links page: Jen's Link Implosion added - Jennifer Williams, otherwise known as "NuttyJen" is guaranteed to make you laugh, and her range of links is nothing short of amazing - but don't take my word for it, go check her site out!
Updated some links and added more Leunig links.

16 November 1997

Added this What's New page! Then I spruced up the main index page with some colourful graphics.
Also started the KalCam Have a look!
And it was Kathryn's birthday party - so here's some photos.

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This URL: http://www.geocities.com/taztdev/whatsnew.html