Spring Garden College 1999 guestbook archive
Shabney - 12/28/99 17:58:47 My Email:shabney@lovemail.com Year Graduated: Not graduated yet Degree: Not yet | Comments: Please let me have some General Kknowledge questions. |
Joe Bogucki - 12/27/99 16:41:13 My Email:jboguck@aol.com Year Graduated: '75 Degree: BS - BCT | Comments: Good to see a place for SGC. Haven't seen anyone from '75. Where are you guys? |
Jon Fineman - 12/12/99 22:13:21 My Email:jfineman@acm.org Year Graduated: 77&79 (more or less) Degree: EEET | Comments: This is such a great idea. I hope we can get an alumni party going. SGC was a great school. |
Marilyn (Maximuck) Fineman - 12/12/99 22:08:42 My Email:jfineman@acm.org Year Graduated: 77 Degree: IST | Comments: Great to see an SGC website. SGC provided me with a great eduation, I went on to work 11 years at Bell Labs/Bellcore before 'retiring' to raise 3 children. I married Jon Fineman (EEET) and we live in NJ. Keep up the good work Wayne! We will pass this w bsite onto our SGC friends who we still see. |
Keith Colpetzer - 12/03/99 16:42:50 | Comments: What a surprise to find out that Spring Garden does still exist. It's great to see that everyone is alive and kicking. Personally, I'm working on setting the worlds record for the oldest undergraduate in history. Thats right, I'm still in school at Wes Chester University. However, I've given up the dream of architecture for a life of science. |
Jeff Basolis - 12/03/99 01:49:22 My Email:JBasolis@aol.com Year Graduated: 1981 & 1984 Degree: BSMET & BSMFGET | Comments: Living in NJ and in partnership with my own sales company. |
Steven Harmony - 11/20/99 07:23:39 My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~sharmony My Email:sharmony@earthlink.net Year Graduated: 92 Degree: BSEET | Comments: If anyone remembers me from evening classes, Drop me a line. I am looking for Robert Lusk who graduated with me or Steve Roberts who went a few years earlier. I am living in Tulsa, OK now and Programming Databases for a living. |
Scott Muir - 11/13/99 15:32:23 My Email:smuir511@Home.com Year Graduated: 1985 Degree: CST | Comments: Great Idea! |
Ed Eimer - 11/05/99 04:05:28 My URL:http://www.ap3c.com My Email:eeimer@ap3c.com Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: B Arch | Comments: Currently living in south jersey with a wonderful wife and two way-to-energetic-for-me children. Professional career has been great, working as a senior associate for a center-city architecture firm of a consistent 8-10 person size. Registered in DC and looking for reciprocity to PA and NJ very soon. Alumni Association is a terriffic idea and may help in coping with the "loss" of an alma-mater. Long live the Garden! |
Perry Willis - 10/29/99 01:34:27 My Email:pwillis@dpnet.net Year Graduated: 1985 Degree: Bachelor of Architecture | Comments: I am now residing in my hometown of Elkton, Maryland. I am a registered Architect in Delaware and Maryland. I worked in private practices in Richmond, VA, Wilmington, DE, and Elkton, MD. I am currently employed as the architect for the local school dis rict. I often meet many other architects from many different educational backgrounds. I can say that I am a proud alumni of Spring Garden College, and I have no trouble competing against the UVA, Virginia Tech or Penn State people in my profession. If ny of my former professors check this guest book, I would like to extend a heart felt thank you for supplying me with a "top notch" education. Architecture is a great career and it has proven to be everything that I had hoped. If any of my fellow graduates reads this please e-mail me and let me know what you are doing. It would be nice to hear from you. Thanks Perry |
George Carpenito - 10/23/99 09:57:12 My Email:gcarpenito@spstech.com Year Graduated: Attended 1989-1992 Degree: BSMET | Comments: I attended part time like the majority (or so it seemed) of the students at SGC. Finally finished my degree in May of 1999 at Temple University. This website brings back many memories of SGC. There were many wonderful people there and I was sad that the s hool closed. Temple just wasn't the same. I really enjoyed the "small school" atmosphere where the professors seemed to give more attention to each student. Thanks Drew Butler for passing on this URL. |
Jim Phelan - 10/18/99 17:45:54 My Email:jphelan@fleetcc.com Year Graduated: 1989 Degree: B.S. Business Management | Comments: What a flashback. The website is a great idea. Would love to hear from "Aceman", "Pauly", Tom Buckley, Jack Daily or any of the crew. |
Walt Winter - 10/16/99 00:49:56 My Email:waltwinter@p3.com Year Graduated: 1983 Degree: CST | Comments: Good to see that SGC hasn't completely vanished. By coincidence, one of the people I work with also went there. |
Ben Bauman - 10/02/99 01:23:20 My Email:benzai32@hotmail.com Year Graduated: Attended 89-91 Degree: Architecture | Comments: What a great idea. After SGC i joined the Army, and now am in my first year in the architecture program at NJIT. I would love to hear from the rest of the snobbish little clique... |
Chris Calhoun, P.E. - 10/01/99 20:36:14 My URL:http://www.bcaeng.com My Email:cwcalhoun@bcaeng.com Year Graduated: 1981 Degree: BSEET | Comments: I'd love to hear from any old Soliloquy contributers. If anyone would like old copies of Soliloquy, I have several copies of many issues in safekeeping. I'm presently living in Riverton, NJ, married w/3 kids. See previous entry for work info. |
Rod Gullo - 10/01/99 17:08:03 My Email:rgullo@csc.com Year Graduated: 1985 Degree: B.S. Computer Systems | Comments: |
Chris Calhoun - 10/01/99 15:44:10 My Email:cwcalhoun@bcaeng.com Year Graduated: 1981 Degree: BSEET | Comments: I'm an Electrical Engineer for Bailey, Calhoun, & Associates, Inc. (215)369-9340 in partnership with two other SGC grads, Barry Bailey (81), and Bob Bailey (76). We do electrical power system design and construction. |
John Streeper - 09/28/99 19:06:14 My Email:jstreeper@aol.com Year Graduated: 1986 Degree: CST | Comments: |
John Grasso - 09/21/99 19:33:39 My Email:Grass555@aol.com Year Graduated: 85 Degree: Computer Science | Comments: This site is great. I need more information on social events and Transcripts. Thanks |
Drew Butler - 09/19/99 15:36:23 My Email:dbutler@spstech.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: B.S. MET | Comments: Hello to everyone! Along with getting a great education at SGC I met a lot of GREAT people! Hope everyone is doing well! |
Ralph Zwirnmann - 09/17/99 00:30:14 My Email:bigbluebirdbrewery@juno.com Year Graduated: 01/15/93 Degree: Mechanical Eng. | Comments: Guess I was one of the last few to get out. There were six of us and we graduated on the front lawn of Beaver College. Not really the size class I imagined, but the deploma still counts. It's great how even after it's downfall the Spring Garden name is still respected out there! Good luck to all! Ralph Zwirnmann (Brewmeister) |
Roy Noyes - 09/13/99 11:34:18 My Email:roy.noyes@cho.ge.com Year Graduated: 1982 Degree: B.S. EET | Comments: I am married with 2 children and living in Charlottesville Virginia. I am a Senior Software Engineer at GE Fanuc. In my spare time I enjoy Water Skiing and Karate. |
Randy Hams - 09/12/99 16:51:54 My Email:RH-Eng@fast.net Year Graduated: 1984 Degree: metallurgy | Comments: |
Gerry Alfano - 09/08/99 01:00:51 My Email:gfa1@erols.com Year Graduated: 1962 Degree: Mech | Comments: |
Fran West - 09/07/99 03:10:40 My Email:franwest@erols.com Year Graduated: 1985 Degree: BS Civil Eng> Tech. | Comments: Great Idea. I can now get transcripts! Doing well. Have been with Urban Engineers in Phila. since graduation. Was in highway design, highway construction management, and now with environmental services. SGC gave me a great background and I have work d on very interesting projects. I have been involved in the Reading Terminal Reconstruction (and Hard Rock Cafe), Kvaerner Navy Yard Construction, Phila. Port Authority, NJ and PA Turnpikes, NJ/PA/DE DOT's. It's a great time to be a Civil Engineer with e perience. Married my High School Sweetheart (Joanne)in 1986 and we have 2 boys. I am very involved with my home town and our soccer association. Had a great time at SGC and would like to hear from some 84/85/86 grads. Thanks! |
John Glace - 08/13/99 21:30:07 My Email:johnglace@aol.com Year Graduated: 1986 Degree: BS Mfg. Eng. | Comments: Did a search on "Spring Garden College", didn't expect to find anything, and was pleasantly surprised to find this site. Good idea and great job to all involved. I've been working at Raytheon Engineers & Constructors for the last ten years as a Cost Est mator. Reading everyone's comments brought back tons of enjoyable memories i.e. Kappa Sigma Kappa, the "Maid", Spring Fling, driving to Maine and then out to Kansas City to watch the Lady Bobcats in the Nat'l B-ball Championships, Scarpino's shows at the Mask & Wig", just to name a few. They were good times. I hope this site succeeds and that we're able to organize some type of reunion. |
Daniel Flint, P.E. - 08/08/99 01:41:02 My Email:dflint@mindspring.com Year Graduated: 1982 Degree: BST/Civil Eng Tech | Comments: What a great idea! The demise of The Garden was a disappointment, but its great to see that the spirit lives on. Would love to hear from other Civils/Const Mangmt., and Gamma Brothers. I'm alive and well and living in Camp Hill, Pa. (near Harrisburg), wit wife and three daughters. Working as Community Development Director for Lower Allen Township. |
Ted Taylor - 08/06/99 17:35:35 My URL:http://www.tedtaylor.com My Email:MrHmeRun@aol.com Year Graduated: Staff, 14 years | Comments: We found the SGC sports trophies in,of all places, West Virginia. We have also turned up a box load of old photos (both things thanks to Jim Hoyer). Seems to be lots of interest in formalizing an alumni/historical group to keep SGC alive. Would like to onvene a meeting in Sept. to see about getting this up-and-running. We need a spot to do it. I have a hunch that some Phila. area college might like to "adopt" a couple of thousand "honorary" alumni (from Sgc) and, perhaps, provide us with a place to d splay our SGC stuff - and meet from time-to-time. I'm open to suggestions, etc. |
Tom Granahan - 08/04/99 18:57:15 My Email:goodtips4u@aol.com Year Graduated: 1987 Degree: Computer Systems Technology | Comments: It's been a long time since the SGC years. Had some good times there from '82 til '87. I was sorry to hear that the school closed. I went to work for Raytheon Engineers & Constructors in the Center City Philadelphia office in 1987 when I graduated. Mo ed to Brigantine, NJ (Next to Atlantic City) in 1992 where I met Lori, who is now my wife. I still worked in Phila for 5 years commuting back and forth everyday to Brigantine. 70 miles each way was just too much. I took a job with Bally Systems, a divi ion of Bally Gaming(Slot machine manufacturer) in October of 1997. A lot closer to home. The Systems division provides a slot accounting system that runs on IBM RISC/6000 systems. I have had the opportunity to do some traveling since Casinos are poppin up everywhere all over the world. I have been to Michigan, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Niagara Falls, Windsor Canada, Florida, etc. If anyone who knows me, drop me an e-mail. Later !!! |
Don Alfano - 08/01/99 15:40:19 My Email:donalfano@earthlink.net Year Graduated: 1975 Degree: BSEET | Comments: |
Ken Rimple - 07/29/99 01:29:11 My Email:krimple@ix.netcom.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: Comp Sci | Comments: This is cool! I've been doing the computer consulting thing for several years, and lost touch with everyone from Spring Garden. Hello to all, and please drop me an e-mail. |
Kimberly Hagman - 07/20/99 00:20:31 My Email:kimberlyh@corporate-interiors.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: Architecture | Comments: Thought I would update my e-mail address. Hope all friends are doing well and it would be good to hear from you. |
Edward Happ - 07/16/99 01:25:56 My URL:http://members.fcc.net/happeast My Email:happeast@uscom.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: B.S. Architecture | Comments: SGC was a Great Institution. I miss the old days at Spring Garden and Studio. |
Dan Stalheim - 07/13/99 17:22:10 My Email:Daniel.Stalheim@Jacobs.com Year Graduated: 91 Degree: BS Civil/CM | Comments: Just wanted to update my email address. Recently left Fluor to come over to Jacobs Engineering in Conshohocken,Pa. Still in the Pharmaceutical Industry. |
Silvana Mutone-Dell - 07/13/99 13:12:06 My Email:Silvana.Dell@RelianceDirect.com Year Graduated: 1985 Degree: Computer Science | Comments: |
Dennis Haley - 07/08/99 20:51:41 My URL:http://www.nothinbut.net/~starsnd/firstnight.html My Email:djhaley@aol.com Year Graduated: 1982 Degree: BSEET | Comments: Woody, great work! I'm going to let Roy Noyes know you can be reached! If anybody... ANYBODY knows how to get in touch with Jim Slone from the class of 1982, I've been trying to hook up with him for years. I have basically become a Computer Networking Instructor (MCSE) and if you hit my WEB page, you'll see that I'm still into Music :o) |
Roger Kain - 07/08/99 01:22:25 My Email:rkain@cts.com Year Graduated: 1984 Degree: BS | Comments: |
William Evans - 07/07/99 13:38:48 My Email:AustinWAE@juno.com Year Graduated: 1982-83 Degree: Computer Science | Comments: |
Keith Swing - 07/02/99 01:59:50 My Email:kswing@home.com Year Graduated: 1988 Degree: BSEET | Comments: |
Joe O'Reilly - 06/18/99 11:58:49 My Email:joreilly@kineticsgroup.com Year Graduated: 1982 Degree: BST Energy Engineering | Comments: At last a useful purpose for the internet, allowing me to get intouch with my beer drinking buddies from college ! I'd like to hear from any of the people who I got friendly with but have forgotten by now, don't bother if I still owe you money. Thanks W yne, good work. |
Rob Canina - 06/17/99 18:42:46 My Email:RobCan@Bhssf.org Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: Architecture | Comments: Within seconds of opening this web page, I was flooded with memories. I'm happy to see that our school memories are still alive. Yes, a reunion would be great! We might not have a school to come back to, but we have our friendships. So, are there any lumni's in South Florida? |
Alex Lindquist - 06/16/99 19:46:21 My Email:outhousestudio@rcn.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: Architecture | Comments: Too many great times at SGC to even begin writing them here. Will always treasure those years! I am so glad this site is here, and I hope to get in contact with some people that I have lost touch with! |
Philip rabinowitz - 06/10/99 23:48:33 My Email:PRABINOW@AOL.COM Year Graduated: 1989 Degree: BSEET | Comments: Great School! I really miss Prof. Korn and Newman, no on a serious note I am glad to see there is a website. I started SGC in 1981 had a good time at the Spring Fling pig roast and woke up graduating in 1989 cool! I've been working in the semiconductor, P B, and connector fields as a Design Engineer, Director of Engineering and now I am a Sr. Process Dev. Eng. for a large company. I hope to see more of the old gang on the web. E-mail me! |
cliff patton - 06/10/99 22:23:40 My Email:capmop@aol.com Year Graduated: 1986 Degree: BSEET | Comments: This website is great. I had a great time at SGC. |
Joseph Dillon - 06/04/99 21:53:39 My Email:jdillon@phila.k12.pa.us Year Graduated: 1984 Degree: B.S. Accounting |
Comments: This is a great idea, miss the Spring Flings. Why not get organized and hold mini-reunion's. |
Thomas Czarnecki - 06/04/99 13:47:19 My Email:tczarnecki@yahoo.com Year Graduated: 1973 Degree: BS Computer Science |
Comments: This is really a GREAT idea. I've often wondered what happened to SGC.. It was a wonderful experience and a great start in life.. I have a Computer Consulting business in Central NJ that is doing well.. If anybody from the class of '73 is out there, se d me some email... |
Anthony C. Scribano - 05/27/99 16:58:03 My Email:ascribano@riag.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: Management |
Comments: This is absolutely amazing!! I was talking to my very dear friend, Alexandra Lindquist, a little while ago and she mentioned that the website exists! It was fun seeing the names and reading comments of people I haven't seen or heard from in a long time. I'm doing well in New York City. I work for a large publishing firm called Thomson Professional Publishing. I miss the old "Garden" days and think about them quite often. I'll be spreading the word about the site. Maybe we should have a reunion? |
Ted Taylor - 05/24/99 19:37:14 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/tedtaylor My Email:MrHmeRun@aol.com Year Graduated: Athletic Director, PR Director Degree: Staff |
Comments: I spent almost 14 years at "The Garden" and they were the happiest of my career. We had an incredible sports program (considering we had no real facilities) and I always thought SGC kids were a special breed. Some SGC alumni have contacted me wondering here the old SGC championship trophies, retired jerseys, etc., ended up. Does anyone know? I wrote about that in a recent Philadelphia Daily News column (I write in sports section every Thursday, have for 9 years) and no one has any clues. Heard from Dea Vince Tranchitella recently he's working at a college in Washington DC - also misses SGC. I am currently head of my own PR/Marketing consulting firm in Hatboro, Pa., and would love to try and "formalize" an SGC alumni group. Anyone interested ? |
Mike Zawislak - 05/20/99 18:32:39 My Email:mike.zawislak@bailey.com Year Graduated: 1973 Degree: BSEET |
Comments: Great Years! I remember all. Would be nice to see my SGC friends. |
Steve Mallon - 05/20/99 02:42:23 My URL:http://netaxs.com/~smallon My Email:smallon@netaxs.com Year Graduated: 1989-92 Degree: Architecture Faculty |
Comments: This is a great idea. Thanks to Dave Wang for the link. For those who might be interested, the former tree lined Mt. Airy campus has been purchased by New Covenant Church and is being well cared for. They recently added a 2000 seat auditorium on the fo ndations of what once was the north wing of the Tech Building. I did 3D modeling and CAD work for the new auditorium's designer, John Teets, R.A.of Glenside. Some of the renderings of the exterior and interior are on my website at http://www.netaxs.com/ smallon/ind-assy.htm After SGC folded, I taught at Textile for a few years, but the magic of SGC just wasn't there. More recently, I've been doing less and less architectural practice and more and more web commerce development and programming. (www.duffer.com) Less is more anyway. The architecture profession is in capable hands, now that many of our former students re beginning to distinguish themselves. My colleagues in the profession still ask me for recommendations. |
Timothy Nicholl - 05/17/99 20:37:30 My Email:tfnicholl@worldnet.att.net Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: B.S. Mfg. Eng. |
Comments: Great School!! It's unfortunate that SGC closed. - I am glad to see there is a website. Started SGC in 1984. The school was well ahead of the competition for the time, having both specialized ABET accredited courses and outstanding teachers. I've been working in the Pharmaceutical Field now for thirteen years, and my present position is Manager of Pharmaceutical Validation and Engineering Departments. |
Thomas Meacham - 05/17/99 16:14:43 My Email:5ofus@snip.net Year Graduated: 1975 Degree: BSMET/ASEET |
Comments: Yes, they did have computers back when I graduated. Presently working for ABB Automation as Mgr of Engineering. Looking for Gamma Brothers who know me??? That should be a shock. |
Jacquelyn Ann Irby - 05/13/99 16:02:40 My Email:Jirby624@aol.com Year Graduated: May 1981 Degree: Business Administration |
Comments: Hello Everyone: Glad to know that a site is available for all of us to keep in touch. I am in the Hospitality business, Certified Hospitality Sales Professional in fact (CHSP after my name) and live in Washington DC area. Please e-mail and keep in touch. |
David Wang - 05/03/99 20:42:19 My Email:davewang@wsu.edu Year Graduated: architecture faculty |
Comments: This is a very good idea. Ron Dillman (architecture) introduced me to it. I would enjoy hearing from any SG folks - especially any former students of mine. I've taught at quite a few programs of architecture since Spring Garden - but those years will a ways be special. Nothing has matched its energy for me. If we didn't go belly up, I'd probably still be there. I'm way over at the other side of the country now, in the state of Washington. So send me a care package of memories! |
Dave Hibbs - 04/27/99 13:57:50 My Email:dhibbs@qvc.com Year Graduated: 1983 Degree: CST |
Comments: Still using Cobol, DB2, CICS, etc... What's up Mr. Jadico, Ms. Bobman, Dr. Fitt??? Married, 3 kids, work at QVC in West Chester PA, live in Downingtown PA. My head still hurts when I think of those Spring Flings!!! Roger Garrett, where R U, I know you'r out there!?!?!? |
Robert Esbensen - 04/14/99 20:32:36 My Email:Robert_Esbensen.mtc@LNN.com Year Graduated: 1993 Degree: BS in Computer Science |
Comments: I truly miss the old school. I still live in the Philadelphia area and every time I drive by the old place I think of great freinds, great faculty, and all around good times. |
Robert Fischer - 04/10/99 03:10:58 My URL:http://members.bellatlantic.net/~rjf My Email:rjf@bellatlantic.net Year Graduated: 1984 Degree: CST |
Comments: |
Scott Slickers - 04/09/99 19:42:43 My Email:esslick1@aol.com Year Graduated: 1981 Degree: BSEET |
Comments: Stumbling into this web site was great! It brought back a lot of memories (about stumbling!) I'm a project engineer with PSE&G in Newark NJ. Married,3kids,house & BIG mortgage. SGC taught me thing and how to learn things. It was a great school! I'd enjoy hearing from alumni. |
Vince Urbank - 04/06/99 21:57:18 My Email:vinceu@usa.net Year Graduated: 1977/1978 Degree: MET |
Comments: |
Debbi Moskowitz - 04/04/99 02:13:36 My Email:Spencellen@aol.com Year Graduated: 1977 Degree: BS Business |
Comments: |
Wendy Wagner - 03/22/99 12:49:34 My Email:wwagner@ngs.org Year Graduated: 1993 Degree: AS Bus. Mgmt. |
Comments: I went on to finish my Spring Garden degree at Beaver College. Received my Bach.of Art in Bus. Admin from there, too! Currently, residing and working in the D.C. area. Hope to hear from some of you soon!! |
Dana (Best)Rudesyle - 03/21/99 21:24:49 My Email:maddie65@hotmail.com Year Graduated: Attended "89" to "92" |
Comments: After SGC closed I transfered to Moore College of Art and Design. I am now married and have a little girl that is 19 months old and her name is Madison Raine. I just want everyone to know that I miss them and think about all of the wonderful times we had together. Take care and keep in touch!! |
Patricia Melley - 03/21/99 18:00:47 My Email:TMELLEY@aol.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: BSMGMT |
Comments: Doing very well professionally and otherwise. |
Elijah A. Golden, Jr. - 03/19/99 12:55:19 My Email:Elijah_Golden@PepBoys.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: B.S./CST |
Comments: Doing fine. Working as a senior database administrator for you guessed it(Pep Boys, Inc.). I often see Dr. Rizi from time to time. I'm truly greatful for the education and experience that I have obtained. God Bless to all. |
Bill Netta - 03/17/99 17:36:29 My Email:wnetta@design-exchange.com Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: B.S. Architecture |
Comments: kick'n it old school at the gamma house thurday night wit all the fly women! currently an architect in newark de., and would love to hear from old college friends and brothers/sisters. this web site is great....thank you to the founders. |
Steve Chapman - 03/17/99 17:00:27 My URL:http://www. My Email:schapman@skytel.com Year Graduated: 1985 Degree: BS. Business Management |
Comments: To all former 4th period club members hello. Thing are going great and I miss all the old gang back at SGC. Married with children now and living in Orange County, Ca. Want to here from all of you. Keep those donations coming! |
Matthew Butler - 03/12/99 18:03:04 My Email:jrb32@nw.opp.psu.edu Year Graduated: attended 90-92 Degree: Construction Management |
Comments: Happy to see such success with the SGC site! Hello to everyone I miss from the Garden. Graduate of Drexel's Construction Management program; Living in Altoona, PA; working as an estimator/PM for local GC; and soon to be married to Jennifer Breese ('89-' 2). |
Jennifer Breese - 03/12/99 17:56:08 My Email:jrb32@nw.opp.psu.edu Year Graduated: attended 89-92 Degree: Architecture / CM |
Comments: This is GREAT! I am so happy to finally find this site - I trully miss the Garden. Graduate of Drexel's Construction Management program; recently empolyeed by Penn State Physical Plant; soon to be married to Matt Butler ('90-'92) (who arranged our proposa to be in my old dorm room!); both of us are in Altoona, PA. Please contact us - we both miss everyone! |
Mary Kate Harrington - 03/03/99 20:57:43 My Email:mkate@worldnet.att.net Year Graduated: attended 1988-1990 |
Comments: Glad to see a site like this--just wanted to say "hello" to former friends and classmates. I transferred from SGC to Roger Williams University (R.I.) where I got my degree in historic preservation. I work as an "Architectural Historian" at a local CRM f rm in Rhode Island. I hope all my former friends/classmates are doing well and are happy. |
Eva Pellow - 02/19/99 03:03:54 My Email:mandy@vrinter.net Year Graduated: 1985 Degree: B.S. Mfg. Eng. |
Comments: Can't believe we finally found this web site! My dad John is interested in hearing from former students about where they are and what they are doing. Dads dream is to get Spring Garden back together again. Any ideas? Dad is currently retired and enjoying his grandchildren. |
Niles Naik - 02/17/99 17:35:19 My Email:nnaik007@hotmail.com Year Graduated: 90 Degree: BS-CET |
Comments: What a great idea. Kudos to Wayne !!! |
Jan-A E.(Wootton)Robold - 02/10/99 16:08:39 My Email:crobold@astro.ocis.temple.edu Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: Social Science |
Comments: The Garden was a special place in our history. Eta Beta Phi, Student Gov't, Parties.. all that fun! I met my husband there and some of the best friends a person could have. Don't be strangers. |
John Tomashunas - 02/09/99 16:14:38 My Email:john764@icdc.com Year Graduated: 1976 Degree: Business |
Comments: I've been out of SGC for a long time now and am happy that I went there. To bad it closed. I lost contact with all of my class mates and would like to hear from some of them. I've been working at Merck & Co. for the past 18 years. |
Raymond Stahl - 02/05/99 16:56:33 My Email:stahlre@aol.com Year Graduated: 1989 / 92 Degree: Const Mgmt / Civil Engr |
Comments: |
Derrick Dickens - 02/04/99 20:46:06 My Email:drmd1@msn.com Year Graduated: 1986 Degree: BSEET |
Comments: This was a pleasant surprise. I was glad to see so many SGC folks still around. I am currently a engineering manager for Siemens Information, Communication and Networks. I will be getting my MBA in May. I could have used this website when I first started ooking for my transcripts. Great IDEA! |
Robert France - 01/29/99 19:59:08 My Email:rbfrance@aol.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: BS Construction Mgmt |
Comments: Hello everyone from SGC! After Graduation I got my commission in the Navy. Spent 4 years in Virginia Beach and decided to stay here. I am currently seeking my Masters in Accounting at Old Dominion University. If anyone vacations down here, send me an -mail. |
Aaron M. Copeland - 01/21/99 04:53:57 My Email:ALL-City@MSN.com Year Graduated: 92 Degree: BS Mfg. Eng. |
Comments: I have spent the last 4 years as a Product Engineer for Howmet Dover Casting. I left Howmet in the spring of 98 to work for Pratt & Whitney in West Palm Beach as a Project Engineer. Contact me if you are in the area. I would like to connect with people form my class to discuss what troubles have they experienced when applying to Grad school. |
Chip Dodson - 01/20/99 15:21:52 My Email:DRandEng@aol.com Year Graduated: 1984 Degree: BSME |
Comments: US industry is really in need of people educated by a school like SGC. The technical training approach helps in solving common everyday product development problems. |
Bruce Christman - 01/15/99 02:39:33 My Email:bmchr@erols.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: Bachelor of Architecture |
Comments: Last class to graduate SGC. Long live the Garden!! Currently registered Architect working for a (Architectural) firm in Lambertville, N.J.. I live in PA. though. (Yes, we are hiring!!!) Brother of the "Cult" Kappa Sigma Kappa. Yo!! Franko! What kin frogs are they? Hello to everyone I haven’t seen in ages. I hope life if treating you well…………… |
Melissa Hauck - 01/07/99 15:10:50 My Email:mnhauck@readingpa.org Year Graduated: Attended 87-89 Degree: Architecture |
Comments: After leaving SGC I attended S.U.N.Y.-E.S.F. in Syracuse, NY. I graduated with a degree in Landscape Architecture and I am the Zoning Administrator for the City of Reading. This was an excellent idea!!!!! Thanks to Lisa (Rider) Veak for passing it along Hello to Dean S.(where is that big red car of yours, anyone for the roof?), Merge, Missy G., and of course Jan(where are you?) and Jim HOYA, HOYA, HOYA!!!! |
Lisa Rider Veak - 01/06/99 21:12:15 My Email:Lisa.Veak@Jacobs.com Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: B.S. Architecture |
Comments: After graduating I moved on with a great group of friends from SGC to get a masters of architecture degree at University of Illinois. Hello to sylvia, mark and jeffrey!!!!! I am currently working with an A/E firm in Philadelphia. |
Tom Blomer - 01/06/99 03:08:50 My Email:speleotab@erols.com Year Graduated: N/A Degree: was it Engineering, or Business...Hmmm? |
Comments: Hey everyone! It's great to see that SGC is still alive even if only on the web. Had some great times with some great people. Some are still seen, but all are in my thoughts. I hope that everyone stays well........ |
Larry Jadico - 01/06/99 02:52:46 My Email:jadico@pilot.njin.net Year Graduated: Faculty Degree: Computer Department |
Comments: I am now working at Camden County College in Blackwood, NJ. Still teaching Cobol and Relational DB Theory in the CIS department. Would love to hear from my old computer students from the 70's and 80's. I truly miss the old SGC !!! |
Wendy (Bolstein)Whiteside - 01/06/99 00:09:08 My URL:http://www.dandyauto.com My Email:swracer@aol.com Year Graduated: didn;t Degree: none(Mrs.) |
Comments: I dropped out in 90. I married Steve Whiteside in 91. We have 2 kids. A girl born in 94 and a boy born in 98. We still see Barry Jones and Dave Bartlett and Tom Blomer is our daughters godfater. We both work for Dandy Auto Supplies on Staten Island,NY. Wo ld love to hear from everyone. Especially "RAT" and the other guys from the soccer team. |
Bob Umenhofer - 01/05/99 23:32:55 My Email:hirschpa@erols.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: B. Arch |
Comments: I married Jessica Janicki in June of 1993 and we now live in Oxford, PA with our two cats and two great danes. I am a LAN Administrator with MBNA America bank in Wilmington, DE and Jessica is teaching a combined kindergarten-first grade class also in Wilm ngton. We ran into Professor Quattrone recently in the King of Prussia mall and he is doing well. |
John Varady - 01/05/99 15:08:56 My URL:http://www.netaxs.com/~vectorsys/varady My Email:rust1d@usa.net Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: Software Engineering |
Comments: A Big Hello to all! This is great. I'm still in the SGC neighborhood, living well in Glenside (down the block from Beaver, but my wife don't let me play there anymore). Still in touch with my old SGC friends; Mike Peters & Barbara Backus, Rich Hooper, Mea han Connell, Steve Dey, Chris DiAngelo, Keith & Laurel Colpetzer, Joe Nerd, Dave Slave, and others. Still working with Larry Jadico, one of my SGC professors. Still hanging out at the Mermaid and the Mt Airy Tavern (which is now called McMennamins and is rightly lit, has 18 taps and a kitchen!). I'll be sure to turn all alumni on to this site. |
Paul Carroll - 01/05/99 12:35:32 My Email:fourrunr@aol.com Year Graduated: Transferred to Temple Degree: civil/construction |
Comments: I had great times at the Garden. I am thankful to all of my teachers and friends there, was glad to transfer to a better school. |
Barry Jones - 01/05/99 04:28:22 My Email:sigma123@erols.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: B.S. Architecture - B.S. Construction Mgmt |
Comments: Last graduating class... sorry to see a great campus, school and Gamma Delta Iota brotherhood disappear. Gamma class of 88b', me and "NUTS"! Living in NJ and running a small consulting firm. Would like to hear from lost friends and brothers. |
Patrick A. Ackroyd - 01/05/99 03:14:32 My Email:acksween@aol.com Year Graduated: 1988 Degree: BS-EET |
Comments: To all friends, brothers and sisters, it has been a pleasure and an honor to have engorged myself on fanfare, fantasy and famulus with everone of you. Hold your heads high for SGC grads are truly the what makes 21 Century technolgy work. It has been the g eatest 8 years of my college carreer. How'd I do on the humble meter? |
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