Spring Garden College 1998 guestbook archive
Kimberly Hagman - 12/31/98 20:15:36 My Email:chagman.compuserve.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: Architecture |
Comments: Wayne this was a great idea. When I see people from Spring Garden I pass this information along. Hope to here from fellow classmates. |
Greg Lombardo - 12/31/98 03:35:45 My Email:Nas100@Msn.com Year Graduated: I left before graduating Degree: MGT |
Comments: I miss all my brothers & sisters of ETA BETA PHI. I hope this site can pull us all together again. Thanks to the site builder for a job well done. I welcome all e-mails from fellow ETA BETA PHI members. |
Paul L. McSorley,jr - 12/31/98 03:33:04 My Email:PaulMcSjr@aol.com Year Graduated: 1988 Degree: BS-EET |
Comments: Spring Garden was a great college, I had a great time and I still learned stuff. To all the Brothers and sisters of Eta Beta Phi stay in Touch. keep this site going! |
Don Alfano - 12/31/98 02:08:45 My Email:donalfano@earthlink.net Year Graduated: 1975 Degree: BSTEE |
Comments: |
Mike Jakimowicz - 12/24/98 23:52:56 My Email:mikejak@aol.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: BS-EET |
Comments: Brother of Eta Beta Phi. Miss the school and the people I have lost touch with. Looking for friends Monique Gray and Greg Unger-where are you? If you see this e-mail me. We need to have a Beta reunion at the Maid! I now live in Virginia and I am a Network Systems Engineer. Great way for old friends to unite and keep SGC alive. |
John Trotman - 12/24/98 05:04:58 My Email:SCG8CAT@aol.com Year Graduated: 1989 Degree: Arch. |
Comments: Happy Holidays to all former alumni. |
Chris Hutchinson - 12/20/98 15:23:07 My Email:cthcmm@aol.com Year Graduated: Attended in 92 Degree: N/A |
Comments: Miss the school and all the people I knew.Still keep in touch with some of them.A brother of Beta.After the school closed started working for family in the Philadelphia area and have been there ever since. Now recently married and living in Maple Shade NJ |
Dave Marriott - 12/20/98 04:38:15 My Email:dmarriot@bfifurniture.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: Architorture |
Comments: Miss the Garden, Doin well, Hope to keep in touch. |
Ray McCarthy - 12/20/98 04:27:58 My Email:ramccarthy@hotmail.com Year Graduated: ???? Degree: the 3rd |
Comments: This is Ray's follow-up message. |
Ron Saar - 12/20/98 04:11:55 My Email:rsaar@arserrc.gov Year Graduated: still not sure Degree: 98.6 |
Comments: BETA still alive and looking for the old farts like me started in 1974. E-mail: rjsaar@juno.com |
Ray McCarthy - 12/20/98 04:07:36 |
Comments: Transferred to NJIT in 92', graduated in 97' with a degree in architecture. Now a Project engineer at Torcon, a construction management firm in New Jersey. |
Ron Stokes - 12/20/98 04:02:41 My Email:rstokes123@juno.com Year Graduated: 92 Degree: BS/EET |
Comments: I am thankful for the great friendships I was able to start at Spring Garden. Thanks for setting up this site. |
Robert A Cahill - 12/20/98 03:48:52 My Email:rac5869@hotmail.com Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: Computer Science |
Comments: Jim Hoyer made me do this. It is good to see some ex-SGC students staying in touch. Hope to hear from any fellow Eta Beta Phi fraternity members. Happy Holidays!! |
James Furey - 12/20/98 03:16:55 My Email:fevb89@aol.com Year Graduated: nope |
Comments: |
Scot M. Wiley - 12/12/98 22:13:45 My Email:scotw1@ix.netcom.com Year Graduated: Attended 90-92 Degree: none |
Comments: Hey, everyone its' me again! updating my info. Since my last entry I am now working in the IS/IT department at F.Y.I. Recordex Services Inc. I wish everyone well and happy holidays. Hey Kim C.Wilson where are you?!? |
William H. Schloendorn - 12/11/98 17:01:54 My URL:http://www.bluemoon2000.com My Email:whsx@aol.com Year Graduated: 1984 Degree: B.S. C.S.T. |
Comments: The closing of Spring Garden College was an intrinsic loss to the community. |
Wayne Woodruff - 12/09/98 17:16:02 My URL:http://www.jtan.com/~wayne My Email:wayne@jtan.com Year Graduated: 1979 Degree: BSEET |
Comments: Rather than complain about the costs of obtaining transcripts, be glad that you can get them! |
R. Straub - 12/03/98 15:14:43 My Email:Rob_J_Straub@sbphrd.com |
Comments: The $15 fee for obtaining transcripts is way to much! I don't need 10 copies and should have the option to pay for only 1! Elwyn, Inc. is a rip-off! |
Abby (Hunter) Kerper - 12/02/98 04:42:08 My Email:kerper@ems.att.com Year Graduated: 1980 Degree: Business |
Comments: Great idea! I have wondered how so many folks were doing, e.g. Vince T. and Frank Quattrone... I had to locate transcripts to go back to school for my MBA and the document company mentioned there was a site. Looks like you have free advertising. |
Sue (Shaw) DiMarco - 11/25/98 15:27:28 My Email:ssd423@aol.com Year Graduated: 1975 Degree: Medical Technology |
Comments: It's great to hear from so many that loved SGC as I did. After graduation, I married Jim DiMarco, who also went to SGC. We would love to hear from some of the Eta Beta Phi and Psi Lamda Phi members from the years 1971 thru 1975. Bob Reed, Allen & Ronni Egner, Karen Toddhunter, Gail Fishman, Beth Smith, Matt & Mark Bechta, Sean Knox, Wayne Heiser, et al. Where are you? |
David Jensen - 11/25/98 12:38:49 My Email:jensende@aol.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: Business & Technology |
Comments: SGC was a great old school. Hope this web site can keep the school's name alive. |
Paul Sullivan, P.E. - 11/13/98 06:39:49 My Email:pjspe@becnet.com Year Graduated: 1978 Degree: BS Construction Engineering |
Comments: Like to here from others from the class of '78. |
George Ruch - 10/30/98 19:29:47 My Email:George.E.Ruch@Boeing.com Year Graduated: 1978 Degree: Manufacturing Engineering |
Comments: Hi all you Spring Garden Alumi. After I graduated I travel traveling around the country for three monthes with Roy Walters (Contruction Engineering, 1978) and couple of other guys had a great time. Was fortune it enough to get a job with the Boeing Airpla e Co. in Seattle, WA. in Nov. of 1979. Been working here ever since. I started off working in tool design on the 767 plane, changed to engineering and worked 8 years on the B2 bomber and the last 6 years on the F22 fighter. Life is good. |
tony guyer - 10/30/98 01:58:57 My Email:guyer@bellatlantic.net Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: b.s. business management |
Comments: I didn't do anything wrong to be thrown out of the dorms, that I didn't even live in !!!! Soccer team, where are you fassnacht ? hughes ? let's get an alumni game together. MERMAID , TOOHEYS, THE SCHOOL GYM -- ALL GOOD PLACES TO HAVE A BEER. Married Robin Heggan in 1992, have one son Shane he came in 1995; i guess i did at least once that year too ! hit the powerball for 60 million in 1997. work off and on as a sales rep for a wholesale millwork distributor. golf way too much. LONG LIVE THE GARDEN-- AND ME TOO !!! WHERE ARE YOU CHICKEN MAN ? LOVE YA |
Robin (Heggan) Guyer - 10/30/98 01:04:52 My Email:guyer@bellatlantic.net Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: BS CET,AS Arch. |
Comments: Nice to see The Garden come back to life!! My sister-in-law, Chris clued me in on the site. I'm currently working at ARH Assoc, Hammonton NJ. Looking forward to hearing from some old friends. Sylvia Roth where are you? Call me. |
Christine Guyer - 10/29/98 18:23:27 My Email:cguyer@primebank.com Year Graduated: n/a |
Comments: I'm the last President of the SGC Student Government Association. Bruce Christman (SGC grad, KSK) tipped me off about this site - great idea!! I currently work for Prime Bank as an Executive Assistant and attend LaSalle University at night. SGC was the b st - I miss everyone very much. I'll be sure to pass this site along. Anyone up for a Dean & Dave's all-you-can-eat trip?!?! |
CHRISTY JOHNSON GENTIL - 10/22/98 11:16:32 My Email:AT WORK (NOT PRIVATE) Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: INTERIOR DESIGN |
Al Litwak - 10/16/98 18:40:17 My Email:alitwak@therics.com Year Graduated: 69 Degree: EET |
Comments: I live in Manasquan, NJ and work in Princeton, NJ. Would love to here from any "old" class mates. |
Daniel Stalheim - 10/12/98 13:39:27 My Email:Daniel.Stalheim@fluordaniel.com Year Graduated: '91 Degree: BS Civil - BS Construction Mgmnt. |
Comments: What an experience, I couldn't have asked for anything more from a college. I was the president of Kappa Sigma Kappa in '91 and what a time we had - not nearly enough room here to even try to recapture the memories. I'm currently a Project Engineer Manage for Fluor Daniel, based in Marlton, NJ working in the Pharmaceutical/Biotech. division and living in Doylestown, Pa. The site is a great idea. Anyone up for a midnight run to Pats - not that I can stay up to midnight anymore. |
SCOT M. WILEY - 10/07/98 22:17:42 My Email:tysonwiley@worldnet.att.net Year Graduated: attended 90-92 Degree: none |
G"psyche" C - 10/06/98 21:08:19 |
Comments: To all of us who entered with our heads up our asses and left with them on backwards. Hey vin,hon,brent,doug,mike,fred,march.,.... and let's not forget about George |
Ken Rumbarger - 09/29/98 03:48:45 My Email:kenrum@netscape.net Year Graduated: 1989 Degree: B.S. Computer Science |
Comments: Thanks, Wayne, for putting this site on the Net. My cousin in D.C. found it and told me when I asked him to help me find how I could get a diploma. Transcripts are helpful, but to my recollection, when I graduated as an evening student in 1989, the diplom s weren't ready yet and I can't recall ever getting one. Anyone with actual solutions or helpful suggestions, please e-mail me when you can. Looking to hear from Jadico, Fitt, or Bobman -- I'd be interested to know where you went -- teaching? consulting? oth? neither? Many thanks for a helpful and useful curriculum. But, yeah, I'm still long-winded. |
Mark A. Schwartz - 09/25/98 13:42:57 My Email:mark.schwartz@usfse.mail.abb.com Year Graduated: 1981 Degree: BSEET |
Comments: Hey, from the deep South. I live in Atlanta and work for ABB Combustion Engineering Inc in Windsor Ct. Just goes to show that SGC had some good benifits. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Scott Slickers, Bill Higgins, Carl Mueller, Chris Calhoun r an old girl friend Lisa Mallon ? |
Jim Cherry - 09/24/98 21:55:09 My Email:jimbo493@aol.com Year Graduated: 1987 Degree: B Arch |
Comments: I work with five other SGC graduates. They killed Spring Garden, those bastards!!! Hi Doug S., Greg B., Mike R., Wendi D., Tim L.,Jeff D.,Mike C., Dave V.. Well think of the bright side, your not getting anymore phone calls from alumni asking for donation . |
Les Moskowitz - 08/24/98 04:11:47 My Email:Mosky2@AOL.com Year Graduated: Faculty Degree: n/a |
Comments: What a great idea. Will be in touch with those who are this site that I know and hope that sthose who remember me will contact me too. Will pass this on to other SGC'ers that I am in touch with The old Dean of Technolgy, Les |
Judi (Moskowitz) Parker - 08/24/98 00:05:37 My Email:jparker@netcarrier.com Year Graduated: dropped out 1979 Degree: Manufacturing Engineering/Business |
Comments: Hello, all you ex-SGCers! This website is GREAT. My father and brother passed along their discovery of the site. It's great to know there's so many of us still around - and interested in keeping in touch ! There's lots of old friends I'd like to find hrough this site - like Quattrone, Medoff, etc. I've been lucky enough to run into an old-SGCer, Kevin McGee, through my sister, Debbi (who's now married to Barry Longenecker, living in NH) ! Anyone who'd like to get in touch, feel free to e-mail me ! I'll check back on this site in a week or so ! SGC lives ON !! |
David Moskowitz - 08/23/98 00:08:53 My Email:kd lmgs@aol.com Year Graduated: 1978 Degree: BSME |
Comments: I work with three alumni and one of them just told me about this site. It is a great idea! Two of the alumni and I were hired when our company visited the school in 1978. My Dad taught at the school for a number of years. I am sending him a note about this site. He is retired now, but very much into computers. I also worked in the machine shop at the Mermaid Lane facility, and have great memories of times with John Pellow, Dennis and others. |
Larry Swain - 08/20/98 17:05:34 My Email:lswain@iname.com Year Graduated: 1982 Degree: BSEEET |
Comments: Thanks for making a place for SGC alums to meet, and for the transcript info! Spring Garden never quite reached its potential, but it provided a unique education and its loss makes Phila. a poorer city. |
Larry Brown - 08/19/98 14:39:44 My Email:l2c2@usaor.net Year Graduated: 1978 Degree: BS Construction Tech. |
Comments: Thought about the college many times over the years and the great times I had. I was really sorry to see it go. Now 20 years later, married with 2 children I can only hope that they can have the same experience. Hope everyoue is doing well! |
John Trotman - 08/19/98 02:34:03 My Email:scg8cat@aol.com Year Graduated: 1989 Degree: BA |
Comments: Any one willing to sell a copy of the 1989 school yearbook please e-mail and let me know the price. I am sorry I never obtained a copy when I was there. Or if any one knows where there are copies on file please let me know. Thanks |
Carmen Baratta - 08/13/98 17:14:31 My Email:barattac@snip.net Year Graduated: 1965 Degree: ASEE |
Comments: Great site! You might be interested to know that a whole lot of original transcripts were destroyed in a flood that they had at the school. I'm not sure if it was the building downtown or in Chestnut Hill. In any case there is no record that I attended SG from 1963 - 1965 because my records apparently were among the damaged ones. All I have from SGI are my diploma, a letter from the PA Dept of Ed confirming my missing records, and a class picture - and of course my memories. |
Steve Ritter - 08/04/98 17:09:49 My Email:arscomp1@bellatlantic.net Year Graduated: 1986 Degree: BS EET |
Comments: I was only at the pictured campus for my senior year. To bad the move put them under. I will never forget the time they made us sell $75 worth of raffle tickets. I agree with Fred, lets have a reunion at the Maid. |
Ron Dillman - 08/03/98 14:10:13 My Email:rdillman@uaigroup.com Year Graduated: 89 through 92 Degree: B Arch |
Comments: Hello friends. Upon the unfortunate demise of SGC, I transferred to NJIT's Architecture program [instead of the Temple alternative] and graduated in 1994. It's nice to see there is still a common connection between us SGC alumni. Currently, I am taking my ARE. |
bill warwick - 07/29/98 02:11:44 My email:wrw0127@aol.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: b-arch |
Comments: spring garden - if you were there you know it was the best. way to many good times from '84 - '90. its a darn shame those who had control - had none. |
Mark Warner - 07/20/98 11:59:24 My Email:markresc@aol.com Year Graduated: n/a |
Comments: Well, I was a Civil Engineering major, but never quite got that Stat's and Strengths class. I (along with Matt Evangelou) was one of the co-founders of (and possibly even coined the name) The Psycho Ward. "Freshman year was the best 3 years of my life!!! I left SGC in 1989. I'm now working for Hanover Twp (NJ) Police Dept. in Communications as a Dispatcher and Training Officer. Definitely miss good times at SGC. |
Matt Evangelou - 07/20/98 01:01:05 My URL:http://www.erols.com/a92miata/ My Email:a92miata@erols.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: B.S. Business Management |
Comments: Hey there fellow SGC Alumni!! I no longer feel like an orphan! My experience at SGC was the best 5 years of my life (I know Business Mgmt is only a 4 year program). I was one of the original Dorm students that came in 1985 (PSYCHO WARD 3rd floor). I c rrently work for Prudential Investments in Horsham, Pa. as an Operations Manager & live in Erdenheim. Keep the spirit alive... |
Fred Blimegger - 07/17/98 18:19:05 My Email:FFB003@email.mot.com Year Graduated: 1986 Degree: BSEET |
Comments: Hey its old Hollywood back to say hello. I dont visit Florida anymore cause I live in Florida. I did get a chance to stop in the Maid last year when I was in Phila. We should all get together some time there and shoot the bull. Gee, when I was in school there was no internet. Good idea. |
Dean H. Sebastian - 07/17/98 14:25:13 My Email:dean@premierweb.net Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: Interior Design |
Comments: SGC was the best college experience--great friends, great parties, great campus--what a rush! After SGC I moved to Savannah, Georgia where I completed a graduate program in 1995. Presently, I am teaching architecture and visual arts for a magnet academy Y'all give me a hollar if your gonna be down South--ya here!! |
Eric Eshbach - 07/03/98 18:15:28 My Email:eshbach@erols.com |
Comments: Only attended spring garden college for 11/2 years. The school closed at the end of my junior year. I was studing architecture. I since have gone on to finish my degree at Maryland university. |
Joseph M. Apold - 07/02/98 20:22:34 My Email:japold@vizmfg.com Year Graduated: 1986 Degree: BSEET |
Comments: Nice to see SGC on the web. |
Michael Tripodi, III - 06/17/98 14:00:19 My Email:mtripodi@compuserve.com Year Graduated: 1990 Degree: B.S. Architecture |
Comments: This is great! I am having problems in N.C. sitting for the license exam because of the closing before accreditation of the arch program. Any advice anyone? |
Mark Howell - 06/10/98 05:36:25 My Email:MKJH@AOL.com Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: B.S. Construction Mgmt. |
Comments: I am the last President of the SGC Alumni Assoc., and a brother of KSK. I work with a Kappa brother, Neil Block and I am still in contact with many grads. from the Construction, Civil and Arch. programs old ones and young ones. Check out the Jamisoncon w b site were Neil and I work its still under construction, go figure. |
Steven Harmony - 06/09/98 07:02:37 My Email:Steve_harmony@amat.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: BSEET |
Comments: This is cool, I do not see many BSEETs here. If anyone remembers me from evening classes, I finally made it to the Silicon Valley. |
Neil Block - 06/09/98 00:12:44 My Email:nblock@erols.com Year Graduated: transfered 92 Degree: civil/const. |
Comments: Being a brother of Kappa Sigma Kappa and working in the construction industry, I have kept in touch with a lot of SGC alumni. I hope this site will put me in touch with several alumni who I have not talked to or seen in many many years. I remeber SGC fo dly and am always saying what if. Any Kappa Brothers intersested in our annual DEACE get together please e-mail me. |
Gary Plefka - 06/07/98 20:34:08 My Email:plefka@msn.com Year Graduated: 1976 Degree: AS/MfgEng |
Comments: I remember the campus life at "the Maid", listening to the Septa train rumble past the back of the school and parking at the shopping center. How is Mr Pellow, Mr Crossan, Frank Quattrone, Dennis and Harvey. I would like to get in touch with Bob Guzone, a yone know of him? |
Bob Brown - 06/02/98 19:28:44 My Email:rlbrown4@lucent.com Year Graduated: 1981 Degree: BSMET |
Comments: |
Matt Clayton - 06/02/98 12:27:57 My Email:arconcepts@arconcepts.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: Associates of Architecture |
Comments: As a brother of Kappa Sigma Kappa I have been able to keep in touch with lots of SGC alumni. I work with two other brothers and in our office we have at least six alumni. Anyone thought about a reunion? I hope all of you that attended SGC in its final ears have been able to work through the problems caused by the closing. |
matthew takita - 05/31/98 01:29:03 My Email:takitacrew@aol.com Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: bs arch |
Comments: This is great. There are so many people I'd like to get in touch with. To all of you, I hope life is treating you well. |
Shannon Keck Takita - 05/30/98 15:13:32 My Email:takitacrew@aol.com Year Graduated: none |
Comments: My husband, Matthew Takita, and I both attended SGC and often wonder what happened to everyone we knew. He graduated in 1991 and I left before that school closed. This is a great idea! |
Vince Tranchitella - 05/27/98 22:39:44 My Email:VETranch@aol.com Year Graduated: n/a Degree: n/a |
Comments: Great Idea!!! Nice to hear from so many former SGC and SGI students. Would be nice if we could all get together sometime and remember the happier times at the 'Garden. By the way R.H., after 28 years in the SGC administration, I sleep well at nights. |
Teri Tranchitella - 05/27/98 13:37:53 My Email:YoTer@aol.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: B.A., Interior Design |
Comments: You can probably guess by my last name who I am... Dad and I keep in touch with some old favorites like Bob Thompson (anybody remember him?), Chris Nydick, Joe McGrory, Millie Glushakow, John Pellow, Mary Rodi, Ron Mickey, Mike Haritos, and, of course, De bie "I can't have lunch with you today because I have to go home and work on my tan:)" Kennedy. Maybe we'll hear from more alumni soon. Anybody put on a great haunted house lately??? |
David Collom - 05/22/98 19:48:13 My Email:crowobe@mailexcite.com Year Graduated: 1988 Degree: Mech. Engr.Tech.,B.S. |
Comments: This site is a great idea. I hope more respond. After graduating I worked as a plasterer for a number of years now I am 1/2 way thru med school. Anybody remember Dave who played D&D alot and practiced astral traveling? I'm curious what he's up to. Best ishes to everyone. |
Paul C. Tarantino - 05/22/98 19:24:44 My Email:PAULT925@aol.com Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: architecture |
Comments: Im always astonished on what the Internet can be used for and this is certainly a great idea, since SGC closed. I hope more and more people will use this web site! |
Mark A.Young - 05/15/98 16:59:56 My Email:MARKOYOUNG@www.hotmail.com Year Graduated: none Degree: Architectual |
Comments: I would just like to hear from my brothers and little sisters from Kappa Sigma Kappa. I hope that everyone is well and I miss you all! |
R H - 05/13/98 23:51:30 |
Comments: I hear Textiles has an Accredited Arch. program. To bad we didn't merge. Thanks to all the S.O.S. people for screwing the arch. students. Oh yeah and lets not forget about the gross incompetance of the administration that led to the downfall. I wonder ho they sleep at night. |
Debbie Kennedy - 05/13/98 18:01:30 My Email:dkenn@ga.k12.pa.us Year Graduated: 1991 Degree: CST |
Comments: I was just talking to my friend Jim Hoyer and he said SGC needed a website, so I searched on the name and found it. I worked for Larry Jadico, David Fitt and Vince Tranchitella until the place started to fall apart and then I worked for Mulhern until I l ft in 1991. I am still in contact with some alums, but really miss having a place where you can run into people. |
Jim Hoyer - 05/13/98 17:59:35 My Email:jimhoyer@aol.com Year Graduated: 1992 Degree: BS Electronics Eng. Tech. |
Comments: What a cool Idea, I was thinking about something like this the other day . President Eta Beta Phi 88,89,90, President Student Givernment Association 90, Chairman Soave Our School Committee. Sad to see it go! I miss it! |
Kelly T. Kirk - 04/20/98 15:35:19 My URL:http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/~kkirk My Email:ktk@iname.com Year Graduated: 1988 Degree: B.S. CET |
Comments: Nice to see a SGC site on the net, brings back memories of doing DEC macro assembly on the pdp-11/60. |
Jose Roberto Cano - 04/02/98 01:07:41 My Email:canoga@salnet.net Year Graduated: 1969 Degree: asimt |
Comments: Sad to hear that SGI closed its doors!!. When I attended SGI at the old building in Broad Street I was the only foreign student (El Salvador, Central America), would like to hear from Dean Moskowitz and any classmates of that time, Burkard, Greg Slade, e c. |
Rich Kratz - 03/13/98 22:22:00 My Email:rlkratz@erols.com Year Graduated: 1982 Degree: Civil |
Comments: Great idea. It was a real treat to see SGC on the Web. This is certainly a far cry from the old IBM mainframe and Fortran programming on punch cards. Ugh. If any one knows any Civil, COnstruction or Architectural grads. from '82 please pass along my e-mail address. Tell them I'll meet them at the 'Maid for a beer. |
Stuart Burke - 01/10/98 05:07:03 My URL:http://www.america.net/~stuart/ My Email:stuart@america.net Year Graduated: 1987 Degree: CST |
Comments: Very glad to find this site. Thanks, Wayne for putting it together. |
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