Trustee's Hall at the Germantown Avenue site
Entrance to the Mermaid Lane site (photo courtesy of Joe Conway)
Spring Garden College was the oldest private technology school in the United States when it closed its doors. Unfortunately, most of the school records and property are gone. Transcripts can be obtained. More information on that can be found at the bottom of this page.
The school went bankrupt in the early 1990's. It purchased the campus of the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf on Germantown Avenue, near the Mermaid Lane site. At the time school enrollment was declining and the school could not maintain financial viability.
This website was started in an attempt to reacquaint alumni. I copied an article from the January 1992 Alumni and Parents Newsletter on the history of SGC.
Please view and sign our Guestbook!
Here are the guestbook archives:
Many Alumni are in need of transcripts. To get transcripts you need to contact the following:
Cathy Demarco
Information Storage Alternatives
1419 Zebley Road
Boothwyn, PA 19061
phone(610) 497-8835
fax (610) 497-4668
You will need to include your SS#, dates of attendance, how many copies you need and the address(s) where they need to be sent. If you need them sent to a college or business, include that address. Most colleges won't accept transcripts from the student. There is a $15.00 fee (as of Sept 2002). You can have more than one copy for this amount. Please make a check or money order payable to "ISA"
You can email the information (webmaster note: I do NOT recommend emailing your SS#) to ISA or send the information in the mail with your check. The transcripts will be sent out as soon as ISA receives payment.
Please call first!!!Since SGC is no longer in existence, the transcripts are "not official", although no school or organization has turned down any transcripts as long as Information Storage Alternatives sends them. Information Storage Alternatives sends a letter of explanation with the transcript. If you have any questions after receiving your transcripts, you can contact the Department of Education at 717-772-3623
Please note: The Department of Education does not maintain any transcripts for Spring Garden College. Information Storage Alternatives is the custodian of these documents.
There have been some inquiries lately about accreditation of the college. This is required for certain government jobs. Alumni Pete Spinelli, contacted ABET in May of 2004 about the EEET program and received a letter stating that the EEET program was ABET accredited from 1973 to 1991. Other programs were accredited as well. Your best bet is to contact them yourselves.
This site was conceived (ha!) and developed, in my spare time (ha!) by Wayne Woodruff (BSEET 1980) ( The information here is correct as of the date listed below. If you find any errors or discrepancies, please email me at the above address. If you really have no life, visit my web site.
Last updated 11-January-08