Ah, home sweet home.... Royce Hall! Oh the shit that goes on here.... where to begin..... lets start with my wing... I live in second odd, and we love our name because it suits us fine. At the end of the hall we have Brad, Taiga, and Rick... They are the older group... 21+ to be exact, and you know what that means... As you move down the hall you find Tommy, Kevin, Nikk, Me, Jesse, Sara, Chris and Robert. All together we make up the "ODD" wing, second floor... REPRESENT! We are a very colorful group, Rick, Nikk, and Brad like to climb and repel... on and off anything they can, legal or not. Kevin and me are the warez guys... you want it we got it..... Next semester, Kevin and I are going to be room mates.. so that should make things very intresting.. As far as activities go, we like to have fun, and Tuesday night has been adopted as official party night! These are some pics from the last tuesday night... Some had more than others... alcohol that is.. and just couldn't handle it.... See for your self.....

Toasted, but happy to see another drink....

Uh Oh, not liking that one last drink now...... barf.......

This guys startin to feel it too........

And he joins the other guy in a "chunk blowin" contest.... yuck...

The owner of the room... realizing he has spew to clean up.... He's a little toasted to, so its all good..... :) thanks for the camera Celeste...

Partying isn't the only thing we do though... we play paint ball, and our team consists of only Royce Hall residents... so watch out for us a paint tourny near you.. feeling the sting of tuesday, and wanting to shoot someone................