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Hello World !
Here is 'bunch of Genes' speaking who created for themselves temporary
survival machine called human being i.e. me (see Richard
Dawkins : Selfish Gene). Thanx to strange consequences I am aware
of this, even I am studying the system of genes mostly from technical point
of view, I mean especially
Genetic Algorithm, Evolutionary Computations, Neural Nets
using idea of biological systems- the most perfect systems on Earth
computer simulations
of complex systems with specific behavior known as Life , mostly not 'carbon-based'
study and application
of behavior we consider to be Intelligent - and hopefully human :)
Besides these topic which I definitely like, I am also actively involved
in student organization
- Board of European Students of Technology
Keywords: ex-president of BEST Kosice, Technical university, Summer
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Personal data of Peter
Species: Male human being
Age: [today's date] minus Febr 23, 1976 = my age
Job: Student
IQ: high enough but I am still upgrading it by studying Artificial
Intelligence ;)
Skills: English (since 1985),driver license,design of electronic
circuits,teamwork experience, teamleading experiences
Computer skills: Programming (C, Assembler 51,86, HTML, Pascal,
Prolog, Matlab), Word, Excel, CorelDraw, internet SW (pine,elm,lynx,ftp,irc,telnet),
computer nets (HW,SW)
Education :
1998 - Norwegian
university of Science and Technology, Trondheim
- my current study of Artificial Life
1994 - Technical
university of Kosice, Slovakia
- study of Master's degree in Department of Cybernetics and Artificial
1990 - 1994 Secondary School of Electric Engineering
Courses :
BEST Summer course Kosice, Slovakia, July '98 [organizer]
"Summer School of Caves"
BEST Summer course Kosice, Slovakia, July '97 [organizer]
"Ecological case studies"
BEST Summer course Roma, Italy, Sept '96 [participant]
"Bioprocess engineering"
BEST Summer course Kosice, Slovakia, July '96 [organizer]
"Industrial waste management"
BEST Summer course Timisoara, Romania, Aug '95 [participant]
"Services in computer networks"
BEST Summer course Kosice, Slovakia, July '95 [organizer]
"Industry & ecology"
Other BEST events:
BEST General Assembly Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April '98
BEST President Meeting Warsaw, Poland, November '97
BEST General Assembly De Haan, Belgium, April '97
BEST Workshop Gliwice, Poland, March '97
BEST President Meeting Veszprem, Hungary, November '96
BEST General Assembly Tallinn, Estonia, May '96
BEST Worship Timisoara, Romania, March '96
Cross-country skiing
Torturing friends by trying to play the guitar
Tiny railway modeling
Top favorites:
Books: Douglas
Adams - Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy (all 5 books) Joseph Heller
- Catch XXII, J.R.R.Tolkien
- Master of a Ring, Isaac Asimov, Richard
Others: Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Karel
Page updated: Sept 16, 1998 | Peter
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