Guy Friends!

Well, I received a message in my guestbook, saying that I should put up a guy's page, for my male friends, so here it is...I don't have many pictures of guys, but when I get them, this is where I will put them. I do have some, like here's a pic of Aaron Adair:

And here's one of Peery Lee:

Here's one of my brother, Myque:

Ben Bryant is a freak, but still a very good friend:

Joey Cranford now lives in San Marcos or Austin (depending on the year), but while he was in Commerce, we had some fun (here he is with Brooke, a roommate at the HOLE:

Members of Othello's Lie Shawn Stephens and Michael Knight:

Here's a photo of Ian Casto, a very funny guy, with my sister-in-law Beth:

Here's a photo of my roommate, Frank Thomas:

A nice picture of Frank and Michael Burkett:

Michael Coon was the Technical Director of TAMU-C for awhile. Here he is with Frank:

Here's a pic of Micael Knight:

The Lords of the Ash House (Brandon Slagle, Me, Frank, and Knight):

I think this is a really cool shot of Shawn and Greg Gordon:

Well, that is all I know right now...I'm sure I left some people out, so y'all can just kill me later.