So, you want to know more about me (JOY!). lets start with the obvious my name. Like I said earlier mortals call me CHUK, I'm 24 years old. I feel I have done a lot in the last 24 years. As you can see from my picture I have a good sense of humor. Its something I picked up over the years, some call it a flaw but I just call it fun.
For starters I joined the US NAVY. Learning the hard way what NAVY really means: NEVER AGAIN VOLUNTEAR YOUR SELF. Other nuggets of truth or matches of light that I shall pass on here are it's easier to ask for forgiveness then permission. Think about it. Another match is it's not WHAT you know; its WHO you know. Those were some of the nugget's of truth I learned when I worked on the USS AMERICA (the ship that goes boom!). I was one of those damn snipes, a Engineer,(can you find Waldo in that link?) assigned to 4MMR or four main machinery room. I guess you could say I saw Europe; Italy, France, Spain, Israel. Were the places I have been, some more than twice. There are a million sea stories that I could tell and maybe later I'll post some.
Joining the work force as I exited the Navy, I worked the skilled trades. I did some Ironwork, out of Local 25, in Detroit. Mostly I worked for a company called J.A. Papalas. Rough work with Good people.
All this lead to me final goal. Ohio StateThat's right, all this, just to go through school. Not that I'm complaining or anything but I did take the long way to get here. But I'm here and guess what, I'm staying! I'm tired of real life! I want the safe haven of academia. If you want to hear what I think of Ohio State Go HERE. I said it once and I'll say it again, I had my share of the real world and you can have it!!!
You must be asking yourself by now: Does he have any friends? The answer is yes! At least they act like it, as long as I cook for them *g*. To meet my friends you should go here.