KN - 10/01/00 23:52:10 My Email:KN | Comments: Even though I disagree with your issues I have to say, not bad homepage at all. |
Donna Carter-Odom - 08/29/00 00:50:20 My Major: Poultry Science college: UF/College of Agr favorite saying: don't sweat the small stuff favorite performer(actor or singer): willie nelson favorite subject (school subject): pharmacology career choice: pharaceutical manager | Comments: |
Rex Lunae - 08/05/00 22:49:25 My URL: My Email:1@3.4 favorite saying: "Republicans suck" favorite performer(actor or singer): Dr. Drew favorite subject (school subject): Bull Shit | Comments: |
rcsteele - 05/09/00 15:25:12 My Major: engineering college: u.s.n favorite saying: cash, gas or favorite performer(actor or singer): dmx favorite subject (school subject): mechanical engineering career choice: n/a | Comments: hey wuz up |
Caryn - 04/16/00 19:37:07 My Major: Pre-Medicine/Microbiology college: Indiana State University favorite saying: Kick-ass! favorite performer(actor or singer): Kevin Spacey favorite subject (school subject): Biology Lab career choice: physician | Comments: You're my favorite conservative Republican, Drew...LOL...A lot coming from a 'LIBERAL' democrat...Peace! |
Nic - 02/28/00 15:57:34 My Email:It is at the bottom of the page Major: FRE/AG LAW (wow that changed) college: um...can we say, "GO GATORS!!!" favorite saying: RIIIIIIGHT...and Wicked cool! favorite performer(actor or singer): him.. Ruppert " yeahI know he's gay but I'd still try to get with him" Everett favorite subject (school subject): English, creative writing career choice: LAW BABY!!!! | Comments: Andy,Andrew,AJ, or just not plain DREW... Dearest syblling of mine.. YOUR MIND FASANATES must get your creativity from me..(Heeee) TRULY AMAZING...You can spend a BILLION HOURS at this site....I am getting cross-eyed... Keep it up......!!!!!! or I'll kick your..a@$ kidding..I love u!!!!!! |
Susan Minnis - 02/16/00 16:24:21 Major: undecided college: undecided favorite saying: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness favorite performer(actor or singer): Nicholus Cage career choice: nursing or vet | Comments: Please send me more information on the college. |
Missy Roffman - 02/09/00 03:02:01 My Major: psychology college: Liberal Arts and Sciences favorite saying: Katie is a slut favorite performer(actor or singer): Robin Williams favorite subject (school subject): psychology career choice: counseling psychologist | Comments: What a cool web page! What a cool guy who designed the web page! |
Kerry Vash - 01/21/00 01:46:14 My Major: psychology and english college: liberal arts and science career choice: English teacher | Comments: Drew, I can't believe you think I ignored you. |
Kerry Vash - 01/21/00 01:45:05 My Major: psychology and english college: liberal arts and science career choice: English teacher | Comments: Drew, I can't believe you think I ignored you. |
Felicia Averbuch - 01/16/00 03:34:26 My college: Florida International University favorite saying: Smile =) | Comments: Cool site....Really like the dancing alligator! Very cool graphics. |
Elly - 12/19/99 13:12:00 My Major: Business Admin college: BMC favorite saying: When you've tried your best and it still fails, then let it go. favorite performer(actor or singer): Julia Roberts favorite subject (school subject): Business Structure career choice: Human Resource | Comments: |
Danica McKellar - 11/21/99 22:38:12 My URL: My Email:?@?.? Major: Math college: UCLA favorite saying: Math = FUN !!! career choice: Acting | Comments: Hi Andrew (Have nothing to contribute) Danica |
Candi Parrott - 11/19/99 00:02:13 My Major: psychology but pre-med college: University of Florida favorite saying: Whereever you go, that's where you are. favorite performer(actor or singer): MARIAH CAREY!!!!!!!!! favorite subject (school subject): dance career choice: medical researcher | Comments: I'm obsessed with Mariah Carey! Enough said. |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
kenneth reding - 11/14/99 22:43:44 My Email:gatorken@yahoo.,com Major: physics college: uf favorite saying: go gators favorite performer(actor or singer): al pacino favorite subject (school subject): history career choice: sports media | Comments: go gators |
barbara mallo - 10/20/99 03:38:01 My | Comments: love you!!!!!!!!! |
Alex Gordon - 10/11/99 12:27:48 My Major: ento college: agri and vet favorite saying: "all good things come to an end." favorite performer(actor or singer): cafe risque women favorite subject (school subject): med/vet career choice: cdc vet | Comments: hi! you're standing behind me. i can just tell it to you in your face, man! |
April Bakker - 08/22/99 03:03:37 My Major: still deciding! college: SPJC ... for now favorite saying: Yeah baby! favorite performer(actor or singer): Julia Roberts career choice: I am currently a Dental Assistant, and enjoying it!!!! | Comments: I've signed your guestbook before, but I wanted to sign again! Hehehee! You need to e-mail me Drew, I barely here from ya babe. Next time you are back in town, we are going out, ya hear me? Still waiting for you to scan a pic of yourself and post it on your website or send it to my e-mail. YOU ARE THA BOMB! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have such a cool e-mail address, i won't forget you helping me get online, i didn't even know how to e-mail someone until you showed me!! LOL!!! Hope to hear from yo soon.... Ciao :) |
- 08/11/99 20:18:39 | Comments: |
Nichole - 08/10/99 07:24:07 My Major: nope college: Not yet favorite saying: Your a re-re favorite performer(actor or singer): Steven Segal favorite subject (school subject): English career choice: Anything that doesn't envolve math. | Comments: Hey Drew....what a cute little set-up you have here. You really need to keep an eye on your guestbook though. There are a lot of girls that are leaving cute little comments on wanting a pic and getting to know you. (And you said that you can't get a da e) C'MON LADIES!!!! E-mail me and I'll give you all the iformation you want. He's a me on this one. So if there are any single ladies out there, then this single, intellegent, good-looking, kind, considerate, thoughtful, romantic man is he one for you. (To bad he's a Gator fan) LOL |
Kelly - 06/11/99 07:12:17 My Major: Vet college: USF favorite saying: Ya Ya favorite performer(actor or singer): Rob Lowe favorite subject (school subject): Science | Comments: Great web site, when are you going to put a pick of yourself on here? I would like to see what you look like, I have been coming to your page for a long time now and enjoy your updates. I hope that you get the Drew page coming soon up. |
heheh nice page but mine better hehhe
Victor Hatcher - 04/08/99 01:37:57 My Major: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation college: Greatest on Earth UF favorite saying: Screw them if they can't take a joke! favorite performer(actor or singer): Jimmy Buffet favorite subject (school subject): Girls, Girls, Girls! | Comments: |
Laurie Estes - 04/06/99 16:20:56 My Major: Agronomy college: University of Florida favorite subject (school subject): Anything but math career choice: Plant geneticist | Comments: |
Andrea Bonfield - 04/02/99 23:35:48 My Major: Dietetics college: FSU!!!! favorite saying: Gators suck!...just kidding!!!!! favorite performer(actor or singer): chow yun fat! favorite subject (school subject): anything but chemistry career choice: entreprenur | Comments: hey andy....thats right i knew this guy as andy way back in hebrew school about 10 years ago!!! hes a great, smart, sweet and caring guy...i wish you the best buddy! i'm so glad we found each other again.....even if you chose the wrong school! hehehehehe great homepage! (happy i finally signed your guestbook???! hehehe) take ya! andrea |
Jolene Hodge - 03/09/99 20:36:43 My URL: My Major: Microbiology/Cell Science college: University of Florida favorite saying: Too much of a good thing is always bad... favorite performer(actor or singer): Christina Rucci favorite subject (school subject): Anatomy and Physiology career choice: neuroscientist | Comments: |
Sonny - 11/09/98 21:00:42 My Major: computer science college: fresno state favorite saying: na favorite performer(actor or singer): na favorite subject (school subject): anscient history career choice: progrmmer | Comments: |
shaquan sherry - 10/28/98 00:56:06 | Comments: |
- 10/21/98 21:23:01 | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
jill gordon - 08/24/98 23:47:58 My Major: Computer Engineering college: OWCC favorite saying: live life to the fullest favorite performer(actor or singer): Harry Connick Jr. favorite subject (school subject): Art career choice: Computer Engineer | Comments: this is a pretty cool little set up you've got here. You have WAY too much time on your hands! Good luck in Vet School. I have a friend who wants to be a vet at UF. Courtney Marler. Sweet and Beautiful girl. Freshman. See ya! |
Kelly - 08/09/98 11:22:08 My Major: Vet college: USF favorite saying: Thats Cool favorite performer(actor or singer): Don Johnson favorite subject (school subject): English career choice: Vet | Comments: HI DR.Drew I would like to know when you are going to UPDATE your page! I always check your page out once a week and I have not seen any updates for a while and also I went to your chat room and it isnt there any more :( so please post when you will be on the chat room , we would like to chat with you. |
Kelly - 07/21/98 00:11:46 My Major: Vet college: SPJC favorite saying: HIYA favorite performer(actor or singer): Tina Lockwood favorite subject (school subject): Math career choice: Vet | Comments: HI Dr. Drew I attend SPJC and i saw a webpage from bubbaricks web page with your link, when did you goto college at spjc? |
Kim Lindamood - 07/07/98 14:34:51 My Major: Biology college: Florida State University career choice: Veterinarian | Comments: I am starting a pre-vet club at Florida State University. Any ideas would be great. E-mail me. |
zena donald - 07/01/98 22:13:35 My URL: My Major: undecided college: albion favorite saying: it's all good favorite performer(actor or singer): jon b favorite subject (school subject): math career choice: not sure | Comments: looks nice didn't really have time to just sit and chill but keep up the good work...later |
finefeline - 06/29/98 20:07:06 Major: computer engineering college: UF | Comments: This is a nice website that you have designed, maybe you can help me with mine. |
aajaah - 06/25/98 17:58:52 My Major: criminal justice/pol.sci. college: fayetteville state university favorite saying: "give up!!!!!" favorite performer(actor or singer): c.thomas howell/bruce willis favorite subject (school subject): english/history career choice: criminal defense attorney | Comments: life is way short so enjoy what u can......... |
- 06/24/98 16:32:49 My | Comments: Hi there! Thought I'd say thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for College Club and helping us grow at UF! Hope you have a great school year! |
rusty reyes - 06/14/98 14:48:05 My URL:http://wwwww.rustyreyes, My | Comments: how do i get started? |
rusty reyes - 06/14/98 14:44:45 My URL:http://www.use2bslick@WEBTV.COM My | Comments: |
EmilyElaine - 06/03/98 05:30:46 My URL:/CollegePark/Lab2812 My Major: writing college: Northern Michigan University favorite saying: That's life! favorite performer(actor or singer): Hokus Pick favorite subject (school subject): Language Arts career choice: writer | Comments: Hi! I was born in Florida, so I am crazy about it. I found your site through a chat room, looks interesting! If you are not too busy, would you be able to visit my site and send me a few suggestions for making it better? |
Chris Ambrose - 05/28/98 00:06:59 My URL: My favorite subject (school subject): Science | Comments: I like yur web site My dad is a professor at UF. |
King Queen - 05/24/98 16:11:03 My URL: My Major: Geophysics college: Leeds University favorite saying: I love you even if you are straight favorite performer(actor or singer): Leonardo di Caprio | Comments: Excellent page. Your readers might want to go to the Dr Drew Fanclub as it is surely your parallel personality... Can be found at" Good Luck. |
Sara Dalton - 05/21/98 23:52:43 My favorite saying: I love the service desk Ha Ha favorite performer(actor or singer): Sam Walton favorite subject (school subject): Working at Wal-Mart | Comments: Have a great day !!!!!!!!!!!!! I Like your Website. |
Ayn Van Syke - 05/19/98 15:56:39 My Major: Accounting college: USF favorite subject (school subject): History career choice: Accountant | Comments: |
Paulina Katsouli - 05/14/98 01:29:49 My Major: biology college: USF favorite saying: carajo | Comments: girls rule boys drool............... |
Paulina Katsouli - 05/14/98 01:27:34 My Major: biology college: USF favorite saying: carajo | Comments: |
Amanda143 - 05/05/98 20:58:45 My URL: My Major: Psychology college: UTA favorite saying: Whatever!!! favorite performer(actor or singer): myself favorite subject (school subject): History career choice: Computer Tech | Comments: You have a really cute page here! I really like your guestbook too:)Keep up the goodwork and don't forget to sign my guestbook! *LOL* --Amanda143 |
Jessica Ireland - 05/05/98 06:45:07 My Major: environmental science college: University of West Florida favorite saying: I guess so favorite performer(actor or singer): Sarah McLachlan favorite subject (school subject): environmental ethics career choice: Natural reasources/habitat protection | Comments: Andrew, finally found your site. I give you permission to stop nagging me about it. Great job for a non computer major. See you soon! |
Larry Mulchester - 04/26/98 03:02:32 Major: pre-vet college: UF favorite saying: cool, man!! favorite performer(actor or singer): Jerry Springer favorite subject (school subject): sleep career choice: veterinary medicine | Comments: EXCELLENT website. I am impressed with the scholarship links and hope to see more!!!! |
Hombre Melaza - 04/07/98 04:00:48 My URL: My favorite saying: WEPA favorite performer(actor or singer): Vico-C career choice: Electronics | Comments: Nice Page! I want to say what's up to Everyone & I want to say what's up to all my BORICUA'S & to all my HISPANICS in da' house!!! < font> ![]() VISIT MY WEB PAGE "LA MELAZA MUNDIAL" & SIGN MY GUSTBOOK!!! |
jeff barnes - 04/02/98 15:12:57 My Major: i have no major college: uf-and anything but f$u and utenn favorite saying: we are the champions favorite performer(actor or singer): i dont have one favorite subject (school subject): football and any uf sport career choice: what ever makes me a whole lot of money | Comments: looks like the start of another exciting uf web page.i look forward to your uf sports links page and more nice little tings in the future good luck to u while you're at uf and go gators |
denise (angel) - 03/27/98 18:59:01 My | Comments: |
Ivy Rauzin - 03/24/98 00:19:18 My Major: undecided college: University of Florida | Comments: |
Heather Aubin - 03/17/98 23:12:45 My Major: wildlife ecology and conservation college: University of Florida favorite saying: Drew, you are so populah! favorite performer(actor or singer): Anyone but Michael Bolton favorite subject (school subject): English, creative writing career choice: wildlife veterinarian | Comments: This is a pretty good web site. It needs naked pics of Drew, though. Come on!! As a wise bumper sticker once said, "I think, therefore I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh." You know I'm kidding (or am I really?) Keep up the good work, young man. Apply you self, and be all the sexy stud you can be!!!!! |
orlando m long - 03/17/98 22:47:24 My URL: My Major: Psychology(Business Option) college: PSU career choice: Counseling | Comments: Hello There! Nice page, Keep up the work. Enjoy school have fun work hard. |
barbara eve - 03/15/98 20:40:09 My Major: nursing college: queens favorite saying: today is the first day........ favorite performer(actor or singer): john travoltta favorite subject (school subject): sciences career choice: nursing | Comments: not much to say except that i know that you will succeed in any thing you put your heart to...... |
david freer - 02/26/98 20:06:01 My Major: undecided...possibly history/business college: University of Florida #1 favorite saying: Rush Limbaugh is awesome!. favorite performer(actor or singer): Dr. Dre favorite subject (school subject): history career choice: maybe law or business. something i can excell at and make a lot of money. | Comments: decent website. i'd give it a 10 (out of a 100) no i'm kidding. do you know what would make it better? pics of a girl jerking off a horse. go back to studying you've got a lot of work to do! |
Debbie Lancaster - 01/12/98 19:46:01 My Major: Counseling college: UF favorite saying: I think I can favorite performer(actor or singer): Pinky and the Brain favorite subject (school subject): neuropsychology career choice: education administration | Comments: Nice page, Drew. Please link to my Community College page if you like. |
Holly - 01/01/98 09:16:21 My Major: Rest Management college: UF favorite saying: I want that favorite performer(actor or singer): Nick carter favorite subject (school subject): English career choice: Rest manager | Comments: Keep up the good work. I hope we met at college |
jess hubbard - 12/28/97 01:28:16 My college: high school-hayfield secondary favorite saying: geh(it replaces a sigh:)) favorite performer(actor or singer): clare daines favorite subject (school subject): biology or photography career choice: doctor? | Comments: not sure i want to be a doctor but just seeing what univ. of florida has to offer- i live near washington dc~it's snowing here:) |
Katie Gillette - 12/20/97 23:46:52 My Major: Culinary Arts college: Johnson and Wales favorite saying: Your going to eat that? favorite performer(actor or singer): The Skatalites favorite subject (school subject): Amreican Cuisine career choice: Chef | Comments: This is so cool. Good luck to you in your career. I know that one day you will be Dr. Drew.:) |
Martin Galenieks - 12/15/97 16:38:42 My URL: My Major: Sociology college: Latvian University favorite saying: "Life really sucks" favorite performer(actor or singer): Silvester Stallone favorite subject (school subject): now it's not actually known for me career choice: something social, community | Comments: Your page is good. Still update it, will be better Good luck!!! |
jane / dark star / catriona highkick - 12/11/97 21:44:39 My Major: biological sciences college: ulster in ireland favorite saying: I have brought sorrow to the ones I love and through that sorrow I have found love - La Mamma Morta favorite performer(actor or singer): radiohead favorite subject (school subject): I.T. career choice: haven't a clue !! | Comments: write to me !! |
Kelly - 12/03/97 15:00:25 My Major: COP college: UF favorite saying: I like to lick favorite performer(actor or singer): Benny Hill favorite subject (school subject): English career choice: Cop | Comments: Great web page111 |
ann kossover - 11/28/97 01:48:05 My Major: wppd college: pharmacy favorite saying: i love mankind, it's people i can't stand career choice: pharmacy | Comments: thanks for your information, drew. good luck!!!! |
Dannielle VonDerLinden - 11/24/97 16:02:51 Major: bioscience college: University of Florida favorite saying: I gotta study! favorite performer(actor or singer): Bruce Willis favorite subject (school subject): math or science career choice: medicine | Comments: Great home page Drew! I'll be back to check out the changes soon. P.S. Good luck and have lots of fun at UF. |
April - 11/19/97 16:35:04 My Major: Undecided college: SPJC/USF favorite subject (school subject): Art career choice: Undecided | Comments: Just thought I'd visit and say hi to my new friend.Thanks for all your help with the E-mail and internet. See-ya around. April |
Lorena Bobbit - 11/11/97 14:41:36 My Email:nopene@usa.usan Major: Dismembering college: University of Dismemberation favorite saying: favorite performer(actor or singer): Shenaid O'Occonor favorite subject (school subject): Sex ed | Comments: |
Rick - 11/11/97 13:49:27 My URL: My Major: Computers college: SPJC/USF favorite saying: Happy favorite performer(actor or singer): Sandra favorite subject (school subject): Computers career choice: Computer repair | Comments: Great Web site, Keep up the good work |
iron tim - 11/07/97 14:15:28 My URL: My Major: P.T, college: Hogeschool Van Groginen favorite saying: Going back in time favorite performer(actor or singer): Rob Morrow favorite subject (school subject): Human anatomy career choice: physical therapy | Comments:THIS IS THE BEST WEB PAGE EVER!!! |
niki - 11/06/97 15:26:24 My Major: pharmacy, baby college: UF is there any other? favorite saying: wicked cool favorite performer(actor or singer): rod stewart favorite subject (school subject): creative writing career choice: pharmacist | Comments: this web page is written by my triplet brother and his web page rocks!!! He is an extremley hard worker and can find things out faster than most professors!! so enjoy his master work!!! and for goodness-sake don't stare at the screen for to long you'll have cross-eyes!!!!!!! |
Danny DeVito - 11/05/97 14:42:08 Major: acting college: UCLA favorite saying: go with it, man! favorite performer(actor or singer): Michael Bolton all the way, baby! favorite subject (school subject): gym class career choice: actor | Comments: THIS IS THE BEST SITE EVER!!! |