Welcome and thank you for visiting the Vietnamese Online Home Page. Vietnamese is the official language in Vietnam and is spoken by a large Vietnamese community around the world. This online course is an personal attemp to introduce the very basic of Vietnamese language to English speaking community.
(C) 1998 Tung X. Cong
This page was last updated Nov 01 1998
The Vietnamese language is a hybrid of Mon-Khmer, Thai and Chinese elements with many of its basic words derived from the monotonic Mon-Khmer languages. Throughout Vietnamese history and up to the present, the Vietnamese grew up speaking the dialect of the region in which they were born. There are three
main dialects northern, central and southern, which correspond to three main regions of Vietnam. They differ mainly in pronunciation and in the use of some specific phrases. The Northern and Southern pronunciation are considered as
official pronunciation of the Vietnamese language.
Lesson Index
Lesson 4 Accomodation
Lesson 5 In the country
Lesson 6 Food
Lesson 7 Shopping
Lesson 8 Health
Lesson 9 Time and Dates
Lesson 10 Numbers
A4. Vocabularies
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since Nov 12 1997.
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