- 04/11/00 14:50:41 | Comments: |
Tiffany Hudson - 04/01/00 05:57:58 My Email:wyldhappygirl37 Volleyball Player?: yes What team?: eagles Know any good volleyball links?: NO!!! I can't find any! | Comments: If anyone knows how to find teams to play on in my area, pease tell me!!! I can't find a summer team and I really need one to make me a better player. |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
- 09/14/99 06:12:28 | Comments: |
Sarah Denise - 09/08/99 20:41:09 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/sarspalce/index.html My Email:hamps10@excite.com Volleyball Player?: in high school What team?: Flora Wolfgals Know any good volleyball links?: just this one | Comments: Hello. I just thogut I would stop by and check out this year's team. Good luck this season. I am thinking going to SLCC next year, so maybe i will see you there. By the way, Lori and Nicole are really cool people! God bless you all! |
Patty Fletcher - 08/20/99 13:21:57 My Email:pattyf@bank-and-trust.com Volleyball Player?: fan What team?: Lady Soldiers | Comments: Just wanted to check out the site. I look forward to keeping up with the team through this site. Looks like it could use an update! Best wishes for a successful 1999 season! |
Nikomas Perez - 03/02/99 01:46:14 My URL:/SouthBeach/Port/2983/main.html My Email:nikomas21@yahoo.com Volleyball Player?: Nope.. Football/Track What team?: Flora Wolves Know any good volleyball links?: no but i know where ya can get a Quarter Pounder. yummy! | Comments: Hey! I'm Nikomas Perez, hopefully soon to be a student at SLCC. Just wanted to wish you luck in all that you do, and hopefully i'll see some of you next year! |
Tuong Nguyen - 03/11/98 01:11:36 My URL:http://homepage.usr.com/t/thdr/ My Email:Thundervbc@juno.com Volleyball Player?: Coach What team?: Thundervbc Know any good volleyball links?: Take a look at our site | Comments: Just surfing through... |
Jim Clark - 02/16/98 14:05:09 My URL:http://www.cedarville.edu My Email:clarkj@cedarville.edu Volleyball Player?: asst. coach What team?: Cedarville College | Comments: |
Joel Good - 02/14/98 01:24:02 My URL:http://www.clearwater.edu My Email:JoelGood@clearwater.edu Volleyball Player?: In high school What team?: Freedom warriors | Comments: Welcome to the Web. I like the really active screens! Yall take care and Hope to see you hear in Clearwater, FL this next season! |