Well, where should I start? If you know me really well then you already know what the heck awah means...if you don't, then I guess I'll have to explain it to ya...basically it's an interesting way of saying "what the heck?" there's a whole long story that goes with it but I'll spare you the exciting details. Anyway this is just the place where I talk and shove stuff that doesn't really belong anywhere else, so it'll be at least be a little weird if not continue on to be incredibly enthralled. (please note the sarcasm :) P.S. they are my thoughts so if you don't agree that's cool's just a personal opinion

Here's a random thought of the month (or year depending on when I actually get this page updated again) Why is it that whenever I'm at home near my family I can't be truely happy and find myself needing to get away, and then when I'm living far away from them again I'm not happy because I'm so far, and can't wait to be back there with them again. Such is life I guess.

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