I. Cereal Crops (Wheat and Barley)
Article Published or Submitted in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
76. Huang X.Q. & Cloutier S. 2008. Molecular characterization and genomic organization of low molecular weight glutenin subunit genes at the Glu-3 loci in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Theor. Appl. Genet.116:953-966.
75. Röder M.S., Huang X.Q., Börner A. 2008. Fine mapping of the region on wheat chromosome 7D controlling grain weight. Funct. Integr. Genomics 8:79-86.
74. Yi Y.J., An L.Z., Huang X.Q., Liu H.Y., Wang F. & Wang X.L. 2008. Development of molecular markers linked to the wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm4b and marker validation for molecular breeding. Plant Breed. 127:116-120.
73. Wang A.L., Pei Y.H., Zhang Y.Z., Zhang Q., He Z.H., Xia X.C., Appels R., Ma W.J., Huang X.Q., & Yan Y.M. 2008. Rapid separation and characterization of grain water-soluble proteins in bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) by capillary electrophoresis. Can J. Plant Sci. 88:843-848.
72. Huang X.Q. & Cloutier S. 2007. Hemi-nested touchdown PCR combined with primer-template mismatch PCR for rapid isolation and sequencing of low molecular weight glutenin subunit gene family from a hexaploid wheat BAC library. BMC Genetics 8:18. (PDF)
71. Huang X.Q., Wolf M., Ganal M.W., Orford S., Koebner R.M.D. & Röder M.S. 2007. Did modern plant breeding lead to genetic erosion in European winter wheat varieties? Crop Sci. 47:343-349. (PDF)
70. Pei Y.H., Wang A.L., An X.L., Li X.H., Zhang Y.Z., Huang X.Q. & Yan Y.M. 2007. Characterization and comparative analysis of three low molecular weight glutenin C-subunit genes isolated from Aegilops tauschii. Can. J. Plant Sci. 87:273–280.
69. Huang X.Q., Cloutier S., Lycar L., Radovanovic N., Humphreys G., Noll J.S., Somers D.J. & Brown P.D. 2006. Molecular detection of QTLs for agronomic and quality traits in a doubled haploid population derived from two Canadian wheats (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 113:753-766. (PDF)
68. Li J.Z., Huang X.Q., Heinrichs F., Ganal M.W. & Roeder M.S. 2006. Analysis of QTLs for yield components, agronomic traits and disease resistance in an advanced backcross population of spring barley. Genome 49:454-466.
67. Yifru T., Hammer K., Huang X.Q. & Roeder M.S. 2006. Regional patterns of microsatellite diversity in Ethiopian tetraploid wheat landraces. Plant Breed. 125:125-130.
66. Yifru T., Hammer K., Huang X.Q. & Roeder M.S. 2006. Analysis of microsatellite diversity in Ethiopian tetraploid wheats. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 53:1115-1126.
65. Huang X.Q. & Roeder M.S. 2005. Development of SNP assays for genotyping of the puroindoline b gene for grain hardness in wheat using Pyrosequencing. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53:2070-2075.
64. Li J.Z., Huang X.Q., Heinrichs F., Ganal M.W. & Roeder M.S. 2005. Analysis of quantitative trait loci for yield, yield components and malting quality in an advanced backcross population of spring barley. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110:356-363. (PDF)
63. Huang X.Q., Hsam S.L.K., Mohler V., Roeder M.S. & Zeller F.J. 2004. Genetic mapping of three alleles at the Pm3 locus conferring powdery mildew resistance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genome 47:1130-1136. (PDF)
62. Huang X.Q., Kempf H., Ganal M.W., Roeder M.S. 2004. Advanced backcross QTL analysis in progenies derived from a cross between a German elite winter wheat variety and a synthetic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 109:933-943. (PDF)
61. Khlestkina E.K., Huang X.Q., Quenum F.J.-B., Chebotar S., Roeder M.S. & Boerner A. 2004. Genetic diversity in cultivated plants -alterations or stability. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108:1466-1472. (PDF)
60. Alamerew S., Chebotar S., Huang X.Q., Roeder M.S. & Boerner A. 2004. Genetic diversity in Ethiopian hexaploid and tetraploid wheat germplasm assessed by microsatellite markers. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 51:559-567.
59. Blaszcyk L., Goyeau H., Huang X.Q., Roder M.S., Stepien L. & Chelkowski J. 2004. Identifying leaf rust resistance genes and mapping the gene Lr37 on the microsatellite map of wheat. Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett. 9:869-878. (PDF)
58. Huang X.Q., Coester H., Ganal M.W. & Roeder M.S. 2003. Advanced backcross QTL analysis for the identification of quantitative trait loci alleles from wild relatives of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 106:1379-1389. (PDF)
57. Huang X.Q., Wang L.X., Xu M.X. & Roeder M.S. 2003. Microsatellite mapping of the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm5e in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 106:858-865. (PDF)
56. Huang X.Q., Boerner A., Roeder M.S. & Ganal M.W. 2002. Assessing genetic diversity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm using microsatellite markers. Theor. Appl. Genet. 105:699-707. (PDF)
55. Huang X.Q., Hsam S.L.K. & Zeller F.J. 2002. Chromosomal location of genes for resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese wheat lines Jieyan 94-1-1 and Siyan 94-1-2. Hereditas 136:212-18. (PDF)
54. Wang H.J., Huang X.Q., Roeder M.S. & Boerner A. 2002. Genetic mapping of loci determining long glumes in the genus Triticum. Euphytica 123:287-293.
53. Hsam S.L.K., Huang X.Q.,
& Zeller F.J. 2001. Chromosomal location of genes for resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) 6. Alleles at the Pm5 locus. Theor. Appl. Genet. 102:127-133. (PDF)
52. Huang X.Q., Hsam
S.L.K. & Zeller F.J. 2000. Chromosomal location of two novel genes for resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese landraces (Triticum aestivum L.) Xiaobaidong and Fuzhuang 30. J. Genet. & Breeding 54:311-317.
51. Huang X.Q., Hsam S.L.K., Zeller F.J., Wenzel G. & Mohler V. 2000. Molecular mapping of the wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm24
and marker validation for molecular breeding. Theor. Appl. Genet. 101:407-414. (PDF)
50. Huang X.Q., Zeller F.J., Hsam S.L.K., Wenzel G. & Mohler V. 2000. Chromosomal location of AFLP markers in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) utilizing nulli-tetrasomic stocks. Genome 43:298-305. (PDF)
49. Schwarz G., Herz M., Huang X.Q., Michalek W., Wenzel G., Jahoor A. & Mohler V. 2000. Application of fluorescence-based, semi-automated AFLP analysis in barley and wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 100:545-551. (PDF)
48. Hsam S.L.K., Huang X.Q.,
Ernst F.,Hartl L. & Zeller F.J. 1998. Chromosomal location of genes for resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) 5. Alleles at the Pm1 locus. Theor. Appl. Genet. 96:1129-1134.
47. Zeller F.J., Huang X.Q., Paderina E.V., Collaku A., Kowalczyk K, Aslam M., Peusha H. & Hsam S.L.K. 1998. Identification of powdery mildew resistance genes in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) XII. Cultivars and landraces grown in Mediterranean countries. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 116:5-8.
46. Huang X.Q.,
Hsam S.L.K. & Zeller F.J. 1997. Identification
of powdery mildew resistance genes in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.) IX. Cultivars, land races and breeding lines grown in China. Plant Breeding, 116:233-238.
45. Huang X.Q., Hsam S.L.K. & Zeller F.J. 1997. Chromosomal
location of genes for resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) 4. Gene Pm24 in Chinese landrace 'Chiyacao' Theor. Appl. Genet. 95:950-953.
Review and Book Chapter:
44. Huang X.Q., Roeder M.S. 2004. Molecular mapping of powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat: a review. Euphytica 137:203-223. (PDF)
43. Roeder M.S., Huang X.Q., Ganal M.W. 2004. Wheat microsatellites in plant breeding - potential and implications. In: H. Loerz and G. Wenzel (eds), Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 55, Molecular Marker Systems in Plant Breeding and Crop Improvement. Springer Verlag Heidelberg. 255-266.
Conference Proceedings, Presentations and Internet Publications:
42. Huang X.Q. & Brule-Babel A. 2008. Development of genome-specific primers for genes involved in starch biosynthesis in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In: 6th Canadian Plant Genomics Workshop, June 23-26, 2008, Toronto, Canada
41. Roeder M.S. & Huang X.Q. 2008. Fine mapping of a QTL for grain weight in wheat. In: Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted Selection in Plants, February 3-6 2008, Vienna, Austria
40. Roeder M.S. & Huang X.Q. 2007. A novel gene for grain weight gw1 and a novel Rht locus on chromosome arm 7DS. Annual Wheat Newsletter 53:24-25.
39. Huang X.Q. & Cloutier S. 2006. Genomic organization and molecular evolution of the Glu-3 loci for LMW-GS genes in hexaploid wheat. In: 4th Canadian Plant Genomics Workshop, June 19-22, 2006, Ottawa, Canada.
38. Huang X.Q. & Cloutier S. 2006. Toward understanding the genomic organization of the Glu-3 loci for LMW glutenin genes in hexaploid wheat. In: Plant & Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 14-18, 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, P284.
37. Huang X.Q., Roeder M.S. 2005. Assessment of SNP haplotypes of the puroindoline b gene for grain hardness in European wheat varieties by Pyrosequencing.
36. Roeder M.S. & Huang X.Q. 2005. Dissection of QTL for grain weight into single Mendelian genes. Ann. Wheat Newsletter 51:31-32.
35. Huang X.Q. 2004. Dynamic changes of genetic variation of European wheat varieites from different decades. EU project-GEDIFLUX meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands, April 22-23, 2004.
34. Reeves J.C., Chiapparino E., Donini P., Ganal M., Guiard J., Hamrit S., Heckenberger M., Huang X.Q., Van Kaauwen M., Kochieva E., Koebner R., Law J.R., Lea V., Le Clerc V., Van der Lee T., Leigh F., Van der Linden G., Malysheva L., Melchinger A.E., Orford S., Reif J.C., Roder M., Schulman A., Vosman B., Van der Wiel C., Wolf M., Zhang D. 2004. Changes over time in the genetic diversity of four major European crops - a report from the Gediflux Framework 5 project. In: J. Vollmann, H. Grausgruber and P. Ruckenbauer (eds), Genetic variation for plant breeding, 17th EUCARPIA General Congress, 8-11 Sept. 2004, Tulln, Austria, pp3-8.
33. Boerner A., Khlestkina E.K, Huang X.Q. & Roeder M.S. 2004. Genetic erosion in crop plants? A case study. In: J. Vollmann, H. Grausgruber and P. Ruckenbauer (eds), Genetic variation for plant breeding, 17th EUCARPIA General Congress, Sept. 8-11, 2004, Tulln, Austria, p137.
32. Huang X.Q. & Roeder M.S. 2003. High-density genetic and physical mapping of the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm24 on chromosome 1D of wheat. In: H.N. Pogna, M. Romano, E.A. Pogna and G. Galterio (eds), Proc. 10th Int. Wheat Genet. Symp., Sep. 1-6 2003, Paestum, Italy, pp961-964.
31. Huang X.Q. Huang, Roeder M.S., Mohler V. & Zeller F. J. 2003. High-density genetic and physical mapping of wheat chromosome 1D reveals that the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm24 is located in a highly recombinogenic region. In: 11th Molecular Markers Symposium of the GPZ, IPK-Gatersleben, Germany, Sept. 16-17, 2003.
30. Roeder M.S., Huang X.Q., Boerner A., Ganal M.W. 2003. Wheat microsatellite diversity of a genebank collection in comparison to registered varieties. In: H.N. Pogna, M. Romano, E.A. Pogna and G. Galterio (eds), Proc. 10th Int. Wheat Genet. Symp., Sep. 1-6 2003, Paestum, Italy, pp625-627.
29. Li J.Z., Huang X.Q., Heinrichs F., Roeder M.S. & Ganal M.W. 2003. Mapping of quantitatively inherited traits in barley by AB-QTL analysis. In: 11th Molecular Markers Symposium of the GPZ, IPK-Gatersleben, Germany, Sept. 16-17, 2003.
28. Huang X.Q., Boerner A., Roeder M.S. & Ganal M.W. 2002. Construction of a dendrogram of 998 wheat accessions from the gene bank.
27. Huang X.Q., Wang L.X., Xu M.X. & Roeder M.S. 2002. Identification of microsatellite markers linked to the gene Pm5e for resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In: the 3rd Plant Genomics Conference in China, August 19-22, 2002, Beijing, China, pp103.
26. Huang X.Q., Wang L.X., Xu M.X. & Roeder M.S. 2002. Microsatellite mapping of the wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm5e in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
In: 10th Molecular Markers Meeting of the GPZ, Freising-Weihenstephan, Sept. 16-17, 2002.
25. Li J.Z., Huang X.Q., Heinrichs F., Roeder M.S. & Ganal M.W. 2002. Identification of quantitative trait loci in spring barley by mean of advanced backcross QTL analysis. 6th Gatersleben Research Conference 2002, Gatersleben, Germany, March 07-11, 2002.
24. Huang X.Q., Roeder M.S., Pestsova E., Boerner A. & Ganal M.W. 2001. Development and use of wheat microsatellite markers for the characterization of germplasm of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In: Plant & Animal Genome IX Conference, January 13-17, 2001, San Diego, CA, USA, P260.
23. Huang X.Q., Boerner, A., Roeder, M.S. & Ganal, M.W. 2001. Application of microsatellite markers in assessing genetic diversity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm. In: 9th Molecular Markers Meeting of the GPZ, Halle/S, Germany, Sept. 25-26, 2001.
22. Wenzel G., Loessl A., Frei U., Mohler V., Hsam S.L.K., Huang X.Q., Thuemmler F. & Zeller F.J. 2000. Genomics as a tool for an efficient utilization of genetic resources using potato and wheat as examples. In: Integration of Biodiversity and Genome Technology for Crop Improvement, Tsukuba, Japan, pp7-10.
21. Huang X.Q., Wendehake K., Boerner A., Vosman B., Cooke R., Isaac P., Roeder M.S. & Ganal M.W. 2000. Variety identification and characterization of germplasm using microsatellite markers. In: tenth international ITMI public workshop, June 14-16, 2000, University of Delaware, Delaware, USA.
20. Huang X.Q., Boerner A., Roeder M.S. & Ganal M.W. 2000. Application of microsatellite markers for the characterization of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm. In: the first Plant Genomics Conference in China, July 24-27, 2000, Dalian, China. pp13.
19. Huang X.Q.,Hsam S.L.K.
& Zeller F.J. 1997. Genetic analysis of powdery mildew resistance of four common wheat cultivars. In: L. Traruzek (ed), Proceedings of the International Conference-Protection of Cereal
Crops against Harmful Organisms. Kromeriz, Czech Republic. pp190-193.
II. Horticultural Crop (Watermelon)
18. Tan S.Y., Liu W.G., & Huang X.Q. 2002. Selection and breeding of seedless watermelon new variety ‘Zhengkang seedless No. 3? J. Fruit Science 19(6):406-410.
17. Tan S.Y., Liu W.G., & Huang X.Q. 2001. Breeding of seedless watermelon new variety ‘Zhengkang seedless No. 1? China Watermelon and Muskmelon (3):2-3.
16. Tan S.Y., Huang Z.G., Lang Y., Liu W.G., & Huang X.Q. 2000. Relationship between germination, growth of pollens and endogenous hormones in autotetraploid watermelon. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica 15(4):73-78.
15. Lang Y., Tan S.Y., Huang Z.G., Liu W.G., & Huang X.Q. 1998. Study on low fertility and embryo development of autotetraploid watermelon. . J. Fruit Science 15(3): 243-251.
14. Tan S.Y., Huang Z.G., Liu W.G., Lang Y., & Huang X.Q. 1998. Study on embryo development of autotetraploid watermelon. China Watermelon and Muskmelon (1):2-5.
13. Tan S.Y., Liu W.G. & Huang X.Q. 1998. A new variety of seedless watermelon with black rind - 'Mimei seedless No. 2' China Watermelon and Muskmelon (3):2-4.
12. Tan S.Y., Liu W.G. & Huang X.Q. 1997. A new variety of seedless watermelon - 'green Mibao' China Watermelon and Muskmelon (4):4-6.
11. Tan S.Y., Liu W.G., & Huang X.Q. 1995. Effect of KT-30 on raising the fruiting rate of triploid seedless watermelon. China Watermelon and Muskmelon (2):9-11.
10. Tan S.Y., Liu W.G. & Huang X.Q. 1995. A new variety of seedless watermelon with yellow rind - 'golden sun seedless No. 1' China Watermelon and Muskmelon (4):5-7.
9. Tan S.Y., Huang X.Q.
& Liu W. G. 1994. The superiorities of triploid seedless watermelon and series of seedless watermelon new varieties. China Watermelon and Muskmelon (4):22-23.
8. Tan S.Y., Huang X.Q. & Liu J.W. 1993. A study on the increase of induction frequency of tetraploid watermelon. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica 8(4):12-15.
7. Tan S.Y., Huang X.Q. & Liu J.W. 1993. A preliminary report on raising the fruiting frequency of triploid seedless watermelon with KT-30. China Watermelon and Muskmelon (1):19-20.
6. Tan S.Y.,Huang X.Q.
& Liu J.W. 1993. Raising the inducing frequency of tetraploid watermelon by colchine treating. In: International Symposium on Cultivar Improvement of Horticultural Crops, Held Jointly with the Peach Congress. China Agricultural Scientech Press. Beijing, China. pp292.
5. Tan S.Y., Liu J.W., Huang X.Q. & Liu W.G. 1993. The breeding and cultivation of
'Mimei seedless No. 1 watermelon' China Watermelon and Muskmelon (2):2-5.
4. Tan S.Y., Liu J.W., Huang X.Q.& Li S.J. 1993. Selection and breeding of watermelon new variety 'Mimei tetraploid' J. Fruit Sci. 10(2):87-91.
3. Tan S.Y., Liu J.W., Huang X.Q.& Li S.J. 1993. 'Mimei seedless No. 1' watermelon new variety. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 20(1):103-104.
III. Ornamental Plant (Sacred lotus)
2. Huang X.Q., Chen J.Y. & Huang G.Z. 1992. Preliminary study on biosystematic relationship between the two Nelumbo species. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 19(2):164-170.
1. Huang X.Q. 1991. Cytogenetic observation on Nelumbo lutea Pers. Hereditas (Beijing) 13(1):4-7.
Last updated Dec.08.2007
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