Welcome to Matthew's Home Page

About myself; first and foremost, I would like to introduce myself as a Christian. Currently I go to the Chinese Congregation of the Epsom Methodist Church. Hong Kong is my home town (or city). My mum moved to Shanghai from Hong Kong with my eldest sister Winnie, so did my brother Aloisius. Only my Elder Sister Peggy is in Hong Kong. Would you like to meet all of us, i.e. my relatives?

I have been in the U.K. for many years. I have now my own family in U.K.

Please turn on your speaker to listen to the music, enjoy!

This is my home on the Internet although I have a better home in the heavenly Jerusalem

The Web Page of my Family

My Wife Esther
My Daughter Jessica
My Son Timothy

The Web Page of my relatives

My mother
My eldest sister & brother-in-law
My brother
My elder sister

Feng Huang Chinese News &Entertainment Channel

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