Sigma Alpha Iota Symphony, Purpose, Chorale, and National Objectives


Sigma Alpha Iota Symphony

To study and practice the goodness of life, the beauty of art, the meaning of music.
To sing the song of sincerity and universal peace.
To speak the words that build, that bless and comfort.
To play the harpstrings of loving kindness, tolerance, appreciation, and genuine gratitude.
To strive for the joy of simplicity, for the noble, to be faithful over a few things.
To listen, to be still and know the harmony from within.
To falter never in seeking loving service, wisdom and understanding.
In a word to be loyal to Sigma Alpha Iota and her teachings;
to find joy, hope, inspiration; to remember that "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above" and "whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men."
And again, to practice.
This is to be our Symphony.

Esther R. Stevens


Sigma Alpha Iota Purpose

To form chapters of music students and musicians who shall by their influence and their musical interest uphold the highest ideals of a musical education.
To raise the standards of productive muscial work among the women students of colleges, conservatories and universities.
To further the development of music in America and promote a stronger bond of musicial interest and understanding between foreign countries and America.
To give inspiration and material aid to its members.
To organize the cultural life of its members as a contributing factor to their educational program.
To cooperate wholeheartedly with the ideals and aims of the Alma Mater.
To adhere to the highest standards of American citizenship and democracy.


Sigma Alpha Iota Chorale

Daughters of a great and singing nation,
Let your voices rise in dedication,
Music tells unspoken noble creeds;
Music beautifies the simplest deeds;
Sing we now to Sigma Alpha Iota.

Sing the greatness of the sould and spirit,
Sing the joy of peace and friendship's merit,
Music is a kind and truthful speech;
In a language out of mere word's reach;
Sing we now to Sigma Alpha Iota.

Margaret Blackburn, Alpha Mu Chapter


National Objectives, 1998-2000

Toward 2000 and Thriving

Strengthen the ideals and purposes of our Founders
Aspire to our fullest potential
Illuminate the path for others to follow

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