Thank you for viewing the notes from our guests!

06/12/00 22:12:42
Name: Jennifer Bachand My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Long Beach, Ca. Alumnae Chapter instrument(s) / voice: Viola
College major: Business

Looks Great! I really like your background

05/20/00 18:56:16
Name: Jocelyn Womack My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron instrument(s) / voice: french horn
College major: biology

Hi, it appears that this hasn't been updated for a bit, but I wanted to say hello. I'm a founder of your/our chapter and was chapter president 1990-91. Nice job so far. Keep it up.

05/03/00 00:44:06
Name: Sandra Rader York My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron instrument(s) / voice: Clarinet
College major: Biology

Hi there! I am one of the original founding members of the Eta Omicron Chapter at UNR and I love the site! What a fantastic job you seem to be doing carrying on the chapter. Just sending a little note out to my sister-in-law, and SAI member Yoy York, h pe to see you soon!

01/28/00 00:12:48
Name: Bean Price My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: a pledge!!! If so, what chapter?: Nu instrument(s) / voice: All strings, piano and soprano II !!!
College major: Theater

Cool site ! I love pics of SAI gals! It's like a HUGE family album! :)

01/03/00 04:34:36
Name: mandy mill My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: delta alpha instrument(s) / voice: clarinet
College major: music ed/performance

Greetings sisters! i was just surfing around and thought i'd say hi! mandy

11/16/99 09:14:30
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

11/06/99 22:44:08
Name: Joanna Ambroz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: eta omicron instrument(s) / voice: clarinet
College major: civil engineering

Just wanted to say hi. It's great to see that the chapter is doing so well and that you have a web site. I now live in Champaign/Urbana Illinois and attend the alumnae meetings.

08/23/99 01:00:52
Name: Kimberly Jackson My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: Yes If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron (95-97)
instrument(s) / voice: Piano/Alto College major: Veterinary Medicine

Great webpage sisters! I miss you guys tons! Hope that everything is going well!

07/21/99 07:02:01
Name: Trisha Williams My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Alum of Eta Omega instrument(s) / voice: violin
College major: music therapy

Hey girls... Just a quick note from up north. For all of you facing graduation this year I have thing to say...the real world is great!!! I am honestly having a blast....learning so much about myself and my possiblities. Good luck to each and everyone of you...alwa s remember your sister. Love in SAI Trisha Williams Eta Omega

07/16/99 22:17:34
Name: Aimee McDonald My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Alumni instrument(s) / voice: violin/trombone
College major: music ed.

The web page looks very nice. Good job Jo. For those of you who know me, I'm alive and well here in Las Vegas teaching strings to a middle school. It's fun. I wish there was an Alumni Chapter here in Vegas, but alas. Take care of each other.Aimee

04/22/99 16:42:05
Name: Kevin Lemen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: No, a proud member of Phi Mu Alpha If so, what chapter?: N/A instrument(s) / voice: Clarinet/Baritone
College major: BME instrumental

Great web page. Greetings from the men of the Epsilon Gamma chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, MO.

Super Nova - 04/14/99 17:51:49

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

04/13/99 02:36:40
Name: Jennifer Beers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: eta omicron instrument(s) / voice: flute/alto
College major: elem/spec ed

Great job Jo!

04/01/99 19:10:21
Name: Cheri Stingley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron instrument(s) / voice: Clarinet
College major: Music Education


03/23/99 23:39:35
Name: Kari Thomas My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: YES If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron!! instrument(s) / voice: Piano, Flute, Sax
College major: Elem & Sp Education

What a wonderful web-page. Thank you Josian for all of your hard work. Your are such an amazing asset to our chapter. I really appreciate all that you have done for our chapter in all areas of our objectives. You are the best. Love in SAI- Kari Thomas (*wiping away a tear* Thanks Kari, so are you!) J.Z.

03/04/99 22:35:36
Name: Jennifer Dunham My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: Of course!!! If so, what chapter?: Beta Mu! instrument(s) / voice: does a flag count? (ok, it used to be trombone)
College major: History/secondary education

Hello Eta Omicron! I was just taking a spin on the webring to check things out, when I realized that I roomed with your delegate at the last convention. Her name was Patty. Do you guys keep in touch with her? Anyway, hope the rest of your year goes gr at! Love in SAI, Jen Dunham
Jen: Patti is doing wonderfully! She teaches music at Mendive Middle School and is having a great time! J.Z.

02/24/99 06:57:20
Name: Brianne Hanlon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Delta Delta instrument(s) / voice: trumpet
College major: Music Education

Nice page ladies- keep up the good work! Come visit your fellow sisters of Delta Delta's page! Don't forget to sign the guestbook! love and roses, @-->--- Brianne Hanlon, webmistress Sigma Alpha Iota Delta Delta #308

02/18/99 19:53:26
Name: justin gonzales My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you a member of SAI?: hardly!

sweet page!!!

02/01/99 07:43:14
Name: Glenda Reeves My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Sigma Eta
instrument(s) / voice: Clarinet, piano College major: Music Education

Hello girls! I was just seeing what other sisters are up to! I'm from the University of Redlands in Redlands, CA, and I think I might have met a couple of you when I was there in Reno last year for the CBDNA conference. Best wishes for your chapte

01/07/99 09:15:55
Name: Andrea Cowper My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Epsilon Omega instrument(s) / voice: violin
College major: BME Instrumental

I like your web page a lot. I have only looked at the first page but I like what I see. I did however notice one flaw. This flaw is in your first few sentences when you are telling when SAI was founded and who the founders are. I am sure that this mis ake is just an overseen mistake but I thought that you should know about it. When introducing the seven founders you only introduced six of them. You left out Georgina Potts. I am sure that you did not mean to do this and that it is just one of those m stakes that gets looked over. I, being VP of membership has been trained to look for stuff like this and that is the only reason why I noticed that she was missing. I plan on looking at your pictures and other sites of your page. love in SAI.
< > (I apologize for the oversight!) :) J.Z.

01/04/99 02:16:26
Name: Patti Hudson
My URL: Visit Me


12/23/98 01:53:56
Name: Aimee McDonald My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: alumni instrument(s) / voice: violin/trombone
College major: music education

Wow! Josian, I'm very impressed. You did a great job with this. I hope all is well with the chapter and keep up the good work.

12/23/98 01:49:45
Name: Aimee McDonald
My URL: Visit Me


12/21/98 05:51:44
Name: Claire Villanueva My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes, president and ICC secretary of Southern California If so, what chapter?: Sigma Eta at the University of Redlands instrument(s) / voice: soprano
College major: Music Education

This is such a wonderful page, where do you girls find the time? I can't even get all of my girls together for meetings! Keep up the good work! :)

12/21/98 05:46:44
Name: Claire Villanueva
My URL: Visit Me


11/25/98 20:46:35
Name: Joanna Garnas My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: eta omicron instrument(s) / voice: clarinet, flags, alto
College major: chemistry

Josian, this is fabulous!!!!!

11/19/98 21:05:20
Name: Nicole Patrice Hamilton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: I am currently pledging!!! If so, what chapter?: soon to be Theta Chi instrument(s) / voice: Voice: Soprano
College major: Vocal Performance

Greetings from the pledges at the University of North Florida! Thank you for accepting us into your sisterhood. We love you all and hope to make you all proud!!!

11/16/98 21:10:35
Name: Deborah Lombardi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: YES If so, what chapter?: Sigma Chi, University of Miami, FL instrument(s) / voice: Piano, voice, some guitar
College major: Music Business and Entertainment Industries

Wow! Great job on the web page! I haven't visited it in a while, but now that I see all the changes, I'm really impressed! I hope everyone's semester is going well, it's almost over :) Love and roses, Deb

10/24/98 05:05:56
Name: Natasha Hammond My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: YES!!!!!!!!!!! If so, what chapter?: Beta Alpha Alumni Fall 1991 Pledgeclass instrument(s) / voice: Piano, percussion, and some experience on an assortment of others!
College major: Grad student at this time

Just wanted to say hello! Anyone may drop me a line if they would like! Love in SAI, Natasha

10/24/98 04:04:23
Name: Sara Manley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: Yes If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron instrument(s) / voice: violin/ percussion
College major: music education

Good job Josian! Congratulations on this page! Thanks for being my page turner this semester!
You're welcome, Sara!) :) J.Z.

10/23/98 20:02:52
Name: Kyla Dickerson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Iota Omega instrument(s) / voice: trombone
College major: music therapy

Hi Julie! I'm chairman of fraternity ed this year too. Perhaps we can trade ideas.

10/20/98 16:47:46
Name: Elaine Storm My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: Yes :) If so, what chapter?: Eta Pi instrument(s) / voice: Violin
College major: Pyschology

Beautiful page, Ladies :)

10/14/98 00:27:58
Name: Peggy Hall My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you a member of SAI?: yes

This is great! Thank you for my birthday card that was signed by everyone. See you at the meeting and concert on October 14th. Love to you all, Peggy

10/13/98 09:03:15
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

10/03/98 01:23:45
Name: Amber Goodwin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: yes If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron instrument(s) / voice: Trumpet/French Horn
College major: Elementary Education

The Pictures in here are great! Thanks for all your hard work Jo! Amber

09/17/98 18:08:47
Name: Christina Sandoval My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: YES!!!! If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron!!! instrument(s) / voice: Flute/piccolo
College major: Elem. Education

Good Job JO! This looks great!!! :)

09/16/98 02:39:42
Name: Elizabeth A. Lynner My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: OH YA! If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron instrument(s) / voice: Horn
College major: Music Ed.

Call me devine if you wish, but Jo did a great job with this site!

05/09/98 19:46:14
Name: julie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you a member of SAI?: I'm not sure
instrument(s) / voice: um... mine College major: not sure maybe music

Cool web page Jo!

10/22/97 10:21:54
Name: James Dilworth My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you a member of SAI?: No, and i never could be
instrument(s) / voice: alto and tenor sax, flute, tenor College major: Music and Psychology

this is a great start jo....i see what you mean!

10/03/97 02:21:21
Name: Will Bumgardner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you a member of SAI?: Not eligible....


09/29/97 23:50:06
Name: Kate Slaboch My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you a member of SAI?: yes
If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron (duh!)

Jo!!! You are doing a great job so far... I can't wait to see how it look when it is all done! Congratulations!

09/18/97 23:06:14
Name: Josian L. Zdunich My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you a member of SAI?: Yep :-) If so, what chapter?: Eta Omicron instrument(s) / voice: Saxes, clarinets, & soprano
College major: Criminal Justice

hehehe.... Webmaster here, just checking to make sure everything is working properly =-)

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