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Activity Announcement - Great Philadelphia Chapter Alumni Gathering: Pot luck party and meeting, June 13, 2009
Dr. KunYan Huang (Class 1952) and Professor Leo Ou-Fan Lee (Class 1957) have been named among nine individuals as recipients of 2008 National Taiwan University Outstanding Alumni Awards
26-Oct-2008: Great Philadelphia Chapter-Alumni Gathering: [News reporting]
Congratulations to Dr. Wu, Ming-Hsiung (Class 1961) on being elected as the next President of our Association at the 2008 Biennial Conference in Foster City, CA. Read the Newsletter.
Pricipal Hsin's house formally opened on October 25, 2008. Read news articles.
2008 Biennial Conference of Hsinchu High School Alumni Association of North America to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Foster City, CA., Aug. 15-17, 2008. The conference is organized by California alumni. Download Invitation, Program and Registration
Professor C. F. Jeff Wu (Class 1967) Garners Four Awards for Innovative Research: News released by Ga. Tech
Listen the proposed Alumni Association song played by ChuLing Male Chorus.
Yi-Chem Cheng (Class 1928), his son Hsin-Churn Cheng, and Cincinnati alumni gathered to celebrate Yi-Chem's visit, June 22, 2008. See the picture.
May 4, 2008: Cincinnati-Dayton-Kentucky Alumni Gathering at Sharon Woods Park. 30 alumni attended the event. Kuo-Cheng Lin (Class 1985) will serve as President for this term, and Jia-Yi Wang (Class 1979) was elected as President for the next term.
Congratulations to David Shieh (Class 1974) on being named as a recipient of the 2008 Asian American Engineer of the Year
Newsletter No. 19, June 2007: html/Big5 | PDF
Congratulations to Dr. Millet L. Wei (Class 1956) on being selected as the recipient of the 2007 AIST Tadeusz Sendzimir Memorial Medal
Newsletter No. 18, September 2006: html/Big5 | PDF
2006 Biennial Conference of Hsinchu High School Alumni Association of North America was held in Chicago, August 19-20, 2006.
Po-Chun Kuo (Class 2006) won a second prize award for his project, "Resonance Patterns of Vibrated Soap Water Droplets," at the 2005 Intel ISEF in Phoenix, Arizona
Shyh-Charng Lo (Class 1964): Painting Exhibition, Vancouvar, April 29 - May 15, 2005
Congratulations to Dr. Norden Huang (Class 1956) for being named as the winner of the NASA Government Invention of year 2003
Congratulation to Dr. Yu-chen Lee (Class 1944, Prof. Emeritus - Cardiology, Univ. of Maryland) for his pioneering use of beta- blocker therapy in the treatment of heart failure

Contact Information

Ming-Hsiung Wu (1961), President

Comments of this web site may be directed to:
Franklin Y. H. Lee (1956) or Chang-Yang Lin (1970)

Contact Information of Local chapters

Last Updated: 26-April-2009
Copyright 2009-1997 North America Hsinchu High School Alumni Association