IntroductionThis is one of the many places I call home.  I am sole responsible party for the information on these pages.  I am not however reponsible for the content of the links to or from my pages.  I hope you enjoy your stay.  Please come again.

Background:  I am a Second year Architecture/Architectural Engineering  student at the University of Texas at Austin.  I am an Eagle Scout.  Some of my interests include architecture, electronics, computing, the arts, jazz, running, and the great outdoors.

UT Austin Calculators and Electronics Computing Links

Questions, Comments, Observations

Note:  This page was created using Netscape Communicator Composer 4.01a in conjunction with Geocities online editor.  I am running a IBM Aptiva 166Mhz 64.  This page is the product of a few hours of my "off time".