Men Of Epsilon Iota Welcome You To Our Home On The Web.
T E I est. 1993
Miami Shores, Florida The 129th Chapter Of The Phi
Kappa Tau Fraternity, Chartered On April 17, 1993 Counter Coming Soon You're Visitor #To
Stop By Epsilon Iota!
Fall Semester '03
to the Phi Kappa Tau, Epsilon Iota Chapter Web Site! Our Chapter would
like to welcome incoming students to Barry
University for this Fall Semester. Phi Kappa Tau is a social fraternity
with more than 80,000 members. The mission of Phi Kappa Tau is to champion
a lifelong commitment to brotherhood, learning, ethical leadership and
exemplary character. Phi Kappa Tau
is committed to offering its members leadership opportunities and an avenue
to succeed in academic and philanthropic endeavors. Phi Kappa Tau is set
apart by its dedication to developing individual character within the context
of the brotherhood. Today Phi Kappa
Tau resides on 93
Campuses Nationwide with its Executive Offices (National Headquarters)
located in Oxford, Ohio. There are currently more than 65,000 living alumni
all over the world from its 143 initiated chapters. For more information,
click to learn more about Phi Kappa Tau. Our Chapter is
located in Miami Shores, Florida, minutes from Downtown Miami and South
Beach. The Epsilon Iota chapter of Phi Kappa Tau was founded in the
early 1990's, and received it's charter in April of 1993. You can
read about the history of our Chapter and the National Fraternity on our
page, and our National Fraternity has a long history dating back almost
100 years. Phi Kappa Tau was founded in 1906 on the campus of Miami
University in Oxford, Ohio. We're two years away from our Centenial
Celebration. Later visit our National
Fraternity's home page. The FKT Headquarters
is located in Oxford right next door to the Miami University Campus. Our web site will
give you all of this information and a lot more. We hope it will come in
handy this spring for brothers, associates, alumni, new rushees and guests.
Information about chapter events will also be listed here on our site.
Let's make this fall a great semester! This information
page will be constantly updated to keep you informed of all the things
that are happening around the Epsilon Iota Chapter and on the Barry U campus.
Hopefully this page will serve as a tool for keeping in touch with old
friends and Alumni, while also informing new
rushees about any upcoming events. So enjoy browsing our web site! If you have any
questions or comments, E-mail our chapter at The size of this
information page can be adjusted inside the frames...Simply click and hold
on the divider to make it move. If You Can't See The Contents
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Our GuestbookF K T E
Our Guestbook Tell Us You Were Here Contact Our
Chapter The Epsilon Iota Chapter Of Phi Kappa Tau Barry University c/o Student Activities 11300 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33161 Phone: (305)891-8377 E-mail Our Chapter At: Brush Up On The
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