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It's official!!! Me, Exposed exposed it's 2000th visitor on September 20, 1998. Thanks guys for everything. Here's to the next 2000! Cheers!!!
News Flash...Thursday, October 8, 1998
Michelle, a friend from Birmingham, has graciously offered to update the page while I'm away. I've accepted a plea bargain to serve a one year sentence for my involvement in three felony charges. Thanks Michelle! There may be a brief period of hiatus at Exposed, but rest assured the site will remain current and updates will be posted reflecting my experiences in jail. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me. Should you have any comments for myself or Michelle please sign the guestbook below. Thanks again everyone!
News Flash...Sunday, October 11, 1998
The judge has given me until October 22 to begin serving my sentence. More information upcoming...
NEW!!! An overview of the author's life.
My online diary, the most visited section here.
See where I waste away my youth instead of going outdoors. Includes links to my favorite sites.