This is my own little space on the web that is basically a collage of all those email forwards, jokes, chain letters, etc. Feel free to copy anything that you find here since nine chances out of ten, its not mine. All that I ask is that you note where you found it. Thats all that I ask.

I have attempted to make an index here of the contents within this website. I don't know if it was a good idea or not, but some of of the contents fit well into more than one category, thus I put them in any fitting category. This has been kept to a minimum though. Any suggestions for a better format will be greatly appreciated. If you think something belongs into a better catergory, or that I should create a whole new one, please let me know via email!




Clinton Family Humor

College Related Material

Computer Humor

Facts to Ponder Over ...

Friendships & Lover

Gender Humor

Just Plain Funny Stories

Little Johnny Humor

Microsoft & Bill Gates Humor

Miscellaneous Humor

Moral Storties

Top Ten/Twenty/Fifty+ Lists

Off-Color Humor

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I really see no need for a disclaimer, but here it is anyways. I am making no attempt to claim to be the authour of any of the content found within this web site unless otherwise noted. All authors that are known, have and will get their recognition due to them. If you are the original owner of any material found on this website and would like to be acknowledge and/or would like to have the material removed, feel free to contact me at Thank you very much.