More than 100 years ago were made several important discoveries involving the related phenomena
electricity and magnetism. In 1856 James Clerk Maxwell further developed Faraday's concept of magnetic
lines of force and expressed the theory that electrical energy existed withing the universe in the form of
oscillating waves. He further suggested that not only did these electrical waves travel at the same speed
as light but also that the waves were physically related to light itself. This gave rise to theories in electormagnetism.
Below is the electromagnetic spectrum.
3Hz - 30Hz Extremely Low ELF Submarine Communication
30Hz - 300Hz Ultra Low ULF Submarine Communication
300Hz - 3kHz Infra Low ILF Baseband Telephony
3kHz - 30kHz Very Low VLF Telegraphy
30kHz - 300kHz Low LF Navigation and Radio
300kHz - 3MHz Medium MF AM Broadcasting
3MHz - 30MHz High HF AM World-Wide Radio
30MHz - 300MHz Very High VHF FM Broadcasting
300MHz - 3GHz Ultra High UHF TV Broadcasting
3GHz - 30GHz Super High SHF Radar & Satellite Comm.
30GHz - 300GHz Extremely High EHF Radar & Radio Astronomy
300GHz - 3THz Tremendously High THF Research
3THz - 30THz Infra Red IR Optical Communication
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