
After rush, and after having accepted a bid, you are a pledge of your fraternity. Pledges carry out activities that actives do not have to do. Pledges are often told to clean the house after parties and social gatherings. Pledges may be required to save seats for the actives at sporting events, or to wait on the actives (serving food, drinks, etc.).
The pledge period is a trying time. It is meant to prove if one is worthy of being a member of the fraternity. Pledges often have heavy demands placed on their time. They may be required to attend mandatory study halls, and things of the sort meant to train them to be upstanding actives.
In some fraternities, these demands get out of hand and hazing occurs. Some actives take pleasure in scaring the shit out of pledges--usually by some physical or mental anguish. Examples of hazing include, but are not limited to... forced drinking alcohol, forced physical activities (pushups, running, etc.), forced eating or drinking things people would not normally consume, etc. It is pretty much being forced to do something that violates you as a human being.
Hazing is illegal in most states--but is surely against greek regulations at all campuses. Fraternities can get in a lot of trouble if caught hazing. Actives can be arrested, the fraternity can be sued for millions of dollars, they can lose their charter, and they can be put on probation or terminated by the university. Hazing is a serious (sometimes deadly) situation and should be reported immediately if it occurs. If this happens to you, you can report it (anonomously, if you prefer) to your school's office of greek life.
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