For formal rush, your school's InterFraternity Council will design a set of rules for fraternities to follow as well as a code of regulations for rushees. Rush rules will vary by school.

1. No violation of quiet hours.

2. All rushees must attend every function they are scheduled to attend--and must be on time.

3. No fraternity is to pursuade a pledge of another fraternity to change his decision.

4. A pledge of one fraternity may not pledge another fraternity. Only through the process of official depledging may this take place.

5. All functions are to be dry, alcohol will not be permitted at the houses--both on and off campus.

6. Activities between rushees and actives during formal rush are to be limited to those approved by the office of greek life.

7. Hotboxing is not allowed.

8. No private room may be used during rush unless the door remains open at all times. No room may contain more fraternity men than rushees.

Violations of the rules established by the IFC may jeopardize a rushees oportunity to pledge during the specified rush period.

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