Website Construction

Since I am really hoping that some of you will take the website option, I thought I would entice you just a bit by making it as easy for you as possible.  On this page you will find the best of the best FREE web graphics, websites, and HTML help.  Of course, I am always available to offer assistance as well.  I am not a professional, but I know enough about how to construct a website that I might be able to help you.  Okay, let's see what I have collected for you . . .

Free Web Space
This is where you will "house" your website.  Each of these organizations offer a free website, with no strings attached.
Of course,this is my personal favorite.  This is where the class website lives.
Angelfire Communications
Freepage (Requires Netscape)
Free Web Page

These are the resources that you will need to make your website appealing to the eye.  Again, all of these are free!  Remember, if you use graphics from any of these places, provide a link and give them credit.  Think of it along the same lines as citing your sources in a research paper!
Jelane's Families of Graphics
Being Seen:  Free Web Graphics
Windy Web
Patti's Place:  HTML Help and Graphics
The Icon Bazaar

I would personally recommend that you use Netscape Communicator's webpage creator as it requires absolutely no knowledge of HTML (Hyptertext Markup Language).  It is pretty much a point and click sort of program, which makes the construction rather painless.  Another recommendation would be the Corel WordPerfect 7 webpage creator.  It is similar to Netscape's, but not quite as easy to use.  Of course, if you take a fancy to learning a few simple HTML codes, you can construct your website using only a word processing program.  It's really that simple.
HTML Haven
HTML:  An Interactive Tutorial for Beginners

If your Internet Service Provider (ISP) happens to be AOL, you are entitled to a 2 mg website as part of your account.  AOL has a very simple webpage creator available for its users; you can find it at keyword PP2.  Bear in mind that if this is the way you choose to go, chances are your graphics will not be visible with all browsers.  I didn't learn this until too late myself; now I have an award-winning website that Netscape users cannot fully enjoy because of incompatible graphics.  You may want to download your graphics with Netscape and then use them in PP2 -- that will solve the problem.  Since I know PP2 like I know my own name (well, on a really good day I know my name!), I can help quite a bit with PP2.  Remember, I am more than willing to help you in any way that I can.

Search Engines
In the event that the places provided for you on this page don't have just what you are looking for, you can search the web for your own graphics by using the search engines listed below.

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