English / CPLit 110
Literature of the Western World from Ancient Through Medieval Times
Syllabus -- Fall 1997
Carleen Ibrahim
Available at:
Little Professor Book Center
148 E. Yorba Linda Blvd.
(714) 528-6666

This is where you will find all of the reading assignments, due dates, and the calendar of important dates that you should remember throughout the semester.

Course Requirements:
A breakdown of the percentages assigned to each of the individual requirements, a description of each assignment, and some final notes from me!

Design Your Own Anthology Project:
For those of you who chose the website option, here are a collection of links that will assist you with choosing a place to put up your website for free, finding graphics, and learning about HTML codes.

The Units Page:
From here jump to the pages for each themed unit of reading.  Each of the pages from this point will be specifically related to an individual work.

The graphics on this page (and many others as you will no doubt discover) have been provided by the marvelous Webmistress of Moyra's Web Jewels.  For some absolutely stunning graphics, I highly recommend that you click on her logo and visit her pages for yourself!  While you're there, you might want to take a look at her review of this site under the heading LINKS.
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