These are poems written by me: Author: Fantasy B.

E-mail me and tell me what you think

Wake Up

When I wake up I want to wake
up to someone I want to see
not just another body laying next to me

When I wake up I want to wake
up to love not someone I met
last night at a club

When I wake up I want to a waken
to and always freind
not someone who comes around
now and again

When I wake up I want to wake
up to a beautiful day not meaning
it can be a gray rainy day

When I wake up I want to wake
up to you.....

The face I love to wake up to
that goes along with the man I love.....

Why did I have to wake up
and find out it was all a dream


Latanya D. Blair

One Day

My english teacher told me
that all art comes from pain.

I guess it's true.
The best writing I do
is when I'm feeling lonely or blue.
or maybe both.

But one day I'm not going to be so artistic
because I won't be lonely or blue
One day I'm going to be with someone that's going to be true.
One day, One day......

Damn, I sure can't wait for tht day to come.


I have so many wonders, so many thoughts.
So I decieded to sit and think about it today.
I have so many questions.....

Why do I end up lonely
more like alone.
I'm always alone.
I have very few friends
Damn, it seems as if freshman year is happening again.

My heart has so much to give
It seems as of I can't trust enough to give it to anyone.

I thought I was truley able to love
but when I give just a little
it was taken and never given in return.

Why is it when a little piece is given that place isn't filled with another?

I don't understand.....

I thought I was a least attractive enough to be seen with
Now I wonder if I am.

I thought being a friend first was the right way to find the truth about a person.
So if I decieded to make it more than friends
I would know where to begin.
Am I too much of a friend to them?
Now is that all they see me as?
Or is it that they see all sides of me
and now afraid to speak?

I don't know, I don't understand...

Maybe one day all of my questions will be answered by GOD and a significant other.

But until then I will have more

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