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My birthday is November 28, 1975, 24 years old at the present time. I am a recient graduate of Virginia State University. My major is Electronics Engineering Technology. I was the President of Virginia State's chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers for three years straight. I am interested in many different things. My interests are music, writing poetry, computers, and beautiful men. I like all kinds of music from classical to certain heavy metal songs. Most of all I like Reggae, R&B, and Hip-Hop(Rap). I have written many poems but I haven't had any published, they are all copy written though. As for computers....They were my job as well as my education and I love them both. My job was teaching electronics to middle school students. My interest in BEAUTIFUL MEN, I don't think I NEED TO EXPLAIN THAT!!!!!!

If you want to see pictures of me, wondering about all of the men I consider beautiful, or if you want to see what else I am intersted in, check out my favorite links.
But if you want to check out the professional side of me take a look at my resume.

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