The Page

This web page is an attempt to bring the TKM College of Engineering online, to let the world know about the college, to bring about awareness about the Internet to the students here, and to get in touch with the TKMites world wide. This page is under c onstruction, and we invite you all to contribute in some way to make this an informative, and colorful site.



The College

The TKM College of Engineering was established in the year 1958 by the late Sri. A. Thangal Kunju Musaliar, a leading philanthropist and industrialist of Kerala. The foundation stone was laid by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the then President of India on third February 1956. The college was formally declared open on 3rd July 1956 by Prof. Humayun Kabir, the then Minister for Scientific Research & Cultural Affairs, Government of India. This is the first Government aided private Engineering Col lege in Kerala State and is affiliated to the University of Kerala. All the courses conducted in the institution has the approval of the A.I.C.T.E. Thangal Kunju Musaliar College of Engineering has been a trend setter in the field of Technical Education i n Kerala. It has always maintained a very high standard, the main focus being the overall development of the students. The college has been maintaining an excellent industry - institution interaction all through its history.



The Location

TKMCE is situated 6 Km from Kollam, a picturesque town on the shores of lake Ashtamudi. The NH 47 connects us to The International Airport ( 70 Km South ) and Kochi Airport ( 130 Km North ). Click here to see a the location an d a campus map.




TKM College of Engineering Alumini Association was formed in 1963, with a view to keep the silken threads of attachments between the old students and their Alma- Mater. The Chapters of the TKMCE Alumni Association are spread all over the world. The alu mini maintain close association with these chapters.




The TKM Educational Trust has planned a year long fete to mark the hundredth birth anniversary of their founder Sri. A. Thangal Kungu Musaliar. An Expo is planned as a fitting tribute to the founder who spent his entire life in pursuit of industrial, c ommercial, and educational excellence.


Other Links

Contact Us
Email :

TKM College of Engineering
TKM College PO
Kollam 691005
Kerala, INDIA
Phone : 0091 484 712022 / 712023 / 712024
Fax: 0091 484 712023

Web Master: Shibu Basheer.
