The RINPCC Information Centre aims to bring information concerning RINPCC to cadets and visitors. Do feel free to learn more about our unit.
RINPCC was set up in 1966. Cadets were taught many skills during the various training sessions. Foot drills, campcraft and fitness were important aspects of the cadet's training. Of course cadets would also participate in other healthy and enjoyable activities as well as competitions.
Foot drills teach cadets how to recognise, understand, follow and give military commands. From basic drills like turning, cadets soon learn more advanced drills involving batons or rifles. This also helps in training the cadet's discipline and alertness.
Campcraft is an essential part of training. Cadets have to learn how to pitch tents, flagpoles, and tie knots. These skills come in handy in many situations.
Fitness is an area expected of all RINPCC cadets. Morning PT's makes sure that cadets learn how to endure. It also ensures that cadets are constantly healthy and active.
Various other activites such as hiking, orienteering and shooting are familiar to the cadets.
RINPCC also participated and won many competitions. We won the bi-annual quiz competition in 1997, and aim to win the bi-annual campcraft competition in 1998. We have also achieved the gold unit proficiency award for the year of 1997. This recognizes RINPCC as one of the top units.
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