W/CI Lee Pei Ling - 08/06/00 08:44:43 My Email:peiling@yours.com | Comments: Quite a good homepage, i would say....however, the text colours did not go down well with my eyes; too bright, LAh! Anyway, a good effort, so keep up the work, Rafflesians!~ |
andrew - 07/13/00 13:20:28 | Comments: hey.. sortof outdated right? Just wondering... is yr HI still adrian and yr CI Kok Wee? Hope to see a updated version soon! keep up the work! |
- 06/21/00 12:41:28 | Comments: background is not good |
me - 05/31/00 13:41:19 | Comments: heyhey!! year 2000 liaOzz!!!! sLOW~ still put 1998 stuff |
- 04/05/00 09:58:02 | Comments: |
Area 4 (NPCC) AISS NP Unit - 02/20/00 08:43:43 My Email:huiyun@singnet.com.sg D.O.B. (optional): in the month of May | Comments: Interesting and it is beautiful decorate. Keep up the good work. Should have some music . |
ruixiang - 02/10/00 11:26:45 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ns/saints1/sanpcc.htm My Email:t.xiang@angelfire.com Telephone: 2702284 D.O.B. (optional): 4/3/86 | Comments: I would like you to add the St.Andrew's NPCC link to your webpages as i have done in mine. Just to let you knoe that i am the webmaster of the NPCC web. So best wishes for your unit!! |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook
- 11/13/99 03:38:03 | Comments: |
Bjorn Lee Long Jin - 10/25/99 08:13:02 My Email:bjorn_lee@hotmail.com Telephone: 2222222 | Comments: I hate NPCC, especially Titus Lee and the present Sec3 batch. Could I request that I be the new NCO. Let me tell you, RINPCC is shit |
Proudsilver - 10/24/99 09:02:47 | Comments: Weiwen, I was a member of the Sec 4 batch that brought back the silver and i must protest against your accusations. We are proud that we got the silver and if that was the best we could do then, it was well done. We did what we could without any coachin from our seniors (hint) and the fact that we managed to clinch the silver is representative of our adaptive abilities. Congratulations on the Sec 3s for attaining the gold award, you have done the unit proud and may the next batch continue to accomplish the dream which we have tried our best yet failed to achieve. |
- 10/24/99 09:00:09 | Comments: |
CI Weiming - 08/05/99 04:17:44 | Comments: nice graphics but a little lacking in information...perhaps that can be improved on.. i'm a CI from area 7 |
tell u 4 wat - 07/31/99 08:28:12 My URL:not ready My Email:don't tell u Telephone: also don't tell u Address (optional): again don't tell u D.O.B. (optional): don't know wat is dob | Comments: don't tell u. |
²ÜÊç»Û - 06/08/99 20:13:58 My Email:²»¸æËßÄã Telephone: ²»ÄܸæËßÄã Address (optional): ²»Òª¸æËßÄã D.O.B. (optional): ÎÒ˵²»ÒªÀ² | Comments: ÐèÒª¶à¶à¸ÄÉÆ Ã»Ë®×¼ Ï£Íû´ó¼Ò¶à¶à°üº¯ |
- 06/08/99 19:59:34 | Comments: |
|iverpoo| - 06/08/99 19:48:47 My URL:http://anfield.merseyworld.com My Email:liverpool rulezzzz Telephone: .... | Comments: sec 3 squad 1999 out there, lets get the bloody gold again.....save some face lar, if not the face also dunnoe where to hide.... |
Cao Shuhui - 06/08/99 19:48:44 My Email:dun mail me Telephone: -- Address (optional): -- D.O.B. (optional): -- | Comments: I only like the burning fire... nothing else.... needs improvement.... too bad.... no offence |
Cao - 06/08/99 19:46:29 | Comments: |
²Ü - 06/08/99 19:45:33 | Comments: |
Weiwen - 05/31/99 19:00:30 | Comments: This webpage has not been changed since 1997 which for your info was 2 YEARS AGO when my squad was in charge. It is no wonder that we got the GOLD then while u pple only got the silver in 1998. No wonder Edward can't be bothered abt RINPCC and is at HQ. You pple just can't be bothered to improve and update a simple webpage. If this carries on, I'll be surprised if RINPCC will get even a Bronze in 1999. We are very disappointed in all of u, especially the Sec 4's this year. U have let the unit down and our good work down the drain. Lets hope this yrs sec 3's will do something abt it. |
Weiwen - 05/31/99 19:00:00 | Comments: This webpage has not been changed since 1997 which for your info was 2 YEARS AGO when my squad was in charge. It is no wonder that we got the GOLD then while u pple only got the silver in 1998. No wonder Edward can't be bothered abt RINPCC and is at HQ. You pple just can't be bothered to improve and update a simple webpage. If this carries on, I'll be surprised if RINPCC will get even a Bronze in 1999. We are very disappointed in all of u, especially the Sec 4's this year. U have let the unit down and our good work down the drain. Lets hope this yrs sec 3's will do something abt it. |
Weiwen - 05/31/99 18:59:30 | Comments: This webpage has not been changed since 1997 which for your info was 2 YEARS AGO when my squad was in charge. It is no wonder that we got the GOLD then while u pple only got the silver in 1998. No wonder Edward can't be bothered abt RINPCC and is at HQ. You pple just can't be bothered to improve and update a simple webpage. If this carries on, I'll be surprised if RINPCC will get even a Bronze in 1999. We are very disappointed in all of u, especially the Sec 4's this year. U have let the unit down and our good work down the drain. Lets hope this yrs sec 3's will do something abt it. |
heheh nice page but mine better hehhe
Chong Zhi Jie - 04/04/99 04:53:14 | Comments: I am not a RINPCC person, i am a CI from area 12, happened to see this webpage and juz wanna say that the webpage is very impressive! No wonder RINPCC is a gold award unit!!! WELL DONE!!!! |
Dennis Lin - 03/10/99 18:09:45 My URL:/CollegePark/Plaza/5723 My Email:dennislinzq@pacific.net.sg | Comments: Quite a nice homepage.....keep it up!!Anyway do visit the homepage of Bartley NPCC Unit....thanx:) |
Ariff - 03/08/99 09:21:29 My Email:tumbletots@yahoo.com Telephone: 1234567 | Comments: IT's ok lah but there's room for improvement CI Riverside Sec |
Xiaohui - 02/27/99 13:42:02 | Comments: kinda slacking now isn't it |
Yu - 02/04/99 15:17:11 My Email:jade1201@usa.net | Comments: Good job! Keep it up! Do remember to update the site. If possible, do change the colours, it is too dull. Good Luck! |
padinton - 01/15/99 13:22:43 | Comments: Nice homepage! but without some music, it's kinda boring.......:) |
Ming Wei - 01/14/99 06:28:23 My Email:teletubbies2000@hotmail.com | Comments: Nice webpage! Keep it up! Anyway, I'm from Tanglin NPCC unit. Webpage coming soon. |
Neville Nah - 12/24/98 06:53:30 My URL:www.doodie.com My Email:nevillenah@hotmail.com Telephone: 1777 - for non emergencies only; 995 for emergencies Address (optional): A tiny island they call Singapure D.O.B. (optional): 3 days after the 2nd moon of the fifth month of the year of 1983. | Comments: Hello...its been a long time since i visited this website...still the same..but never mind...it looks nice...better give it a total uphaul titus! |
kimbie - 11/21/98 19:35:45 My Email:gummiberry_juice@hotmail.com | Comments: Why don't you add in some photos of the '97 people Other than that, its a GREAT site => |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Tan Yu Zhi - 10/07/98 00:50:45 My URL:http://www.ri.sch.edu.sg/981c/tan_yuzhi/welcome.htm My Email:paddington@pacific.net.sg Telephone: 4594080 Address (optional): do you mind? D.O.B. (optional): 17th September | Comments: wOnDeRfUl JoB!! yEaH! wE gOt SeCoNd FoR bAsKeTbAlL! |
Soontat - 10/01/98 14:10:30 My Email:raptor84@pacific.net.sg Address (optional): Admiralty D.O.B. (optional): 10-4-84 | Comments: Pls keep up your fighting spirit, RINPCC. Show them what we are made of. We may be down once, but we shall never give up. RAFFLES!!!!!! |
problem - 09/28/98 08:44:47 My URL:www.problem.com My Email:problem@problem.com.sg | Comments: 26th september~ rinpcc soccer team went down to westlake and cat high in the bishan soocer competition...scores were 1-2 and 0-2 respectively. though the defeat, the team showed great fighting spirit and sportsmanship.....( by the way..nice site BUT why d dnt we win the webpage competition organised by ourselves??) |
Lu MUNCH - 09/25/98 08:31:15 My Email:hahaha@hahaha.com.sg Telephone: abcdefg Address (optional): 3 raffles lane raffles raffles go raffles singapore RAFFLES D.O.B. (optional): RA/FF/LES | Comments: nice one done ! hahahahahahahhahaha good work *of course larz...* aniting done by rafflesians are nice agree ? agree. keep up the good work ! raffles all the WaY !!! |
Ho Jia Chuen - 09/24/98 17:06:37 My Email:korbu@netnet.com.sg Telephone: 7916280 | Comments: It's a nice homepage, nice backgrounds! But it would be better if more information were to be added here! Keep up the good work! |
Muhammad Amin Bin Mohamed Noor - 09/02/98 07:44:59 My URL:http://www.members.xoom.com/Game_R/FTPStart.htm My Email:muhd.amin@pacific.net.sg Telephone: 2518357 Address (optional): Blk 85C Toa Payoh Lorong 4 #05-376 Singapore 313085 D.O.B. (optional): 13 September 1984 | Comments: I think this webpage need more information about NPCC like NPCC Songs and many more but the design of the webpage is quite impressive and nice. |
weng wanyi - 08/23/98 06:22:48 My Email:little_laa_laa@hotmail.com Telephone: 4697427 | Comments: This page is rather interesting but what do you mean by the gyest bk is just for rinpcc pple. Veri rude u noe. Aniwae I'm from rvnp and I was at ur webpage competition on the 22nd of august. Ir was pretty fun 'cept that there weren't enuf seats but great job guys!!!!!!Keep it up!!! |
Soontat - 08/22/98 11:50:31 My URL:www.yahoo.com My Email:raptor84@pacific.net.sg Telephone: 1900-112-6868(pls call and help NKF) Address (optional): S'pore D.O.B. (optional): 10-4-84 | Comments: The page is the best i have ever seen, even BETTER than mine, "www.yahoo.com".... AND it's not because i am from rinpccc,but on the whole, especially the pictures, were well handled. ??? IT"S ABSOLUTELY PROFESSIONAL!!!!!??? |
Muhammad Amin - 08/22/98 09:33:01 My Email:muhd.amin@pacific.net.sg Telephone: 2518357 Address (optional): Blk 85C Toa Payoh Lorong 4 #05-376 Singapore 313085 D.O.B. (optional): 13 September 1984 | Comments: I think this webpage is among the best webpage I ever seen. Keep up the good work especially to you Titus and your OC for inviting our unit, First Toa Payoh Secondary School for Inter-Unit Webpage Competition. All the best. |
Sec One 98 Squad Member - 08/15/98 12:03:39 My Email:hiadri@pacific.net.sg | Comments: Great job with the site, sir. We will strive for another gold to add to our crown!! 8O) |
Lu Min Zhi - 07/30/98 08:35:57 My Email:Munch@magix.com.sg Telephone: 3644198 D.O.B. (optional): 20/9 | Comments: Hello all rafflesians! Hee... Haa... Hoo... Me just another sec 1 rafflesian. Just to say... the uniform's real cool and tough! Haa... How I wish I were a guy, then I could get into RI... But of course that doesn't matter 'cause we're all rafflesians!!! Let the raffles spirit unite! Byezzzzzzzz ! |
Angie - 07/30/98 02:37:35 My Email:toddler21@hotmail.com Telephone: Nah! Address (optional): Nah! D.O.B. (optional): 21/10/-- | Comments: Aiyo! nice website! Keep up the good work~~!! |
Legion85 - 07/29/98 00:57:24 My Email:legion85@mailcity.com Telephone: 999 Address (optional): Raffles Institution D.O.B. (optional): RINPCC | Comments: I'm a sec1 member of RINPCC. Ay, Titus, great job!! Keep up the good wôrk! Möst òf yôu may noe me on mIRC as Legion85.................. |
say huan yuan - 07/26/98 13:29:03 My Email:saye@cyberway.com.sg Telephone: 4874418 | Comments: keep updating. will appreciate if you can add in 1997 sec3 squad (grin). |
say huan yuan - 07/26/98 13:26:18 My Email:saye@cyberway.com.sg Telephone: 4874418 | Comments: keep updating. will appreciate if you can add in 1997 sec3 squad (grin). |
MaRk Ng - 07/14/98 15:34:21 My Email:whycare@sucky.net.stupid Telephone: im a guy...not a ger Address (optional): ....no thankx D.O.B. (optional): how bout a present..?? | Comments: hey RI npcc cadets....im from bartley npcc unit..!! surprised..?? i can't say its real good..!! but try harder...actually... |
Heng Soon Lee - 07/13/98 08:01:21 My Email:hsl33@hotmail.com Address (optional): singapore | Comments: Well, I think this is one of the best NPCC homepage I had seen. Keep up the up the good work. I am sure there is still room for improvement. Well, just to let you people know, I am a good friend of CI Chong Kok Wee. |
Yeoh Keat We - 07/03/98 11:58:32 | Comments: |
Liu Jinhui - 06/09/98 07:57:12 My Email:sihui@cyberway.com.sg Telephone: dunnit rite..?? Address (optional): WoOdBrIdGe HoSpItAl D.O.B. (optional): 10 Feb.... | Comments: bErI KeWl!!!!!!! |
Liu Jinhui - 06/09/98 07:56:11 My Email:sihui@cyberway.com.sg Telephone: dunnit rite..?? | Comments: |
|emon - 05/24/98 08:44:01 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/le_m_on/Gym/ My Email:ying@starmail.com Telephone: 999 (CALL!) D.O.B. (optional): 9 May 1984 *ahem* | Comments: Alloz... 'tis a great homepage... check out the nygh gym homepage too? =) 10q~!
LanceCorporal - 05/03/98 00:18:33 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/campus/5535/index.html My Email:npccboy@yahoo.com Telephone: 5634722 Address (optional): I am in the RINP Sec 2 squad D.O.B. (optional): 290784 | Comments: HI! This is a quite ok page. Keep it up! |
Sgt Chan Ying Jian - 04/10/98 13:56:43 My Email:yingjian@mbox4.singnet.com.sg Telephone: 3872964 Address (optional): Hougang D.O.B. (optional): 150183 | Comments: You have done a great job -- all those who have put in effort in the web page in one way or another! |
LIM WEI QIANG - 04/10/98 09:40:01 My Email:Jumanji31@hotmail.com | Comments: 'ALPHA ,DELTA ,MIKE ,INDIA ,ROMEO ,ALPHA ,BRAVO ,LIMA ,ECHO' page you all created,KEEP UP THE GOOD JODS. HI ! I'm from 'RIVERSIDE NPCC UNIT AREA 4' I wanted to create our unit wedpage too. Please give me some ideas, you can mail to me. THANK YOU ! |
LIM WEI QIANG - 04/10/98 09:39:53 My Email:Jumanji31@hotmail.com | Comments: 'ALPHA ,DELTA ,MIKE ,INDIA ,ROMEO ,ALPHA ,BRAVO ,LIMA ,ECHO' page you all created,KEEP UP THE GOOD JODS. HI ! I'm from 'RIVERSIDE NPCC UNIT AREA 4' I wanted to create our unit wedpage too. Please give me some ideas, you can mail to me. THANK YOU ! |
LIM WEI QIANG - 04/10/98 09:37:48 My Email:Jumanji31@hotmail.com | Comments: 'ALPHA ,DELTA ,MIKE ,INDIA ,ROMEO ,ALPHA ,BRAVO ,LIMA ,ECHO' page you all created,KEEP UP THE GOOD JODS. HI ! I'm from 'RIVERSIDE NPCC UNIT AREA 4' I wanted to create our unit wedpage too. Please give me some ideas, you can mail to me. THANK YOU ! |
NUS NPCC Unit - 04/05/98 13:40:46 My URL:http://www.bitsmart.com/nusnpcc My Email:nusnpcc@geocities.com | Comments: Keep up the good work! Do visit our page and sign our guestbook...¦:o) ![]() |
Lim Chee Yeong - 04/05/98 11:03:38 My URL:http://home.pacific.net.sg/~revere/ My Email:cobalt@post1.com | Comments: nice page... do visit the vsnpcc webpage by clicking on the link above... |
Neville Nah - 03/28/98 11:10:15 My URL:http://not-applicable.com My Email:nevillenah@hotmail.com Telephone: ******* Address (optional): Singapore D.O.B. (optional): 05-05-83 | Comments: VERY IMPRESSED TITUS! but one thing, where the hell is my eagle with the drill cane, i will slaughter you if you do not make good use of it.............i mean it..............well, maybe not, but i will be furious....................... ON THE WHOLE, I MUST SAY THIS IS A VERY GOOD HOMEPAGE!!!!!! |
Chow Peihua - 03/19/98 00:47:02 My Email:phchow@mbox3.singnet.com.sg Address (optional): Toa Payoh | Comments: nIcE hOmePaGe KeeP It Up! |
Chiu Chuangneng Eugene (Voiceey ILuvAmurO) - 02/13/98 10:58:19 | Comments: Hmmm. Very good job. :> |
Jiaming - 01/21/98 04:17:16 My Email:s7626126a@ntu.edu.sg | Comments: Used to be in RINPCC during the days when webpages were quite non-existent. It's great to see your very own site on the net. Keep up the 'esprit de corps' guys!!! |
Edward--your HOT - 01/20/98 07:17:42 | Comments: hmm!its improving titus !!! |
Ben Chee Kian Keong - 01/06/98 05:00:53 My Email:art60051@leonis.nus.edu.sg | Comments: Hello! I'm the Training Officer in NUS-NPCC Unit. It's really good to see Units putting up webpages. Let's expand the network to the entire NPCC family and get everybody exchanging ideas and opinions :) |
Wilfred Lim - 01/03/98 04:49:26 My URL:http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~weiming/ My Email:weiming@pacific.net.sg Telephone: 367-0528 | Comments:
Michelle - 01/02/98 09:01:24 My Email:phchow@mbox3.singnet.com.sg Address (optional): Toa Payoh | Comments: Nice page.Just drop in and see.Thanks |
Philip Chuah Meng Heng - 12/26/97 11:41:38 My URL:http://www.moe.edu.sg/schools/sch3234/eca/npcchome.html My Email:hotspring76@hotmail.com | Comments: it is nice experience viewing your webpage, Well Done,RI NPCC UNit. If you are free, come & visit my unit Webpage. See you all in the NPCC Day Parade in 1998... Best of Luck in the 1998 Unit Profiency Award & Tent pitching Compeition. Yours Sincerely, Philip Chuah Ex CI SHUQUN NPCC UNIT AREA 17 |
S/sgt Oh Zongbo - 12/26/97 09:58:53 My Email:zionoh@mbox4.singnet.com.sg | Comments: NOt bad!! Aniwae congrats to RINPCC for getting GOLD this YEAR. (me from AREA 8, chsnpcc) |
Theng Siming - 12/25/97 14:43:31 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/8399 My Email:chsnpcc@geocities.com | Comments: Nice page...... |
regina yip - 12/20/97 06:30:17 My Email:fba60139@leonis.nus.sg Address (optional): ----------- D.O.B. (optional): ----------- | Comments: Interesting! However, will it be better if you add more information on how your school NP is really like? (Just a suggestion) The following message is for SGT Leong Vivien: Although I don't know who you are, I am very sure that you are not the real Vivien because I am very confident that NY cadet would know the basic courtesy of not insulting other unit. Hope that you will be more careful in your words. Thank you! |
Vivien Leong - 12/19/97 12:42:36 My Email:vlyn33@tm.net.my | Comments: Nice site! Pretty cool since it is updated, looks more pro. btw this is the REAL Vivien Leong from nygh, the previous one was a FAKE...To that person who signed in as me--->haha! U got it wrong! i'm still a CP but wish that i get promoted soon! Pls mail m if u see this...i want to noe u...:p |
Choo Yong Guan - 12/18/97 13:53:52 My Email:chooyg@mbox2.singnet.com.sg | Comments: On behalf of Honorary Officers from the NUS-NPCC, I would like to thank the web-master or the RI-NPCC website for linking our very own homepage to yours. May we work closer in all our future endeavours! |
Wai Kok Hoong - 12/14/97 12:54:24 My URL:http://www.nussu.nus.sg/nussu/Nclubsoc/npcc/ My Email:nusnpcc@geocities.com | Comments: Hi! I'm the Executive Officer of NUS NPCC Unit. Just created a link from our website to yours. Hope you can do likewise. Keep the NP spirit high! |
Purple Rain - 12/01/97 09:29:32 My URL:http://s01b97.base.org My Email:purplerain@cheerful.com | Comments: Hi, just came to take a look. Nice page.... Could look a little more pro, though....:) |
EsPiRiT36 - 11/23/97 13:20:49 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/4049 My Email:babypig@rgs.edu.sg. | Comments: woah kewl xia....maybe i shall go make a RGSSB hp too...;) |
Sgt Vivien Leong - 09/26/97 18:27:53 My URL:http://nyghs.com My Email:dontellu.sg | Comments: Wah RINPCC bu cuo leh Hope u guys get gold dis year ( your HOT desperately wants it ), hope that my unit gets somthing better dan best improved To Edward : It's not as GREAT as u claimed ---->P/s Edward made me come!!! |
The Great One - 09/16/97 13:52:42 My Email:hymn@rocketmail.com | Comments: haha... i just remember that i myself haven't signed this page... when so many others have... *paiseh*... anyway this is just to acknowledge the creators lor... wonderful job!!! i must say though... its still pretty unprofessional... but don't worry we'l remedy that right RINPCC? yeah man we can do it... haha and titus you can take the credit and go steal the thing to participate in next year's ThinkQuest '98... i'll chop my head off for you to see if you get first prize okay? so good luck RINPCC... al the best and GO FOR GOLDDDDDDdddddddddd... EuJin |
jun - 09/14/97 09:40:49 My Email:zhenjun@cyberway.com.sg Telephone: y wanna noe? Address (optional): siao D.O.B. (optional): siaosiao | Comments: oki lah on the whole..though must make it more interesting and full wiff contents..=) i like the second page best but must improve on contents lah...but overall on the whole, it's nice and still nice...er...that's all...!!=) |
weiying - 09/07/97 15:16:27 My Email:ice_me.rocketmail.com | Comments: first thing i must say....is anthony advertised this website to mi one.... ur webpage is quite nice .... wat else can i say besides nice? |
zam - 09/07/97 15:15:57 My Email:zingt@cyberway.com.sg | Comments: oki lah... but got some spelling mistakes.... can still improve... can still make it more zai... erm... must THANK anthony wong for letting mi know abt this page. adios |
fank|o2 - 09/06/97 09:24:20 My Email:shaggiedoggie@rocketmail.com Telephone: --- Address (optional): u mean e telephone wasn't optional ? D.O.B. (optional): 230383 | Comments: *cross fingerz* not bad loh......4 a start...hm....... donno wat 2 sey lah ... *hiakz* mebbe we should haffa snnpcc homepage too ! we'll c......den sure nicer dan ur's wan ! |
clement - 09/04/97 08:34:59 My Email:davidlyg@singnet.com.sg Telephone: 7559919 | Comments: A very nice homepage |
Gambit - 09/04/97 07:38:40 My Email:Singapore Telephone: King Of Hearts | Comments: The King of Hearts should always go with the Queen of Spades... MON AMNI This is Gambit signing off..... |
marsupilami - 09/04/97 07:32:27 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/DaddyCool/index.html My Email:musmad@mailexcite.com Telephone: 999 D.O.B. (optional): 31/12/97 | Comments: Nice homepage .....( Zenghao forced me to sign this....pls kill him !!) |
Yeo Kheng Hui - 09/04/97 07:26:34 Telephone: 5634722 | Comments: Hi to all who view this page/ In this modern day and age/ Internet makes possible those/ Pages not made of cellulose/ I hope you enjoy this short poem/ 'Cos right now I'm going home ! Hi! I'm in the GEP. I hope that you will have no discrimination against me just because I am a "GEP" and that all those who read this, esp. those in the Sec 1 squad. Bye for now!! @#%#%$%@%@$!#&^%*%@$*%%$# ha ha |
Anthony Wong (sec2 RINPCC 1997) - 09/01/97 06:36:39 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/1339/index.htm My Email:antwmj@merlion.singnet.com.sg | Comments: Well done, guys! This homepage of RINPCC is so cool! mi simply luv it! i'll get more visitors to RINPCC's homepage...trust mi...*hee* =) Three cheers 4 RINPCC!!! |
The H.O.T's mum - 08/31/97 01:11:18 | Comments: Congfratulations and well done for all your hard work. Now time for a rest.........and start preparing for the finals |
The Overall Cadet I/C 1997--Edward - 08/30/97 06:59:55 My URL:http://www.duh.com | Comments: Congrats guys on our wonderful performanse in the 2nd tier judgement. Quite positive that we'll be able to get the GOLD this year. RINPCC RULZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Tng Pek Hare SO (Adm) - 08/30/97 04:27:28 | Comments: Cogratulations from the team members for the second tier inspection 1997. |
The Cheater - 08/30/97 04:07:22 My URL:http://www.cheats.com My Email:cheatre@hotmail.com Telephone: 5464565464356 Address (optional): 546354654634 D.O.B. (optional): 543654364356 | Comments: Very nice homepage, very nice homepage very nice homepage. cool! keep it up! |
Titus Lee - 08/29/97 13:01:14 My Email:titus@pacific.net.sg D.O.B. (optional): 25-8-83 | Comments: Hey don't you all just love this homepage? (Of cos since im part of the designing team :) ) Well hope u all like the page ... anyway if you have any suggestions or cool links, do email me at titus@pacific.net.sg. Thanx |
Andy a.k.a draco a.k.a AHOL a.k.a bAbabOi - 08/29/97 09:58:00 My URL:http://This is my site.com My Email:U should know! Telephone: U should know too! | Comments: Wo! This is neat man! Good job done by the webpage commitee! All the way,guys!!! |
Shuting - 08/28/97 09:58:58 My Email:shuting@cyberway.com.sg D.O.B. (optional): 23/1/84 | Comments: I am Terrence's fren.Interesting page. |
Shuting - 08/28/97 09:57:28 My Email:shuting@cyberway.com.sg D.O.B. (optional): 23/1/84 | Comments: |
Martian - 08/28/97 04:10:25 My URL:http://www.singway.com/rinpcc My Email:martian@hotmail.com Telephone: 000-0000-MARS Address (optional): Martian, third Rock from the Sun, postal code 566766 D.O.B. (optional): 65-87-0444 B.C. | Comments: COOL HOMEPAGE< PERHAPS NARS SHOYULD INVADE THIS HOMEPAGE CALL IT MARS ATTACKS! Vwery Nice, can i join NPCC too? I think it is really cool! |
Shu - 08/26/97 07:46:16 My URL:http://www.rotten.com My Email:teamtool@geocities.com | Comments: Heh heh heh...trying to add something extra to your testimonial eh.... |
Kevin - 08/26/97 02:44:34 D.O.B. (optional): None of your business!!! | Comments: Page not bad. Colour choices not very ok though, a bit the dull ya. So just keep up the good work. |
Lin Zhikang - 08/26/97 02:32:33 Telephone: 7868476 | Comments: This homepage is very interesting.Keep up the good job. |
Leonard aka dUffY - 08/25/97 12:07:10 My Email:lihan@cyberway.com.sg Telephone: 4420628 D.O.B. (optional): 17/04/82 | Comments: Pretty nice page, Kepp it up & Rafflez 4EVA!!! |
Your H.O.T's father - 08/24/97 15:17:23 My URL:http://nonexistent.com My Email:same as the H.O.T's | Comments: Nice creative work !!!!!! Keep it up!!! RINP RULZ!!!!!!! <------ The supreme majesty H.O.T added this Hahahahahaha>>>>>=0) |
Terence Yeoh a.k.a. HOA '97 - 08/23/97 12:08:41 My Email:thyeoh@mbox3.singnet.com.sg Telephone: 7647833 | Comments: Nice webpage, I especially like that little arrow which says next, very nice. And the organisation chart is quite nice too, only complaint, it takes a bit too long to load the chart. |
Sharon - 08/23/97 11:46:23 My Email:shjoo@rgs.edu.sg | Comments: I'm a fren uv Terrence n I really admire the great works uv RINPCCians...GO RAFFLES !!!!! |
Jevon Li - 08/23/97 11:42:37 My Email:koolio_gel@hotmail.com | Comments: Keep up the good job RINPCC !!!!!! |
Terrence Wong - 08/23/97 11:41:24 My Email:gudboy@hotmail.com Telephone: 7865066 | Comments: well done Karl!...may 'd' best 'b' wif RINPCC !!! ALL THE BEST FER 'd' GOLD !!!!! |
Daniel Ho - 08/23/97 11:22:06 My Email:danielho@rocketmail.com Telephone: 2878245 | Comments: Wonderful job! |
Edward Wee aka H.O.T Overall Cadet i/c 1997 - 08/20/97 07:38:30 My Email:edweews@singnet.com.sg | Comments: Hey Karl Not Bad Kuite a kool page!!!! I wrote "Passion To Lead" u knoe!! Where's mon nom !~!!!!!! To all RINPCCians out there, we've got into the 2nd tier judgement for the unit profin. Lets's go for GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!! The inspection is on 30 Aug 1997! Together we can do it! |
Chan Xiaohui aka wHucaReZz aka sec 1 NCO 1997 - 08/19/97 15:24:02 My URL:visit_mi_at_this_great_site_i_juz_lurve_it My Email:xxxboy@mbox2.singnet.com.sg | Comments: gOOd eFFort karL~! |
Loh Weiwen aka H.O.L. 97! - 08/19/97 10:26:52 My Email:lohww@mbox2.singnet.com.sg Telephone: 3862416 Address (optional): somewhere on Earth! D.O.B. (optional): October | Comments: This page launches tomorrow officially! Hope you guys will be at the computer lab! By the way, nice job, Karl! |
Tan Quan-Wei,Karl Kalani - 08/08/97 10:01:09 My Email:lakk@post1.com | Comments: hi to all u future visitors to this page, mail me your views..... |