Welcome to Duckie's guest book. If you signed her old one, feel free to sign this one, too. Twice if you like! Three times if you dare. But not four times. *Never* sign this guestbook four times or something incredibly evil will happen to me.

Mandi - 11/09/00 03:14:18
My URL:http://geocities.com/nameless_blonde/index.html?973743849390
My Email:Caroiinadaisy@AOL.com
Your favorite Movie: The truth about cats and dogs
Favortite Book: The Collected Poems of T.S. Eliot, 1917-23
Eyes (one or two?): two
Sign: aqua-baby
Favorite Color: blue
Macs or IBMs: Pc, but I love the colors of the IMACs

Very Snazzy Rose... I like the pre-college poetry, kinda reminds me of some one, not sure who. love ya mandi

Uncle Vanya - 11/02/00 18:34:17
My URL:http://www.humboldt.edu/~upward
My Email:jfr7001@humboldt.edu
Your favorite Movie: My Favortite Martian
Favortite Book: Confederacy of Dunces
Eyes (one or two?): have it
Sign: don't wee-wee on your teevee
Favorite Color: lucre
Macs or IBMs: none

Swell sites, full of piss and onager!

cristina - 09/28/00 18:12:47
My URL:http://www.queendork.com
My Email:cristina@queendork.com
Your favorite Movie: Amadeus
Favortite Book: The Great Gatsby
Eyes (one or two?): dos
Sign: pisces
Favorite Color: red
Macs or IBMs: ibms

clever site. ...that's all.

bill of many bevans.....too many - 07/12/00 19:11:37
My URL:/frowntown
My Email:gritmachine@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: bloody americans
Favortite Book: river horse
Eyes (one or two?): 2....3....4...5.....6....
Sign: holy $#! 
Favorite Color: simsimsallabim
Macs or IBMs: aaaaaaaahhhcchooooooooo.,........both

Buy it at 
Insound! its what the kids are into! read ..... things that help him think of stuff in how to do things like living in a plastic bubble that explanes him not very well but he understands not to the point that he would get it right. which then he would walk only two steps to indacate that he has completed his mission to confuse himself by not understanding the mission brought out to him.he finds a nother person that thinks that the sun is to bright and thoughtless of things to do right.he walked backwards and found some trash that he threw away on his way to the dump only to forget what his mission was to do again.as he ponders a new plan he finds a twig and throws it in the air .and it never comes back and then it makes. sense.if you know what he is talking about he will get very mad and insane. he will get in to his car and drive away for a long year to only find out that you were right.you get in his car and drive across the red sea braking his sense to navagate his brain into the right direction.will he crack or will he find a nother to obsess. mabey he will just find a bed Śnd finaly go to sleep.he did and his dreams had an effect on his life that in the morning he could olny think of smearing the jelly. as he walked out of his house he went to i.h.o.p.it is were i stand no more than my self and a girl who plots things in the corner of my room/////////////\/\/\///// 12:00-2:00 am, on the phone.......of and on

bill.....you know who i am - 06/05/00 19:27:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/frowntown
My Email:the_4th_primary_color@yahoo.com
Your favorite Movie: history of the world part 1
Favortite Book: that one about the freak
Sign: aquaris
Favorite Color: nine popped ballons
Macs or IBMs: either

more often do i wonder if your mind is twisted rose.....i find that mine is neatlyflattend and battterd just to have funn.......i think that im am going to book mark this page 5 times so i can finaly think about something else to complain about

Marcus Sams - 05/17/00 08:08:11
My URL:http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~maraysa
My Email:maraysa@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: right now? The Long Kiss Goodnight, but any other time I coulden't say as a result of far too many!
Favortite Book: Sphere
Eyes (one or two?): 3, and the others on you.
Sign: The Language? Never needed it. I'm blind.
Favorite Color: Most likely apple.
Macs or IBMs: Need U ask??

Well, Well, Well, Miss Duckie.I Must say that it has been 0 so long since we have chatted. Let me count the waves. 1 , 2 , er' 10. For many moons hath passed since our last venture together, an issue to which must be rectified through a progressively pr gressive conduit if you will. When you go back to the village, let me know and I will send my four fastest ships to meet your arival.

Sona Johana Songa Ganga Bean - 05/07/00 04:50:59
My Email:sbehnke@nmt.edu
Your favorite Movie: Right now its Austin Powers 2. Hey I'm dead sexy
Favortite Book: Damnitt I'm just not good at picking favorites!
Eyes (one or two?): two beautiful green eyes
Sign: Aries all the way baby!
Favorite Color: Red
Macs or IBMs: Sorry Rose, IBMs

Well first of all I am disapointed that since I am one of the only people who has known you since we were both in diapers and I am not on your page! Shame on you! If I could figure out anthing more than how to check my email and I made a web page you wou d definetly be on it! But I love you anyway and I still know how to piss you off more than anyone else in the world! P.S. I will check back regularly to see if I've made it to the page yet! Love Ya!

tryingtobehip - 04/04/00 06:33:20
My Email:Amy31878@aol.com
Your favorite Movie: Something too cheesy to admit
Favortite Book: Do magazines count?
Eyes (one or two?): Four - I wear glasses
Sign: Pisces
Favorite Color: Black for clothes, green or beige for other stuff
Macs or IBMs: Gateways for me!

I just wanted to drop by your site and support a fellow Janeboarder.

Ri - 01/26/00 17:50:49
My Email:phaelan@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: Any Marx Bro, Catch-22, Murder by death, Help
Favortite Book: Anything I've read more than six times
Eyes (one or two?): uh...no?
Sign: They're still taking the old one down (Leo)
Favorite Color: rainbow, green
Macs or IBMs: computers must die!

This is the revised version. I didn't have anything better to do. I just love the duck, simple as that, and most likely you who are checking this guestbook. Ama Dura, there's not much else you can

yop - 12/12/99 15:17:51
My Email:yopyop@yop
Your favorite Movie: yop
Favortite Book: post man pat
Eyes (one or two?): yop
Favorite Color: yop
Macs or IBMs: eyebrow

yop yop

al . Dub_star - 12/12/99 02:56:48
My URL:http://www.esatclear.ie/~dubstar/
My Email:alanwye@esatclear.ie
Your favorite Movie: taxi driver or toy story
Favortite Book: exodus by leon uris
Eyes (one or two?): one (when i wink)
Sign: right turn only
Favorite Color: dark
Macs or IBMs: in breadcrumbs or a bun ?

love you site duckie..just love it ill sent you a dream some day oh and your #celtic profils is whaaaaaaay cooler than anyone elses

Ri - 12/08/99 00:41:06
My Email:I think you know
Your favorite Movie: So many!!!
Favortite Book: Catch-22 :)
Eyes (one or two?): two green
Sign: every inch a Leo
Favorite Color: Green
Macs or IBMs: IBMs

Love you.

John Chabowski - 11/11/99 17:42:49
My Email:brad.ski@gateway.net
Your favorite Movie: none
Favortite Book: Leaving home by Garrison Keillor
Eyes (one or two?): five
Sign: Cancer
Favorite Color: reddish
Macs or IBMs: macs


`nik - 11/02/99 02:00:52
My Email:nicholas.m@virgin.net
Your favorite Movie: Too many to even THINK about!
Eyes (one or two?): two: both blue ;)
Sign: Capricorn *not a great believer in that stuff*
Favorite Color: Red
Macs or IBMs: Gateways, actually...;)

Oooohhh....duckster! Nice site you got there! Hope that you are well....really meant what I said about the pics, btw! Have a great evening! Nicholas :)

John Chabowski - 10/31/99 13:15:13
My Email:brad.ski@gateway.net
Your favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
Favortite Book: Don't know right now
Sign: stop and proceed at your caution
Favorite Color: Purple
Macs or IBMs: macs


Laura Willows - 09/15/99 23:19:41
My Email:lwillows@yahoo.com
Your favorite Movie: The Blair Witch Project
Favortite Book: Sophie's World
Eyes (one or two?): yes
Sign: Aries
Favorite Color: dayglo black
Macs or IBMs: Macintosh is better.


Jess - 08/26/99 05:23:51
My Email:Jess_mackhigh@yahoo.com
Your favorite Movie: Scream
Favortite Book: The Beautiful and the Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Eyes (one or two?): two
Sign: taurus
Favorite Color: hunter green
Macs or IBMs: Packard Bell

Cute, Duckie!

Eric C. - 07/30/99 04:18:45
My URL:http://www.theoddessy.com
My Email:afds@zerg.com
Your favorite Movie: STAR WARS!
Favortite Book: Dandelion Wine
Eyes (one or two?): I'll be creative and say 2
Sign: Gemini, The arms baby, the arms!
Favorite Color: Glow in the Dark.
Macs or IBMs: Linux... that should count...

Hey Duckie, Just felt like signing in, loved the questions on the guestbook. What happens if I sign 4 times? TTFN afds

Jon Purinton - 04/23/99 02:35:33
My Email:Evergleam@iname.com
Your favorite Movie: Swingers
Favortite Book: The Great Gatsby
Eyes (one or two?): I'll let you guess...
Sign: Gemini
Favorite Color: Blue
Macs or IBMs: IBMs

Hey Rose. What's it been, almost 6 years? Happy Graduation...I can't believe we made it this far:)

Simon - 04/15/99 09:18:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/32010
My Email:the_wireless_man@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: ???
Favortite Book: ???
Eyes (one or two?): 100434289
Sign: capricorn
Favorite Color: infra red
Macs or IBMs: IBM (I've never used a Mac)

Guestbooks, aren't they brilliant? yesssssssssssssssssssss

Super Nova - 04/13/99 19:18:05
My URL:http://www.freez.com/novatech
My Email:novatech@deskmail.com

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

Christina Kinder - 02/23/99 05:54:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/player/index.html
My Email:christina.kinder@angelfire.com
Your favorite Movie: Like Water for Chocolate
Favortite Book: Year Book ??
Eyes (one or two?): 2 and hazel
Sign: Leo, flirtatious!!!!
Favorite Color: blues, browns,white, GREEN
Macs or IBMs: IBM

Waz Sup girly??? Its been a long time! you better be coming back to UB or Ill have to come all the way down to your house and drag you to UB. OI OI!! I miss you ducks, stay quacking!!! Lovwe Christina Kinder!!!!

Old Fart from Laytonville - 02/17/99 02:43:18
Your favorite Movie: "Magnificent 7" with Toshiro Mifume
Favortite Book: "Krishna Fluting" John Berry
Eyes (one or two?): yes
Macs or IBMs: ibm

Makes me proud of this dinky little town. Thanks....I'll be back.

marissa ann - 02/09/99 19:03:06
My URL:http://members.aol.com/emptystar/index.html
My Email:Emptystar@aol.com
Your favorite Movie: (2) What Dreams May Come and The Naked Lunch
Favortite Book: (2) A Summer To Die and Like Being Killed
Eyes (one or two?): why not 3?
Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Grey
Macs or IBMs: I just use it for pleasure.. IBM clone

I really liked your page except the dreamjournal link didn't work. It's nice to see some decent content on here besides the same old same old like other webpages. I try to be as creative as I can but it's hard, isn't it? Keep up the awesome work! *mari.ssa.* (p.s. thanks for signing my guestbook)

Betty Bolton - 02/06/99 02:29:01
My Email:bolton@mcn.org
Your favorite Movie: Gone with the Wind
Favortite Book: white indian series
Eyes (one or two?): two- I Hope
Sign: cancer
Favorite Color: green
Macs or IBMs: IBM

Well Rose, i havent ever known you real well, only who you belonged too! LOL, But you seem to have your head together real well. I know you will go far! Good luck in the future

Destiny - 02/05/99 05:45:42
My URL:http://members.aol.com/IrishDstny/index.html
My Email:PoetikRiot@aol.com
Your favorite Movie: Empire Records
Favortite Book: Hamlet
Eyes (one or two?): three
Sign: capricorn
Favorite Color: purplishblue

Nice Page, I liked it

Sarah Therens - 01/24/99 05:07:49
My Email:FrogTee@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: that one with that one guy and the other chick, you know, ya!
Favortite Book: Anything by Dean Koontz
Eyes (one or two?): two blue eyes last ime I checked
Sign: what?.....oh, Gemini
Favorite Color: Green
Macs or IBMs: COMPAQ.....?

Rose, update your web page dear! just got an email from my grandma in ohio saying that she saw our high school's webpage, so i figured that maybe I should check it out, and it brough me here! Email me! It's getting too sticky here, I'm gonna bounce. Oh wa t, for anyone that reads this, visit scholarstuff.com and check in to the chat rooms, they rock! Chat with me, "Tee". Bye Rose!

MiriamIda - 12/03/98 19:32:49
My Email:ida@cats.ucsc.edu
Your favorite Movie: Pleasantville
Favortite Book: Taran Wanderer
Eyes (one or two?): three
Sign: Gemini-Cancer-Leo
Favorite Color: Green
Macs or IBMs: Mac

YOur page is quite spectacular, in fact i have added it my homepages bookmarks. . .keep up all the good work, and kudos for the ub yahoo club! :)

anthalus - 11/22/98 05:28:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~anthalus/index.html
My Email:anthalus@webtv.net
Your favorite Movie: the prophecy
Favortite Book: brothers karamozov
Eyes (one or two?): two,green as well
Sign: pisces
Favorite Color: green

hey this is a really wonderful page that you have here. i loved your poetry and the pics of your trip. keep up the good work and if you have time come to my site and visit....

THE ONE AND ONLY JOEISH - 11/13/98 00:59:33
My URL:http:// DUCKS-R-US
My Email:he he he wouldn't you like to know?
Your favorite Movie: BRAZIL
Sign: 50mph oh wait LIBRA
Favorite Color: pick a card any card!!!
Macs or IBMs: no but yes IBM BABY

my one and only duck goddess I do think that we should see less of each other. I love you!!!! :0)

Stefan J. Cronoski - 11/10/98 17:59:36
My URL:Coming Soon!
My Email:swoods@woodland.net
Your favorite Movie: A river Runs Through IT
Favortite Book: The Brothers K
Eyes (one or two?): Three
Sign: Pisces
Favorite Color: Purple
Macs or IBMs: I work on both... But we all know IBMs are better!

Hey, I'm starting to revamp my page... I'll send you the address later... How's the story comin'? Look for me on ICQ! #18257520 Cronius the Silver, LoreKeeper Stefan J. Cronoski, MasterMage

Naomi Grace Hill - 11/03/98 22:38:52
My Email:nomigrace@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: Help
Eyes (one or two?): two
Sign: 1/2 Capricorn, 1/2 Sagittarius
Favorite Color: green
Macs or IBMs: Macs

I love Duckie!!

Feldman - 10/17/98 02:33:39
My Email:elwoodgblues@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: The Blues Brothers
Favortite Book: Tick Tock by Dean Koontz
Eyes (one or two?): two blues eyes
Sign: Taurus (and available, I might add)

Great page Duckie. NSLC RULES!!!

10/13/98 08:55:05
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Lisa Stevens - 09/28/98 02:28:32
My Email:Lisa412@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: All
Favortite Book: Anthem
Eyes (one or two?): two
Sign: libra
Favorite Color: green
Macs or IBMs: ibms

Hey Duckie, it's me again. I'm just cruisin around. I want to chat sometime to try out the new UB club chat room.

Lesley Pories - 09/24/98 22:24:51
My Email:DaleLJP@aol.com
Your favorite Movie: Pride &Predjudice
Favortite Book: anything by John Jakes and Jane Austen
Eyes (one or two?): two; brown
Sign: aries
Favorite Color: blue
Macs or IBMs: Dell

Hey Duckie, you are great for doing this. Too bad it took me forever to figure it out! Hey everyone else, this is Lesley. "Get off the wall!"

Sarah Eisen - 09/15/98 03:49:39
My Email:love2smile_44@yahoo.com
Your favorite Movie: Snow White
Favortite Book: Green Eggs and Ham
Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Green
Macs or IBMs: IBMs

I am glad there is another person in this world that can love an invisible animal. I say this because as I was growing up I had these invisible frogs. They were my best friends. Then as I got older there was one frog in particular that interested me. is name was Wilbur. I didn't know it for a long time, but he liked me too. Finally we got together and we have been seeing eachother for a couple years now. Our relationship is getting pretty serious. I love everthing about him, except for his frog lips and the fact that he is invisible, but no one is perfect. One thing that bothers me is that I can't tell if he is really paying attention when I talk. I can't see his eyes. And my parents want a picture of the happy couple, but when we have the film de eloped all you can see is me. But I guess I will learn to live with it.

nubbinhuee - 07/26/98 00:34:39
My Email:jsullivan@mscc.cc.tn.us
Your favorite Movie: right now it is "Hamlet" the one with Kate Winslet as Ophelia
Favortite Book: Right now it is "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Eyes (one or two?): Two blue
Sign: Aries with Sagittarius rising
Favorite Color: Blue
Macs or IBMs: IBMs

Book and movie preferentials change with time.

Ash Fahrenheit - 06/24/98 16:30:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/AshFahrenheit/
My Email:mr_fahrenheit@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: The RHPS.
Favortite Book: Jitter Bug Perfume
Eyes (one or two?): two I think
Sign: do not park
Favorite Color: all of them
Macs or IBMs: Gateway2000

I bet it is hard to love a duck since they are so fowl.

Katrina de la Torre - 06/18/98 00:25:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/2255/
My Email:tweety18@rocketmail.com
Your favorite Movie: Anne of Green Gables (many others but too long to list)
Favortite Book: (same as above) What can I say, I really like L.M. Montgomery?
Sign: Leo
Favorite Color: dunno
Macs or IBMs: Macs (of course)

Rose, I can't remember whether I've signed ur book before but thanks for visiting my site and signing my gbook. I should've signed this earlier. Anyway, much luck to you in getting into Vassar. I'm really excited about going this fall. I hope to see you on camp s. Neat site btw. The dream journal is a great idea. I can never seem to remember mine though. =]

Bishop^ - 06/10/98 16:53:59
My URL:http://freeside.toyota.com/~edt
My Email:bishop@pobox.com
Your favorite Movie: Spartactus
Favortite Book: Cyrano de Bergerac
Eyes (one or two?): at least three
Sign: "End Speed Limit"
Favorite Color: ultraviolet
Macs or IBMs: Sun!

Keep up the good work, duckiekins.

Seth T - 06/09/98 04:13:40
My Email:Gameshi@hotmail.com
Your favorite Movie: The Hobbit
Favortite Book: The Tommyknockers-Stephen King
Eyes (one or two?): 3(minds eye ;-)
Sign: Virgo/Leo
Favorite Color: green
Macs or IBMs: Either or

The invisible but ever present sister oh mine is on the web, oh my!

Kathy Perez (Joe's mom) remember Joe? - 06/03/98 13:47:16
My Email:kathys@ipa.net

You did a great job on your site and I just wanted to tell you that. I enjoyed learning about how you have grown and changed. If you would like to hear about Joe...e-mail us and I will try to get him to sit down long enough to write a note.......

Steve James - 05/17/98 19:03:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/3931
My Email:stonerose953@yahoo.com
Your favorite Movie: My favourite film is The Shawshank Redemption
Favortite Book: Wallpaper Desings - Volume II
Eyes (one or two?): Walrus
Sign: Sign Convention - this way ->
Favorite Color: Black
Macs or IBMs: ZX Spectrum 128k +2A Action Pack with lightgun


Anne Russell - 05/16/98 16:39:11
My URL:http://students.vassar.edu/~antrusse
My Email:antrussell@vassar.edu
Your favorite Movie: "Harold and Maude"
Favortite Book: I'm torn between Jeffrey Eugenides' "The Virgin Suicides," David Sedaris' "Barrel Fever," and Richard Brautigan's "The Abortion"
Eyes (one or two?): two, sometimes three.
Sign: scorpio, but my favorite sign is this random sign in a field in scotland that says "do not throw rocks at this sign."
Favorite Color: black
Macs or IBMs: Macs are just so much friendlier.

Hey, chickie. Gosh I love filling out guestbooks. Makes me feel important. I'm diggin' the new questions, too. I'll write you a real letter soon...

Dark Steve - 05/13/98 19:07:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/dimension/8130
My Email:S.J.Fearns@warwick.ac.uk
Your favorite Movie: The Craft
Eyes (one or two?): Two, most of the time.
Sign: Negative
Favorite Color: (Purply) black

Well, I felt I had to visit if only out of curiousity about those who stopped by at my place. Hmmm, and not too bad a place it is either. Anyway no doubt I'll be back again sometime, so I'll be seeing you...

Jermaine - 05/11/98 23:24:20
Your favorite Movie: Seven
Favortite Book: The Book of Gothic Curses
Eyes (one or two?): two
Sign: Aries
Favorite Color: Black isn't a color
Macs or IBMs: macs

you're web page rules, duckie old girl! See ya later; I'll look you up when I get a computer...

The Herring - 05/09/98 18:14:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/3932
My Email:fish@herring.co.uk
Your favorite Movie: Seven
Favortite Book: Little Red Book
Eyes (one or two?): Yes
Sign: No
Favorite Color: Black
Macs or IBMs: IBM's

Beware the squirrels...

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