- Nut Maturity in Southwest Georgia is Predicted to be Moderately Late in 2008
- Byrd Pecan - A New Cultivar Producing Early Maturing, High Quality Nuts 5-12-08
- Drought Reduces Georgia’s 2006 Pecan Production 8-23-06
- Georgia’s Pecan Acreage vs. Urbanization 7-18-06
- Pine Vole Destroy Young Pecan Trees Roots 4-14-06
- Notes on the 2005 Pecan Growing Season in Georgia 12-9-05
- Adaptability of Pecan to its Native Range 9-19-05
- Tree Setting
Depth is a Dominant Factor Influencing Wind Resistance in Pecan 8-11-05
- Pecan
Tree Dieback Following 1999-2002 Drought Related to September Rainfall
- A
Climatic Model for Predicting Georgia's Pecan Production
- Comments
on Pecan Scab Control
- Farming
Pecans on the Off-Cycle of Production
- Georgia
Seed Law Amended to Protect Commercial Fruit and Nut Growers
- Impact
of Tree Stand on Pecan Yield
- Kernel
Development in Pecan - A Function of Soil Water
- Leaf
Levels of Zinc Required for Maximum Nut Yield and Vegetative Growth in Pecan
- Nut
Sizing Period in Pecan and Soil Water
- Pecan
Scab and Rain - A Note from the Literature
- Shake
It! Take It Off!
- Pecan
Leaf Scab From Overwintering Lesions - Revisiting Demaree
- Going
Back in Time - A Pictorial History
- Drought
Damages Pecan During the Early Stage of Fruit Development
- Management
of Pecan Nut Growth
- Pecan Insects - The W.
Louis Tedders Collection
- Aphids
- Pecan
leaf casebearer [Acrobasis juglandis (LeBaron)]
- Pecan
nut casebearer, Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig
- Pecan
bud moth [Gretchena bolliana (Slingerland)]
- Pecan
spittlebug, Clastopera achatina Germar
- Pecan
weevil, Curculio caryae (Horn)
- Hickory
shuckworm, Laspeyresia caryana (Fitch)
- Fall
webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury)
- Walnut
caterpilar, Datana integerrima Grote & Robinson
- Upper
surface vein mite, Oligonychus virdis (Banks) - feeds on leaf's
upper surface.
- Pecan
leaf scorch mite, Eotetranychus hicoriae (McGregor) - primarily
feeds on leaflet's undersurface.
- Nut
curculio, Conotrachelus hicoriae (Schoof)
- Red-shoulder
shothole borer, Xylobiops basilaris (Say)
- For other photos
of insects see,
- Pecan
Pollen Can be Stored for Years
- Influence
of Topography, Crop Load, and Irrigation on Pecan Nut Volume and Percentage
Kernel and Implications to Production
- Timing
Pecan Fertilizer Application - A Revisit to the Literature
- Links
Darrell Sparks is a Professor of
Pecan Physiology in the Department of Horticulture
at the University of Georgia, Athens Georgia.
His research includes nutritional requirement, alternate bearing, and climatic
effects on pecans.
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